Yes, that's me strapped to the bed in a neck brace. Mick and I were involved in a nasty car crash on Sunday, which was not our fault. The Driver of the other Car pulled right across the road in front of us and we literally had no where to go. The force of the impact pushed the car off the road and we came to a stop, literally ten inches from a solid slate wall. Unfortunately, we both ended up in hospital. Mick had bad whip lash and they thought I had broken my neck!. I can honestly say it was extremely scary, especially after all I thought was wrong, was bruising to my sternum and whiplash. But when I was examined and they saw how tender and

swollen my neck was. I was put in a neck brace, then strapped to a bed. I can understand why some people freak out, it one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life. You feel very claustrophobic. Thankfully after 6 hours and loads of X-rays they decided that my neck wasn't broken, but I have torn all the ligaments and muscles in my neck and shoulders. The Doctor warned me that the pain, would get worse, before it gets better, as it takes up to 10 days for all the bruising to come out. I got up yesterday and hurt in places, I didn't even know I had. I'm just so thankful that we are not as badly injured as they first thought. We've certainly got someone looking after us.

So most of this week has been taken up with trying to sort out stuff with the insurance, getting the Rental Car delivered and yesterday the Police came to take a statement from Mick and I. The other driver has admitted it was his fault, so we are hoping that it doesn't drag on for too long.
Ben made this lovely Apple Cake to cheer us up and I have to say it's yummy and I'll definitely be getting him to make it again.
Harry is on work experience this week, with one of our friends and is loving every minute. His School actually broke up yesterday for Summer. It's the
Royal Welsh Show next week, so the Schools generally break up before the schools in England, so that the Farming Families can attend. So he's off now till September!!!!
Last night, at approx Midnight there was something digging on our muck heap. Now we have no light pollution here and it is Pitch Black of a night. If you look at the bottom picture up on the left hand side, can you make out the Grey Shape. It was a Badger, it was totally unfazed at us watching it and carried on merrily digging for worms. I'm hoping that if it comes back tonight, that I might be able to get some better pictures.
glad to hear it's just property damage and no one was seriously hurt, but it will hurt for a bit.
the cake looks delish :)
Ouch that seems hurtful :/
I hope you'll get better soon! And yay for apple cake! He should make cake everyday, maybe with different fruit each time ;)
*healing hugs*
Ooh you poor things :( It's horrible being strapped up like that. I am glad you are both okay although you will hurt for some time :(
Oh I am so glad to hear that you are both alright. What a nightmare for you. BIG HUGS and best wishes for a swift recovery. XXX
Oh my goodness Debbie...it never rains huh. How scary for you. I know you are both hurting but I am so pleased it wasn't as bad as it could have been.
Hope the insurance gets sorted out nice and quickly for you.
Love to you both xxxx
Thank goodness you're both ok, get well soon x
OMG Debbie, that's awful for you, but I'm pleased that no serious damage has been done to either of you. Thankfully the car can be replaced. I'm sure your sons will look after you while you recover, the cake looks delicious :o).
Hope you have a speedy recovery.
Hugs, Kerry.x.
So glad to hear that you will be ok....I can only imagine how frightened you must have been. Take care and that apple cake looks delicious.
Debbie, how terrible for you!! I am happy to hear that it wasn't as serious as they thought at first!
Healing thoughts. Get well soon.
How awful! So sorry to hear about your accident - hope you begin to feel better soon! Sending best wishes & hugs! x
I am so glad that you are both ok. You poor thing you look scared. A BIG HUG take it easy for the next while. Hugs Maria
Glad to hear you are both ok and will heal.
Debie xxx
Cannot believe my eyes while reading. Thankfully it looks worst than it is but, OMG, it must have been scary. A big gentle hug and best wishes to you both. Rosanna
Happy to hear you were not seriously hurt. Lots of wishes of fast recovery from me to both of you:)
Que bueno que ustedes estan con vida que es lo importante.
A cuidarse mucho para reponerse pronto.
Un abrazo desde México.
Get well soon, this is such a bad thing to have happen. Car crashes hurt in so many ways mind, body and purse.
Best wishes to you and your husband. Hope you'll get better soon!
So thankful that you were not seriously hurt. Bruises on your sternum. Wow. You certainly don't need that after all you have been through! I hope all of the aches and pains go away soon.
Ben's cake looks delicious! Would he mind sharing his recipe? I love anything made with apples! YUM!
Take care. I wish you well.
Debbie, I am so sorry it happened to you. Fortunately for both of you, no serious injuries. In our city each summer they perform road constructions on freeway, that goes through the city, and on the main roads as well. It is the best time to sit at home. I am always watching around while driving: you never know, they try to pass you, they are speeding, they all think that car accidents can happen to somebody but not to them. Today we were witnesses of how a big truck hit a speeding motorcycle on the freeway. It is really scary. I wish you to recover fast and with less pain. Hugs, Natalia.
