Hi everyone.. Just wanted you all to know, that I might not be around for a few days in the blogosphere.
In the every hours of this morning Cameo one of our Mares that was in Foal, gave birth to a little coloured Filly Foal, unfortunately all was not well and I'm sorry to say that the foal has died. As you can imagine I'm a bit out of sorts. Just keeping our fingers crossed that all goes well with the rest of the births.
Run free over Rainbow Bridge Little One...x
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Welcome ....

A very big welcome to three new followers they are:-
George who's blog's are called George the Miniguy and George The Mini Guy.
Kim who's blog is called Flowers and Art.
And last but not least Susan who's blog is called Susan's Mini Talk.
As always please go over and say Hi to these very talented miniaturists..
Monday, 25 May 2009
For Nikki & Jayne...
I took these photo's yesterday for Nikki over at Witch & Wizard Miniatures and Jayne over at Tallulah~Belle Originals.
I promised Jayne that I would take some more pictures for her, once my Foxgloves were out, so that she could keep them for reference. Although after the trials and tribulations making them, I bet Jayne never wants to see a Foxglove again... I've already emailed the photograph's to Jayne..
If you click on the photo's they will pop up bigger so you can see all the detail...
There's some new photographs of Beau over on Hericus Blog. Still waiting for our other Foals!...
Friday, 22 May 2009
Five Fat Puddings...
These are the five fat puddings that are keeping me awake at night.. They are all fit to burst. Five wide loads coming through...
From left to right are Cameo, Chrizzy, Evie, Lil and Muffy.. (if you click on the picture, it will pop up bigger).
I am currently walking around like a Zombie, that looks like it's been dragged through a hedge backwards. I said to Mick this morning that knowing my luck they will all give birth at once. I've got them all in the Garden and little paddock by the house, so I can keep an eye on them from the window's. Not that the plants are very happy about that, since the Ponies are
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Happy Anniversary....
Twenty years! I still can't believe how quickly time passes. We've stuck together through the good and the bad, laughed and cried together and here we are together 20 years later.
Happy Anniversary Mick, I Love You..xxxxx
I'd also like to wish our dear Friends Geoff and N

Also a very Happy Birthday to our friend Ruth, hope you have a good one.. xx
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Katie's Parcel....
The parcel was jammed packed with all manner of wonderful creations.
First off was a little Pony Bag, how sweet is that, which contained 3 lovely pots. These a
Next was a green bag filled with loads of big Candy lollies that are unwrapped, then another lot of Lollies wrapped
Then there was a little Goat bag and inside
Then I opened the cardboard box and inside Katie had made me a framed picture of a Pony. It reminds me of Vikey when he talks to me. No I'm not mad Vikey does talk back when I talk to him.
Then another little bag and tucked inside wrapped in tissue were two little rats, how cute are they. They will be going into Diagon Alley.
Then I opened the blue box and inside I found 20 packets of rock (candy canes). These are all going into "Honeydukes".
Katie I am totally overwhelmed with your kindness. I love everything and its all the more special as you've made it for me. As soon as I can get it all displayed in their new homes I'll take some photo's. xxxx
I've made some wonderful friends through my blog. Aren't Miniaturists wonderful people..x

