Especially the bit on the bottom " Maximum Media Paranoia Formula"..
I also got one about Pooh Bear & Piglet which was a bit rude, so thought it best not to put that one on here..So I've changed the words. On the photograph you see Piglet and Pooh Bear walking through the Hundred Acre Wood. Piglet, thinks to himself, isn't lovely to have a wonderful friend like Pooh.
Pooh's thinking to himself, if the Pig sneezes, he's dead...
That for some reason just looks... wrong, not to mention lots of people are really paranoid about that. Being paranoid does not help with the problem, at least that is how I feel about that.
I think its funny and reflects a large proportions view on this. Theres more people the die every day because of malaria and no magic cures are being given to them.
I'll shut up now!
So funny!!! And real! As Nikki said there are a lot of more serious diseases on the world killing people.
well I must have a sick sense of humour cos I think its funny !! a giggle is the best medicene after all!
A sick and warped sense of humour is what i like so i'm in on that it's funny.
Mind you, still praying i don't catch it or my family, or my friends.
I must have a sick sense of humour too - love the bit about snotty snouts!
Hee hee love it! One of the young girls at work was convinced you got it from eating sausages ha ha ha! People are funny! As for me I have my usual springtime cold/hayfever and everytime I go into a shop and start coughing you should see everyones faces! They all look at me as if I have it! Feel like putting a sign round my neck saying I have hayfever!
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