Its a bit of a tradition now, that I have a Birthday Give away.
Well this year is no different. Although its a bit late.
Because its a Birthday Give Away, its a surprise as to what's in the box!
Last year it was a Bone China Bathroom Set, made by Robert Mack of Mack Fine China. Which was won by the lovely Doreen.
The year before it was a Reutter Gold Plated Porcelain Tea Set, that was won by Casey, although Tessie nabbed it.
Now the rules are:-
1. That you must be a follower of this blog, either on the blogger followers list or the networked blog list and your answer must be placed in the comments on this post only..
2. The question I'd like answering is:- I did some Baking on the 11th January. (See this post). I filled seven tins with cakes, but some didn't make it into the tins. ( I have a Hubby and Son that like cakes straight from the oven). How many individual cakes did I make? All the correct answers will go in the hat.
You have until 21st January to enter... Good Luck everyone...
omg!!! i'm zooming in and trying to count them my daughter thinks i've finally lost the plot hahahaha i go for 120.... what a hoot!!! :D Linda x
I will go for 108 but your such a tease I could easily tuck into all of them they are making me hungry lol x
ohhhhhh¡¡ I find 134 on tins, but how many can eat a husband plus a son????My experience said about 10, so total 144¡
I know is late, but happy birthday Debbie
What a lovely idea Debbe, I'm going for 90,
Mary x
I like surprises very much ;))))) ehhh 106 ? greetz karina
Debbie, since Tessie won two years ago, I doubt that I will win again, so I am just going to say a whole bunch of cakes were made! I think that I would like the recipe. They look really good!
I think your husband and your son are very greedy.
So I say that there are 118 in the boxes and then there were 20 other desserts.
Then I think you had made 148 cakes.
Thanks for this surprice!!
Woooh ! I like the idea and I like the surprise , well I will go for 121 ;) Mini hugs from Belgium, Marie
I'm taking a wild guess! 104 cakes?
How many of them are still not eaten? That might be a good second guess. I'm guessing there are only 34 left! LOL
This is a great fun idea for the giveaway :o) I reckon you made 10 trays of small cakes and a giant one for the main Birthday cake? which would be 2 layers so my guess is 122 x
My guess is 140! Happy late Birthday! I agree with Casey. I would love to have the recipes.
Gosh, this is hard;D I think in the tins there were around 126 or 128 cakes;) plus what the gents could eat straight from the oven, then I guess it could be 140?;D
Thanks for this give-away Debbie!
I have been getting this feed in my google reader for quite a while now and so I thought I was following this blog. I was apparently wrong and am following it now.
I say 150 cakes.
Happy birthday!
That's a great idea for a giveaway, thank you very much - but very hard to guess... I think there are about 120 tasty cakes in the tins - so let's say you've made a total of 135. Whatever the correct answer may be, you've made a lot... ;O)
Have a great weekend!
ha ha ha, that would be me, eating them before making the tin! BOY that was a LOT of baking!! I'll say 120!
Ha ...Ha...I like surprise et I found the question funny.
So , I think 128 cakes.
this is very difficult to count, but I try.
considering what I can count in the boxes, there are:
48 in total in the purple box.
18 in the blue box.
18 in the red box (because even if it is closed, it has the same capacity of the blue.
26 in the rectangular box.
14 in the pink box, even if no one can see.
Therefore, a total of 124.
I have no idea how many sweets, your men have eaten.
In addition, there is the possibility that the red tray on the left there are other desserts, but I do not know quantify!
then I say 124, from what I see, and I hope to have guessed!
many more wishes for your birthday!
This give away is too funny!
kisses, Caterina
I'm just going to guess that you baked 132 cakes in all.Thanks for sharing you BD....was fun!!
I'm going to say a huge batch that made lots of cakes like you did in your post. I can't look at the cakes anymore, I am drooling more than Merlin.
Victoria ♥
Que divertido adivinar! yo creo que entre los de las latas, y los que se han comido...150? Felicidades por tu aniversario de blog!!
I will go for 96. It's never too late to wish you a happy birthday and may there be lots more ahead
:-) I think that you baked 130 cakes! Happy birthday Debbie!
Ack, now you've got me hungry again !! My guess is 144, being 12 dozen. If I'm right your boys sure can pack away the goodies :)
I am going to guess 150 cakes. Oooh what a long day in the kitchen. :-)
debbie what fun a new give away!
more late congratulations
iam late
I had my mother to move ..
what's a mountain cake's ..
