Well I hope everyone had a lovely Easter..
My dear friend Tanya and her children Ayden & Kiera came up on Thursday.. I love having them here and Tan & I have such a giggle, normally at Mick's expense.. He loves us really.. I really miss them, well to be honest I miss all my friends, but not enough to persuade me to return to England. Tan invited me down for a visit, to catch up
Sunday, Katie Ben's girlfriend arrived and she is staying for two weeks.. Ben & Katie have gone into town today, for a walk about and to visit the Candy Box which is an old fashioned Sweetie Shop in Newcastle Emlyn.
We've ordered some more fencing posts, that will hopefully be here tomorrow, so that we can the little paddock secure and fence off the slope behind the workshop and the railway carriage. I don't want any of the ponies going over the side.. Talking of ponies, not long now till the new arrivals will be with us.. Very busy time ahead..
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