Firstly Thank you everyone that left such lovely comments yesterday on my blog and on my face book page.
As you can imagine I was quite worried about having the Heart Scan today.
I have to say the Lady that did the Scan was lovely and so gentle. She advised us that she couldn't really make any comment about the Scan, as she is not a Consultant Cardiologist.
I was in there for about half an hour and she did let me know that she couldn't find anything nasty. Which I have to say was such a relief.
She also said that she would write up the report today, which will then be passed over to the Cardiologist. I should then get an appointment.
So Good and Bad news really, as we are still no nearer to knowing why I am swelling up and retaining so much fluid. I expect I'll now have to have a battery of tests to find out the what and why fores!
When we got home there had been a phone call from the School, but no message. So I rang the School. Turns out Harry had been playing Rugby today and injured his Ribs in a Scrum. Fortunately our friend went to the School and picked him up, so looks like he will be off now for a couple of days. His Music teacher said he can do his audition for the School production,when he goes back. I blame Mick, he told him to break a leg at the audition today, instead he nearly broke his ribs..LOL
I just asked after you via Nikki! I'm so relieved that you are back home and they haven't kept you in. Well, at least it sounds like nothing nasty is lurking! :o))
Poor ole Harry!! Wish him well!!
Michelle xxx
At least you are at home and that counts something.Let us know your results please and give Harry a good stroke and the best wishes. Hugs Rosanna x
Ooops....poor Harry. That "break a leg" thing only works in the theater, I think :-). Hope he heals fast.
Glad to hear there is nothing nasty regarding your heart scan but that means you still have no answers and there MUST be one....
You just cannot continue all puffy and tired. Hopefully the consultant will see something quickly treatable...something the technician is not trained to evaluate. Then you'll be as right as rain soon.
Love to you all,
Not finding anything obviously wrong should be good. Whatever the reason for the fluid retention, at least that's one option (Hpefully!) out of the way.
Poor Harry! He mus feel so sore.
Was really hoping it would be good news today Debbie, so frustrating for you! Hoping they have some soon though. Poor Harry, it never rains but it pours eh, in more ways than 1! Bet Mick will regret that one! Love to you all, Kate and John xxx
At least she gave you some reassurance that she didn't see anything really bad. We'll be waiting to hear the official report and hoping it's something they can fix without further ado!
And hope your son's ribs will not be too sore! Ben broke his collar bone last year and still has a 'goose egg' where the bones meshed back together.
I feel relief that you do not have detained in hospital, now you try to be calm, you'll see that your cardiologist will tell you soon what to do to your heart!
with regard to Harry, but I say, right now we're worried about his mom had to break his ribs? He wants us worried for him?? brat! LOL
a kiss to you both
At least you are not at thi hospital and is nothing nasty...or it seems good.
Hopefully the doctor will give you a disgnosis soon.
Big hug for you and to your son too
debbie..Glad to hear there is nothing nasty regarding your heart!
i hope they find
the reason for the fluid retention.
get wel soon for you and Harry!
xx marja
Glad to hear you are home. I will keep fingers crossed for good results. I'm sorry Harry got hurt :( Hugs to you both. Kim
Hi Debbie, hope youre feeling reassured at least that nothing nasty showed up, fingers crossed they can find out the problem without too many more tests.
Poor harry ! hope hes on the mend soon too !
julie xxx
Good news that the scan didn't reveal anything to worry about. Hopefully they will find the cause of the swelling and resolve it quickly.
Best wishes to Harry for a speedy recovery. xx
All I can say is - thank goodness Harry's not your doctor, he can't tell the difference between a leg and a rib!!!
Take care, and take it easy!!
Hi Debbie and thanks again for the update. So sorry for Harry. Hope you both are well soon! So happy to hear they let you come home. Rest well dear. We will all be thinking of you.
Hugs, Kathi
Encouraging news, at least. Glad you can be home (albeit taking care of Harry now *grin*). Sending healing thoughts to both of you,
I hope you will soon know what it is all about and be reassured.
still good to hear you're on the mend :)
*huggles gently*
Debbie I hope that you will get better soon, and take care with your heart.
I'm always happy to see you've visited my blog, I haven't gotten around much so I didn't know anything about the scan! Glad you had it checked out, you can't be too careful.
Love and Good health,
Debbie, there is the Kreativ Blogger Award on my blog (genevieveminiacollection.blogspot.com)
You really deserve it, and I hope it will brighten your life a bit.
Best wishes
You poor thing. Hope they find out what's causing the problem and can put it right quick smart.
In the meantime just relax and look after yourself.
Incidentally your cosy caravan hideaway looks great. I am soooo envious!
How good to hear that you are at home and that they did not kept you in! I hope they soon know what is happening to you and make you feel better! Hope Harry will recover fast and wish him well!
I'm hoping things are getting sortred out for you Debbie! Lots of get well vibes winging their way to you as I type! There's an award waiting for you over on my blog.
Hi Debbie, Not sure if the last comment worked! I hope you are feeling a bit better now. I have left an award over on my blog for you.
Take care, Julia xx
Oh, I see now what you were talking about in your comment on my last post. I'm sorry I haven't been by in a few weeks.. as always, sending good thoughts your way, to you and to Harry!
Think positive! xo
...and then there were three...
not only from genesis, but even here, i'm afraid...
i'm here to give you the 'sunshine award' and i see you received it twice...argggggggg
well this means that you have lot of love from all of us...
Theres an award for you on my blog, sorry if you've had it before but you deserve it x
Whew! Back Home... my brain hurts now from sending you so many good 'mental vibes' over the last week.... I am sure they will get to the bottom of this quickly...or it may be something that just 'rights itself' ... always hard to tell with oddities in our body... Hang in there....and now poor Harry...ouchie...ribs hurt when they are messed with...
Big Hugs,(and a gentle pat for Harry)
Hope that you get well soon and your sons audition goes well :)
I'm having the worst flu ever, but now I know what I'll do while laying on the sofa - your work is just amazing so I'll be doing lots of reading :)
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