Saturday 13 June 2009

Barney & Beau..

Just taken these photographs of the little Munchkins and had to share them with you all.
As you can see there is quite a difference in size between the pair of them. There is exactly four weeks between them.
Barney was much smaller then Beau at Birth.
If you click on the pictures they will pop up bigger.


Tippaliisa said...

They look so cute!

Tabitha Corsica said...

Thanks for sharing these pictures, Debbie. I find myself checking your blog frequently for updates on the Moms and the babys and am always happy to see news.


Anonymous said...

What beautiful babies! It looks as though they get along very well; it should be fun to watch them playing together.

Un Taller de Miniaturas said...

Very pretty babies. Thanks for sharing so sweet pictures..!


Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

How absolutely precious!! LOL did Barney tucker Beau out?!@?

Katie said...

I wanna come play with the babies!! Thanks for sharing all these great pictures with us Debbie!!! Makes me miss Wales soooo Much!!! :)

A. Wright said...

Awwwwwwww! Would it be wierd if I just showed up with a big bag of carrots? I knew you wouldn't mind!

Hehehe, thanks for sharing.

Kate said...

Oh so beautiful! The images make me grin from ear to ear. :)

Meli Abellán said...

Debbie they are so cute and growing up!!

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