Monday 24 January 2011

Birthday Give Away ....Winner

Firstly, I apologise for being late with this. I got a bit carried away over the weekend, looking through hundreds of old photographs and to be totally honest, forgot to announce the winner..

Thank you to everyone that entered, I can't believe how close some of you got.

But the only one that got the correct answer was.................................................................... Alison from Bliss Miniatures. She was correct in saying that I made 134 cakes...
Many Congratulations Alison, please contact me with your full postal address and I'll get your gift in the


Michelle said...

LOL I was out bar one! lol lol Well done Alison!! :o))

Michelle xxx

BiWuBär said...

Congratulations to Alison, very good guessing. But I'm a teeny tiny bit proud of myself, too - I guessed 135 - if that isn't a close miss I don't know (LOL). Thank you so much, Debbie, that was real fun!

Wishing you a great week

Rosella said...

thank you for this opportunity and congratulations to Alison!!

Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

Congrrats, Alison!

Boy, Debbie, that was a LOT of cakes!!!!


Dark Squirrel Victoria said...

Congrats to Alison! I enjoyed seeing your old photos on FB yesterday Debbie :)

Victoria ♥

Catherine said...

Congratulations Alison how exciting!!!

Thank you Debbie. That really was fun. I am now guessing all the cakes vanished in less than 5 days. ;-))

Ascension said...

Enhorabuena a la ganadora.
Y gracias a ti por este divertido sorteo.
besitos ascension

Kathi said...

Congratulations Alison! I was WAY off the count. Sure wish I could have eaten ONE of those cakes myself!

rosanna said...

Congratulations to Allison.
And congrats to you; it's an awesome lot of cakes that you baked ! Do you think to open a shop? Hugs Rosanna

Alison Shibata said...

Thanks, everyone! I'm so excited!!! Debbie, I can't believe it...usually I have no luck with giveaways or contests. Your birthday posts were fun, thanks again. Happy day!

onbeingaminimum said...

Congratulations Alison. Lovely idea for your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

woohoooo yayyyyy congrats Alison :D ....i still say the dog ate some hahahah Linda x

Lataina said...

That was a fun giveaway! Congrats to Alison. =)

MrsPitStop said...

Congratulations Alison, Thanks Debbie for the opportunity x

kimsminiatures said...

Congrats Alison, Thanks for the wonderful give away Debbie. Hugs~ Kim

Witchkrafting with Kat said...

Well done Alison :-)

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