A Big Welcome to another four followers they are:-
Mini Rivoli who's blog is called Mini Rivoli tout en tout petite. Some wonderful Miniatures on there, make sure to go back and look at the older posts. I think Kim and Mercedes will like some of the Shabby Chic pieces on there...
Paloma who's blog is called Un Taller De Miniaturas Por Paloma. Paloma makes the most wonderful miniature food and has only been blogging since February. Sumaiya will like this blog...
The Ice Queen who's real name is Susan but goes by her alter ego's name Tabitha Corsica, the Ice Queen. Her blog is called The Ice Queen and is mostly magical miniatures. Susan aka Tabitha is very new to the blogoshere and has only been blogging this month. She's already showed some brilliant miniatures that she's made. Just have a look at the scales and Orrerries..
And last but not least is Teresa who's blog is called Inside the Mind Of A Minimadwoman.. Teresa's blog is packed with wonderful photographs of her Miniatures..
As always please go over and say Hi to these very talented Miniaturists..
Just a reminder that I also add all the links over on Tiny Treasures Mini Links. There are hundreds of links over there now..
Kat's Parcel..
Kat sent me some little crates, a couple of little sacks, a garland of leaves and one of her wonderful Miniature Hats. The little Hat is made from fabric. If your a regular reader you'll know that I have quite a collection of Kat's Hats. The top photo is just so
If you click on the photo's they should pop up bigger..
Thank you Kat I really appreciate your kindness.
If you'd like to see some more of Kat's creations please go over and visit he
I'll be back later with what was in Katie's Parcel.. x
I Was Tagged By Tessie..
Last week I was Tagged by Tessie, who is a little Witch that lives with Casey over at Casey's Mini's.
If your a regular reader of Casey's blog, you'll know all about Tessie and her antic's, if not then you must go over and read about her. She has me crying with laughter..
The tag asks you to name six unimportant things that make you happy......Things that make me happy aren't unimportant. Then you have to pass it on to six other people and they have to do the same thing to six others, on to infinity.
So the six things are:-
1. Chocolate
2. Bare feet. (Yes I'm with you there Tessie, I hate wearing shoes in the Summer.)
3. Writing my blogs and sharing them with all my wonderful Miniaturist friends around the world.
4. Reading, especially everyone elses blogs. Its amazing how hours just slip away.
5. Gardening... Well if cultivating Weeds is gardening. (Chelsea Flower Show This Week)
6. Ironing I never do it and that does make me happy...
Now for the Six I have to tag :-
Debie at Piskies and Poppets, who I've had the great pleasure to meet in person. Debie makes the most wonderful Character Sculpts.
Ara at Addams Family Mini-Mansion. Ara's made some amazing mini's for her Mansion. I just love the Organ..
Wendie over at Wendies Mini World. Wendie makes wonderful sculpts. But Wendie doesn't do normal more the unusual..
Marsha over at Sassy Mini Dolls. Have I told you Marsha Loves Pink...LOL
Donna over at Never Enough Time, just go and look at her new Patisserie.
Kat over at Kat The Hat's blog page. Well by now you all know that I Love Kat's Hat's..
If your a regular reader of Casey's blog, you'll know all about Tessie and her antic's, if not then you must go over and read about her. She has me crying with laughter..
The tag asks you to name six unimportant things that make you happy......Things that make me happy aren't unimportant. Then you have to pass it on to six other people and they have to do the same thing to six others, on to infinity.
So the six things are:-
1. Chocolate
2. Bare feet. (Yes I'm with you there Tessie, I hate wearing shoes in the Summer.)
3. Writing my blogs and sharing them with all my wonderful Miniaturist friends around the world.
4. Reading, especially everyone elses blogs. Its amazing how hours just slip away.
5. Gardening... Well if cultivating Weeds is gardening. (Chelsea Flower Show This Week)
6. Ironing I never do it and that does make me happy...
Now for the Six I have to tag :-
Debie at Piskies and Poppets, who I've had the great pleasure to meet in person. Debie makes the most wonderful Character Sculpts.
Ara at Addams Family Mini-Mansion. Ara's made some amazing mini's for her Mansion. I just love the Organ..
Wendie over at Wendies Mini World. Wendie makes wonderful sculpts. But Wendie doesn't do normal more the unusual..
Marsha over at Sassy Mini Dolls. Have I told you Marsha Loves Pink...LOL
Donna over at Never Enough Time, just go and look at her new Patisserie.
Kat over at Kat The Hat's blog page. Well by now you all know that I Love Kat's Hat's..
Monday, 18 May 2009
I hadn't been out to check the post, but the boys checked the box when they came in from school and there was two wonderful parcels in there for me.
The first one was from Katie over at Katie's Clay Corner. It is filled to the brim with all manner of wonderful Miniature surprises. The little note written on the cardboard container did make me laugh. You'll have to read Katie's blog to get the joke. I'll share all the content
The second parcel was from Kat over at Kat The Hat's Blog. It also contained some lovely goodies, again I'll take some pictures to show you all tomorrow.
Thank you both so much, I Love it all and really appreciate your kindness.
After having a really crap day those parcels really cheered me up, then to top it off I looked out of the lounge window and what did I spy the most beautiful rainbow. Without some rain we'd never have Rainbows. I think someone, somewhere is trying to tell me that there is a lot to be Thankful for... xxx
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Nikki's New Creations...

Just wanted to let everyone know that my friend Nikki over at Witch & Wizard Miniatures, has some new creations being listed on EBay this evening at approx 8pm (UK Time).
If you click on the above names it will take you over to Nikki's blog and Ebay Link.

A Big Welcome to another two followers they are:-
Dales Dreams who's blog is called Dales_Dreams, and is also a team member of Etsy Mini Makers. Dales Dreams also has an Etsy Shop.
Deborah Lugo who is from Brazil and who's blog is called Feitos Para Lembrar. Some lovely miniature creations on her blog. Make sure you go back and look at the older posts.
As always please go over and say Hi..
On the home front, still no movement with the expectant Mum's. The weather over the last couple of days has been awful, Rain and high winds. I think they are holding on for some warmer weather. Brought three of them in last night to warm up and dry out. We have another 2 Mares that hate being shut in, and get totally stressed so they stayed out, but we confined them to the garden so that we can see them from the House. If they Foal outside and the weather's bad we will bring them in. Once they've had their Foals they will be quite happy to come in, but until that happens they'd rather be outside come rain or shine.. I've put some more pictures of Beau over on my other blog Hericus, if you want to take a peek.
Friday, 15 May 2009
Welcome,,,, 200th Follower

