I went to the Hospital on Tuesday to see my Cardiologist.
First off, they couldn't get a Blood Pressure reading. Could get the top one, but not the bottom! Took about eight attempts and then Yeah, they finally got it. (it's all the fluid in my body causing the problem).
My Cardiologist, is totally baffled by all my water retention. She said she could understand it in my leg, where the vein had been compromised. But had no reason why its spreading all over my body! She is arranging for me to hav

e another scan this time on my leg. She wants to rule out any clots! She's also referring me back to the Cardiothoracic Surgeon's at Morriston Hospital in Swansea, for a second opinion. To try and relieve some of the fluid, she also prescribed another water tablet, which I only take half of one, one day a week, with my other water tablets. Its really strong, so after taking it, I have to have a blood test to check my Potassium levels. Well I took it yesterday, and lets say I didn't wander very far from the Loo!. The dreaded Blood Test is tomorrow morning. I'm also going back to Physiotherapy to see if that hel

ps at all. Then back to see her again in four months!!!!...
The frustration for me, is that my Miniature making is not happening. Its the case of the Fat Fingers. My hands are OK first thing, but as soon as I start to do anything, my hands swell and boy do they hurt.
I haven't forgotten about the "Give Away" and will be sorting something very, very shortly. Please bear with me.
The only good thing is that my notebook is over flowing with ideas, so will have plenty to do, once I'm sorted out.
Talking of Making, have you seen my friend
Debie's new sculpt, over on her

He is totally wonderfully Wicked.. I think
Debie's work, is just getting better and better. I'm very lucky to have a few of Debie's, wonderful creations in my collection. Don't you just love his face...LOL