Deb. You don't know how glad I am that you are on the mend. I think you have a lot of things to do all of the time. I know you want to take care of your family and your animals. I hope your recuperation is very quick.
Hola, al ver la foto me temí lo peor, espero que este mejor aunque es una lesión muy dolorosa, lo se por experiencia.
Un gran abrazo y que se mejore pronto.
Hi, saw the picture I feared the worst, I hope this is better but very painful injury, I know from experience.
A big hug and to improve soon.
Oh Debbie! I don't think I'd like being stapped down eiher! But I am sooo glad you and Mick are OK!! I bet that apple cake made you feel better:) It sure does look yummy! And I'm hoping the badger comes back too- I'd love to see more pictures! They remind me of being a little girl, and my Dad reading Wind and the Willows to me... Badger was one of his favorite characters- and he did the voices, too:)
I sure hope you have a speedy recovery! Take it EASY_ Cause we all know you need reminding of that!!
So sorry to hear that Debbie but glad to read that you haven't broken anywhere. Hubby & I had a lovely long holiday in North Wales and I thought of you, wondering which part of Wales you live in, I just looked at your profile and now I know ;)
Get well soon,
p.s if you did get the chance please share the recipe to that lovely cake, looks yummy :)
What an awful experience Debbie. So frightening for you all. Sit back and relax for the next few days methinks, and enjoy more apple cake! Yummy hubbie!
Bless you both, that could have been even more horrific that it was. I hope you recover very quickly with the least amount of discomfort!
Oh Debbie, hope you and Mick are getting better. I am so happy that although it was a nightmare but none of you seriously hurt.
Take care, a lot of besos (kisses) from Terrassa (Barcelona)
Hope you feel better soon! My brother fractured his spine (thankfully a stable one) and tore lots of ligaments and he said after 3 months he was 100% again (and 100% to him means kayaking, unicycling, rock climbing and other dangerous pursuits). Here's to a swift and healthy recovery! I hope the other driver learnt a thing or two.
Debió de sentirse muy asustada, debe ser una experiencia dura y terrible, gracias que solo han habido daños materiales, pero debe dar que pensar que es facil perderlo todo de un plumazo, asi que querida amiga debemos valorar el dia a dia con sus pequeños placeres, las cosas diarias deben aportarnos serenidad y felicidad, como esa apetitosa tarta hecha con tanto amor y cariño, recibe un cordial y caluroso abrazo mio.
Debió de sentirse muy asustada, debe ser una experiencia dura y terrible, gracias que solo han habido daños materiales, pero debe dar que pensar que es facil perderlo todo de un plumazo, asi que querida amiga debemos valorar el dia a dia con sus pequeños placeres, las cosas diarias deben aportarnos serenidad y felicidad, como esa apetitosa tarta hecha con tanto amor y cariño, recibe un cordial y caluroso abrazo mio.
Que terrible accidente y que susto. Espero que pronto se encuentren mejor
Un beso
Demos gracias a Dios porque todo ha quedado en un susto tremendo y no es nada grave.
Mis mejores deseos de recuperación.
Besos, Narán
Hope you get well soon! Thankfully everyone's alive! God bless!
Debbie, I am shocked to read that! Hope you and Mick will be feel better really soon.
Big hugs,
Ive just got back from a week in the rain in the not so sunny Isle of Wight Debbie. SO pleased to hear your ok and recovering hun! Kate xxx
¡¡vaya !! menudo susto
espero que la recuperacion sea lo mas rapida posible
un beso desde españa
So sorry to hear about your accident. Thank goodness everyone is ok!
Deb, I'm dreadfully sorry to hear of your unfortunate "encounter." I agree with you, SOMEONE was watching out for you! Torn anything is the pits, and it takes a very long time for them to heal in the best of situations. Prayers to you and Mick for a speedy recovery.
Best wishes , http://www.the-mouse-mansion.blogspot.com/ , Karina
Debbie, I am late at reading your post. I hope you feel well by now and send you my best wishes for a complete recovery.
very relieved your injuries are not any worse - what a horrible experience. Get better soon.
We had an accident in France 3 years ago with someone driving into the back of our caravan, fortunately although it was a frightening experience, there were no injuries, but it is only in the past month that we've finally got the 3rd party back from the foreign insurance company for the caravan, so I hope your insurance claim is much quicker.
¡Que susto tan tremendo! Me alegra que solo haya sido eso y que tanto tu como tu marido esten bien...Cuidate...
Happy to hear you were not seriously hurt. Lots of wishes of fast recovery...Hugs
Oh no! Hope you feel better soon :)
O GOD* so sorry ...I hope you have a good recovery !
big gentle hugs my dear ♥
Hope you and Hubby are feeling better now Deb. What a horrible thing to go through.
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