I think you've have made 128 cake's
and the boys have eaten 25
so you need about 103 cacke's left over..
Hugs marja
Oh, math! Why did you have to make this so hard? lol
I think you made a hundred and thirty six and they ate all but a dozen and a half. ;)
Did I win? lol ;)
Happy Birthday again, Debbie, this is a nice way to celebrate. :) thank you. :)
I think 112 in total...but I'm not sure! Does'n matter.....I would like to partecipate too!
My WAG (wild a$$ guess) is 132...but then I have no idea how many your two could eat before you boxed them. Mine have been know to scarf down a dozen cookies before they are even cool...
And I'd like it if you'd post the recipe for the ones that look cream filled...yum!
Guessing 114...in 7 Tins
Adivina...adivinanza....yo creo que 124.
Un sorteo muy divertido!!!
Feliz fin de semana
besitos ascension
I think it´s about 85 cakes
I like your to be surprised
Bufffffff ¡¡¡ que dificil aunque yo diria que hay unos 116 o 120 no estoy segura, pero me he divertido mucho ¡¡¡¡
Un beso ¡¡¡¡
i think there are 140 cakes.;)
I would say 121. WOW! This is hard!
I'm guessing 130. This is so not fair, lol - I'm trying to stop eating after the holiday binge, and these look so tasty! I'm drooling here. . .
Oh my some competition! lol lol
Well I've had a good look and a quick add up and I think you made in total 135..it's anyone's guess what your men ate!
Michelle xxxx
I shal try with 128 in the boxes and how many in your men's tummies ? too many to count ;o) Thank you Debbie, this is fun. Hugs Rosanna
Well, this is a bit of a guess.... but here goes. How about 108? And a very happy birthday to you!!!
I'm going to guess 118....anyways thats a whole darn lot of cakes! They look delish...as my son would say!
¡¡Felicidades Debbie...!! ¡¡Que sorteo más divertido...!! y que pastelillos más apetitosos... el aroma a bizcochos recien horneados debió invadir toda tu casa...vaya montonada... Entre los de las latas y los que se debieron comer sin dejar enfriar, yo diría que fueron 145 o más...
Hi Debbie, What a fun give away. My guess is 122. I hope the prize is a tin of those yummy looking little cakes.Thanks so much for the chance my lovely friend Big hugs~ Kim
Debbie, What a great giveaway game!!! LOL....I am counting about 116 cakes visible in your photo and would suspect that 4 had been eaten before the photo(2 each)???
120 cakes
great gifts that you got!!!
Actually.....now that I looked again I bet it was more like 124 because it looks like one whole layer from the pink tub is gone! LOL
This is going to be tough, since we don't know how many your guys ate. I think there are 124 in the tins and maybe between the three men they ate 9-12? I'm going to guess 136 total cakes baked! =D
I'm going to guess 144. I counted up cakes and then figured on the next multiple of 12.
Happy Birthday again!
Happy Birthday Debbie, My guess is 96.
I'll go for 128 !
what a great idea for a giveaway !
bet those cakes were delicious :0)
julie xx
What a wonderful idea for a give-away...I'm guessing 132 cakes!!!
Let me guess! I have counted around 125 in tins (is a huge number of cupcakes!!!!) and perhaps 10 cupcakes more were eaten...
I would say 135 cupcakes!! :) :)
Dear Debbie,
I wish you Happy Birthday !
I would say you was very very busy and have baked 128 tasty cakes.
Yummy, would love to eat one of these cakes (-:
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe 101! :-)
My guess is 132! They look delicious.
I would like partecipate too!
Well....I think 128????
Thank you for the chance to count me in for this give away!
Hugs, Sabiha
haha Debbie this is nuts! Ok i think you made 135 cakes. I could fancy one right now actually lol xx
Feliz cumpleaños!
Yo pienso que son ¿130? :)
Happy birthday!
I think they are 130? :)
I am guessing that you made 11 batches of 12... meaning 132 total baked...
I only find 106 in the open tins and I'm averaging 16 for the unopened tin...
So I figure hungry hubby + hungry son = 10 cakes total eaten
Great way to do a giveaway!
*crosses fingers*
Wow! What a big batch of cakes.... I am dying to try the cream filled one! :) I will guess 132 total baked. This is a fun giveaway.