A Big welcome to three new followers they are:
My youngest Son Harry, (Devilchild), who doesn't have a blog, but likes to be nosy at what I'm posting on my blog.
Fantasy Whispers who's blog is called Fantasy Whispers - The Art Of Vania Cruz-Perez. Vania is a professional Art Doll Sculptor. She has some wonderful pictures of her sculpts on her blog.
Rose who is my 200th Follower. Rose has a blog called B.B.Flocking. Rose also sculpts the most wonderful Ooak Dolls, including Faeries, Elfin and Fairy Tale.
As always please go over and say Hi..
Thank you to all of you that read and leave comments on my blog. I promise I'll be back at my Miniatures as soon as our other Tiny Treasures have arrived...
On the Home front Ed and Mary left this morning. It's been lovely having them here and we've had a great few days. I think their coming back for a return visit very soon. Mary was desperate to see another baby born, but the girls are all crossing their legs. Ed has gone back with a few ideas for some new miniature glass, so can't wait to see what they turn out like.
Little Beau is coming on in leaps and bounds and is all ready a very friendly little Soul.. We are watching another five mares constantly now, as they could give birth at any time.. To say I'm tired is a bit of an understatement, I'm on automatic Pilot at the moment. But as soon as they arrive I'll let you all know.. x
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Happy Birthday Ed..
Mary and Ed have been staying with us this week and today was Ed's 66th Birthday. He took us all out for a meal this evening, but what he didn't know was we had brought him a Triple Chocolate Birthday Cake. So when we came home we surprised him, with his cake. Ed loves chocolate..
We are still awaiting the rest of the Foals, but looks like they are all crossing their legs, so another sleepless night tonight! Little Beau is doing really well and is already quite a little character...
Hopefully, once they have all safely arrived I can get back to my other Tiny Treasures....
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Beautiful Beau...
Thought you might like to see another picture of our Beautiful little Beau. (Please ignore the bags under my eyes and the dodgy hair do..LOL, that's what I look like after not a lot of sleep, I've been checking on the other Mum's to be all through the night). You can also see how massive my hands really are.
Beau's already a really friendly little soul, who's quite happy to come up for a cuddle and a good scratch.. You can see the Eel stripe right down his back. I like to play with and touch the Foals legs every day, so they get used to having their feet lifted for the Blacksmith. He's small enough that I can lift him into my arms and carry him... Mary said she'd like to put him in the boot of her car and take him home with her...
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Update On Our New Arrival (Part 2)...
After much debate last night over this little ones name. We really liked the name that Casey from Casey's Minis, gave us.
So his full pedigree name will be Hericus Bucephalus. Which Casey told us was the name of Alexander the Greats Horse, and means "Great Horse".. We will call him Beau for short..
He's doing really well, charging round the barn like a little race Horse. Took these photo's after he'd crashed out....
Monday, 11 May 2009
Update On Our New Arrival...
Please see go over to Hericus Blog for the update on our new arrival, Pictures and Video...
Our First Arrival...
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Bertie Botts & Chocolate Frogs...
Well what a wonderful surprise I got when I did.
Nestled in the box was a package from Tara over at The Dollshouse At Pooh Corner.
Tara has sent me the most wonderful packages for "Honeydukes". There's four different boxes, Ice Mice, Black Pepper Imps, Bertie Botts every flavour Beans and Chocolate Frogs. Tara had also included a packet of the tiniest little Jelly Beans. I can't wait to get them into "Honeydukes" and I'll take some pictures when I do..
Tara I'm thrilled to bits with them all, Thank you so
I'd also like to apologise to everyone else that's waiting on my parcel's. I haven't been out of the house, for over a week, well only to go food shopping and I haven't been working on my miniatures. I'm just so busy here at the moment with the Ponies, awaiting the arrival of our other Tiny Treasures.. Please bear with me I haven't forgotten you all..
Welcome.. Marlene & Speradora

A Big Welcome to another 2 followers they are:-
Marlene who has two blogs Somerset House, A Project, which is about her Dolls House and Miniatures and Poppy Patchwork which is about her Cross Stitch and other stuff. Marlene's daughter Felicity also has a lovely blog called Mini Vintage Home with is all about her 1940's Dolls House.
Speradora who's blog is called Le Ceramicotte, she sculpts and has shared a wonderful tutorial on there for making hands...
Nikki and JudyC, you might find it useful..
Both of these Ladies are very new to the blogosphere, so please go over and say Hi and give them a big Welcome to the blogosphere..
Friday, 8 May 2009
Swine Flu...

Especially the bit on the bottom " Maximum Media Paranoia Formula"..
I also got one about Pooh Bear & Piglet which was a bit rude, so thought it best not to put that one on here..So I've changed the words. On the photograph you see Piglet and Pooh Bear walking through the Hundred Acre Wood. Piglet, thinks to himself, isn't lovely to have a wonderful friend like Pooh.
Pooh's thinking to himself, if the Pig sneezes, he's dead...
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