A Big Welcome to another two followers they are:-
Dales Dreams who's blog is called Dales_Dreams, and is also a team member of Etsy Mini Makers. Dales Dreams also has an Etsy Shop.
Deborah Lugo who is from Brazil and who's blog is called Feitos Para Lembrar. Some lovely miniature creations on her blog. Make sure you go back and look at the older posts.
As always please go over and say Hi..
On the home front, still no movement with the expectant Mum's. The weather over the last couple of days has been awful, Rain and high winds. I think they are holding on for some warmer weather. Brought three of them in last night to warm up and dry out. We have another 2 Mares that hate being shut in, and get totally stressed so they stayed out, but we confined them to the garden so that we can see them from the House. If they Foal outside and the weather's bad we will bring them in. Once they've had their Foals they will be quite happy to come in, but until that happens they'd rather be outside come rain or shine.. I've put some more pictures of Beau over on my other blog Hericus, if you want to take a peek.
I called my Mom the other day and told her you said all the ladies were standing out back with their legs crossed, and she 'bout died laughing!!! And I loved the rainy weather over there...lol, Yes, I miss the 'stormy' weather!! (But then again, 80s was considered a heat wave, too!...is it still like that?) I know, it doesn't help with the babies coming....but it sure can be relaxing. Maybe the girls are waiting for the rain to stop?? (OH...I just read that you said that, too...lol)
So, tell those girls to uncross their legs, get in the barn, and get 'er done.... cause Ms Katie can't take much more of this suspense!!! LOL....I'm off to the other blog to go check out your pics! :)
Katie your not the only one! We are on tender hooks.I'm walking round like a Zombie. Frightened to sleep in case one of the Mum's needs help. I keep getting up and checking them. I've told them all this morning that now their in the warm stables they can uncross those legs and give birth. I bet their all come at once now..LOL
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