Happy Birthday Debbie! (Late of course!) Like the others I have counted and guessed... what a LOT of cakes! I am drooling.... but I guess there are 124 cakes in the tins and at least 20 eaten by three hungry or was that 4 hungry men? So I say a round twelve dozen cakes! But only Two Kinds of cakes! Now I' really hungry! LOL!
Im going to say 160. Im not doing my minis but if im right with my guess, can you give it to the person thats nearest to my number.
Just wanted to join in for fun and see if im right, lol.
Nikki xxx
I'm going to guess 144. The cakes I can see are 124 & you said the guys ate some before they made it to the tins, so....
Even if late, happy birthday Debbie!
I tink the cakes are 124.
Hugs and kisses, Fabiola
I think you baked 138 cakes, and now I'm so hungry thinking about those cakes that I have to go get something to eat!
Happy Belated Birthday, Debbie!
There seems to be an average of eight cakes on the top layer of each tin, times two layers per tin, times eight tins . . , I'd say 128 Cakes in total
You made a whole tonne of cakes Debbie....... :o) they look delicious too..... my guess is 128 xxx
I admire your productivity! Based on the picture, I'm guessing 120? This is, of course, assuming you made them in batches of even dozens, and not bakers' dozens.
Sooo many cakes.. I'm going to guess at 130 I bet they were all delicous :)
Julia xxx
Hmmm.... I am guessing there were about 104 in the tins and then add 10ish more that didn't make it.... So I'll guess the weird number of 114! Love to try one of those - they look wonderful!! hugs, ara
Hey Girl ! I guess you baked 140 !? Well anyway they all looked so GOOD! I don´t blame your hubby and son for eating them right from the baking tray !
A big hug from México !
Hi Deb ! I guess you made alot of them...hahaha! about 96!!!
love your blog, you know that !!!
A big from Mexico.
What a great idea.....i am going for 111.
Now I am going to check out all your birthday goodies
I would say 100.
Hola!! Yo diria que 126, por decir algo. Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo.
Hi Debby, I already admired your delicious cakes when you first posted them and just counted 123, I think :-). What a lovely idea to make this a contest!!
I think there are 126 in the tins and your son and husband had 10?
So I will go for a total of 136 :-)
A bit late but congratulations on your birthday.
Hmmmmm... I'm say 107. It's a great game... and a late "Happy Birthday" for you!
Greetings from PuNo/Monika
At a guess I am going to say 140, there are so many and they look so delicious, well done for making lovely cakes xxx
Love your butterfly cakes! I think you made 134 cakes...thanks for the birthday fun!
Happy Birthday! I would love to enter your giveaway! I am going to say there are 122 cakes in your tins :o) Wow, you were a busy lady!
I think you made 128 cakes, happy belated birthday
Im going for 103 Debbie. They look so scrummy
Happy birthday Debbie!!!147?
Happy Birthday Debbie!
It's a bit early in the day for maths here...ok, it's almost 8am but it is still the holidays, lol!
Liberty thinks 117 is a good number of cakes - and now she's seen all those fabulous cakes of yours I think I'm in for a day of baking!
I counted at least 122 cakes in the 7 tins-Happy Birthday Deb
Well after reading all the comments, I am so confused, by I decided, I go for 127 (LOL)
First of all, Happy belated Birthday! I think it is adorable that the men in your life eat the sweets you make. My guess is 118 (although it looks like you made other cakes too). What a wonderful way to share your birthday with the rest of us.
Thanks for organising this. Such a fun giveaway!
I am going to guess 112 and since it does not say that they necessarily eat the cakes, just that they like cakes fresh out the oven, I am giving the little window of opportunity for that part of the question. LOL
Mending from Surgery in NYC/They sure do look good and Happy Belated.
i'll will take a wild guess so to celebrate my birthday.lol
My guess is 110 cakes....
A very very happy birthday to you and to me:--)
grtz jacqueline
Jejeje Debbie Los números y yo no somos muy amigos jeje pero ¿ Serán 126? O =
Feliz aniversario!!!!!!
Ahora lo pongo en mi blog ( =
Un abrazo
Thanks for the reminder Debbie, I have no idea at all but I'll go with 126
hola divertido sorteo ,yo creo que 125 pasteles ,me encantaria participar ,,besoss
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