So sorry for the blog lapse, but I've not been too well over the last week. Started last Monday evening with the sniffles and by Tuesday morning had a full blown cold. Think there's plenty of it going about at the moment. Felt really rough, but muddled through as you do. I've also been having so much trouble with my left leg since the operation, its swelling up all the time and is really sore. But someone in their wisdom decided when my prescription was due last week to stop my water tablet. On Sunday while peeling the Potatoes for dinner, my hands felt peculiar and my arms started to feel really heavy! I noticed that my hands and arms were swelling, managed to get my rings off before they swelled too much. Well by Sunday evening I resembled the Pillsbury Dough Man, if you don't know who that is I've included a picture for you, I could hardly walk. To say its getting me down is an understatement, as I'm normally very active. Went to the Doctors yesterday, who put me on another water tablet and boy do they work. If peeing for Great Britain was a sport I can assure you I'd have won Gold. But at least the swelling is going down. The Doc wants to see me again in two weeks and if he's not happy, he is going to refer me back to the Cardiologist's. Something is obviously not as it should be.
Any way enough of my woes, just wanted to let you all know that our friend Jody Raines who's blog was called Mini Leaps and Bounds has changed the name of her blog to
Peach Blossom Hill. For the full stor

y please call over to Jody's new
blog and see all her wonderful minis.
I'd also like to let you all know that I am now a member of
A.I.M or
Artisans In Miniature, and want to say Thank you to all the members who gave me such a lovely welcome. Hopefully, I'll be sharing my work in the magazine very soon

Geesh Debbie...if it's not onething it's another. I'm sure the Docs will sort out this water retention problem. Of course you know to watch your salt intake. I puffed up the other day just from having wonton soup LOL Felt like I had little piggy eyes ans sausage fingers...
Looking forward to seeing your things in AIM!
Congratulations on becoming a member of A.I.M as you are a great artisan. Your work on wizards and their equipement is second to none. I am also glad that you are starting to fell better and I hope you will be running in the paddocks before too long.
Oh, Debbie, you are so very kind to let everyone know that I haven't dropped off the face of the earth! I know it's my own fault for not being a more consistent blogger as life issues overtake me at times but I am so thankful a few people seem to have found me and maybe this will let everyone else know.
I am so glad the doctors were able to help you. I know that must have been quite scary to start swelling for some unknown reason. I hope you are feeling better and CONGRATS! on being named to A.I.M.! Well deserved.
Thank you again! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it! I never liked the name Mini Leaps and Bounds and don't know why I chose it so when I opened my little Etsy shop with the name Peach Blossom Hill, I decided it was a good time to change.
Stay well!
Sorry to hear how rotten you have been feeling, fingers crossed for you that the new tablets will keep doing the trick and everything will go well from here.
Congrats and a big welcome from me for joining AIM too :0)
Julia xx
tee hee, can I push in the doughboy's tummy>!?!
I hope they can figure out what's causing all the swelling, Debbie. Glad you're feeling better now.
You will be a wonderful addition to AIM!! I haven't been active last couple of months but so enjoy the magazine!
I hope you recover soon!. The uncomfortable truth is that it feel heavy and swollen from fluid retention. Hopefully the new treatment will relieve, if you have to make fewer visits to the bathroom. I'm glad your inclusion in the AIM. Many kisses! Stephanie.
Gosh, you've had a really rotten and ghastly time! I do hope the Doctor's sort you out...it may just be a case of changing your tablets etc. Severe water retention runs in my family, so i have some idea how awful it must have been! Everything crossed for you! ;o)
Congratulations on AIM too! ;o))
Michelle xxx
I sure love that little Dough Boy, but I'm sorry to hear you felt like him! Hope things will be better for you very soon.
Congratulations on your AIM membership! Can't wait to see your work there!
Oh Debbie...water retention sucks....I hope the new meds do the trick and you get sorted out quickly.
Congrats on becoming an AIM member....great organization and they are lucky to get you.
Debbie, stop blowing up like a water baloon! That's not a good thing. I hope that the doctors can make everything all better.
Congrats on the AIM membership. Can't wait to see what you do there!
Get Well Hugs,
So you peed away your swell? Sounds like a plan :). Good to hear you rae getting better and a big congratulations on AIM membership!
Hope all the medical issues get sorted out soon Debbie!
Sorry to hear you're feeling poorly. I hope it all gets better soon and the doctors get a feeling of what they need to do for you! Congrats on being a member of AIM! hugs, ara
Dear Debbie, I am thinking of you. :( I'd like to be a wizardy creature and make you feel better!
Take care
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