Tuesday 20 January 2015

House Elf ~ The Making of Dobby

 After I made the other Elves, one of my Friends asked me if I could make a Dobby. 
Well I thought I'd give it a go and these pictures showed how he evolved.
I just need to dress him in his Dirty Pillowcase and paint his eyes.
I'm really pleased how he has turned out so far.


Wyrd World Miniatures said...

I think he looks great. Well done.

Chris said...

Very well done, I love your Dobby!

Unknown said...

very impressive

Giac said...

Hello Debbie,
He is fantastic. Your sculpting skills are top notch and you even managed to get his loveable expression. I am impressed!
Big hug,

Caseymini said...

Debbie, Dobby is looking good. I can't wait to see him finished!

Unknown said...

He is a fantastic looking little dobby!

Oh are you getting excited for the new installment of movies ;P I am!

Unknown said...

He is wonderful. Do you sell your Dobby? I'd love to buy one for my Harry Potter display.

Unknown said...

He is wonderful. Do you sell your Dobby? I'd love to buy one for my Harry Potter display.

Jain Squires said...

He's fantastic Debbie. Having done Dobby a couple of times, I know how tricky he can be. Love his expression and he's so small!! xxxx

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