Tuesday 8 February 2011

Its All Kat's Fault...

Sorry Kat, but I blame you for this...
I was talking to Kat, the other day and she wanted to know where to get hold of some miniature Bear fabric. Now me being me, told her not to worry, I have some somewhere and will dig it out for her, as I used to make Miniature Bears.
So I've started digging through loads of boxes and came across some of my own Miniature Bear Collection. Then decided that instead of putting them back in the boxes, would try and find some where to display them. Which meant moving loads of stuff around, so that I could get a free shelf in the display cupboard in the Boys sitting room. This was working wonderfully, then I came across another lot in another box and then some more. So I've had to cram them all on the shelf and I know me being me, there are some more somewhere.
Kat, I'm getting there and I am determined to find it. I'm going back for another rummage and could be some time...


Caseymini said...

Debbie, the collection is spectacular!!! Love them all, but especially the last one. You need a teddy bear shop in mini.

Keep digging!

Unknown said...

Wow all they all miniature bears???
I have just 1 special bear, made for me by M-tje and that is my whole collection,lol!

Amazingthe size of your collection Debbie and they are all gorgeous!


Michelle said...

Oh my what a wonderful collection! So many to see! I collect mini bears myself and I keep mine out in my bedroom. ;o))

Michelle xxx

Witchkrafting with Kat said...

Ha ha ha ha! I am so sorry I take full Responsibility! ;-D What a lot of wonderful tiny bears I love the one at the bottom he has such a nice face. I bet you enjoyed going through them though ha ha ha!

Catherine said...


They are WONDERFUL!!! you need to build them a teddy bear shop so you can display them.

Crafts From The Stash said...

Debs I am sure there was some bear fabric in the drawers in your storage towers in the Kitchen.

I am sure that you do have some more bears.

Lorra Luffies

Debie xxxxxxxxxxxx

BiWuBär said...

Quite a collection... a big "Thank you" to Kat for bringing you to dig those poor fellows out. They really deserve to get a little more spotlight - or at least a little sunlight. You did miniature bears, too? Did you give it up because of health problems or because the miniature making took it all from you? I would really like to see some Debbie-Bears... ;O)

Birgit (and of course Flutterby who is reliefed that all these little ones were rescued from the boxes)

Unknown said...

All I can say is Good Grief!!!
They're gorgeous

Unknown said...

All I can say is good Grief!!

Tabitha Corsica said...

Holy macaroni Batman...look at all those bears!!!What a wonderful collection and I am sure they are all thrilled to see the light of day! Didn't it make you smile to see them again? ;-> <3

I love how they are all cuddled togther on the shelf, looking very pleased with themselves.

Thank you, Kat, for being the reason behind this re-discovery.

Thmini2 said...

They are wonderful! I bet you are glad to see them all again. They look great all together. But I have to say I love the last one...but then again I haven't seen the others up close. lol.

rosanna said...

Ohhhhh, a dropping jaw makes noise ? it's incredible, I have never seen so many mini bears. Actually I've never see so many bears of any size. they are so cute.

Drora's minimundo said...

Its a fabulous collection. They are all so cute. You can make a toy factory and show some little bears in several stages of being worked.

The Old Maid said...

This is awesome!! GREAT collection Debbie!:D Thanks Kat!;D

Dark Squirrel Victoria said...

I love Teddy Bears :) what a wonderful collection Debbie.

Victoria ♥

Kathi said...

Wow! They are wonderful, each and every one! Love the little Panda and the ones with the spots. I think they need to have a picnic!


My Wee Life said...

They are gorgous - if you need a teddysitter, I'm your person :) Wish you still made miniature bears!

Brujita said...

wowwww Debbie... Your mini Teddy Bear collection is wonderful...!!! they are all so cute and beautiful...
I love teddy bears....

Chris v said...

I bet you an bearly move around with so many bears! But we'll bear with you... do we sense a giveaway coming on? ha!

Betty said...

Wow Debbie, that is quite a bear collection! Your hands must be very busy when you made them! Glad you showed me your collection!

Anonymous said...

ooo myyyyyyyyyyyy look at them all smiling :) fabulous collection Debbie :D Linda x

onbeingaminimum said...

Wow! Now that's what I call a collection! How nice to get them out of their hiding places Debbie.
Have you found what you were looking for yet?

Ara said...

They're all so cute! I would have moved a household to find a shelf for them too! hugs, ara

Anonymous said...

What fantastic colletion of bears, I´m a little jeluous.

Cate and David said...

What a splendid collection!

Bea (Fiona) Broadwood said...

Debbie that is one serious collection - go girl!

Margriet said...

I'm glad they have a nice place now...bears don't belong in boxes ;-) I love your collection!!!

bogna said...

Debbie, I blame you if I start to collect mini bears - this collection looks great!

Patty said...

Debbie, They are all so wonderful! What a great collection!

miniaturista said...

menuda colección de ositos, son preciosos.
Un abrazo

DollMum said...

Open more boxes please! and get more display shelves - what is the point of having them all hidden away - they are wonderful.

Jollie said...

Hi Debbie,

What a adorable bear collection! I just love them!

Thank you so much for putting my blog on your link page :)

Hugs, Jollie

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