Sunday 30 January 2011

Avon Resin Room Sets.....

Can you remember last year, I showed you all some Resin Room Sets, that were made by Avon, that I have in my collection. Well just before Christmas, while I was having a look through Ebay. I came across the two sets, that I had missing. The Bathroom Set and The Kitchen Set. I put in a bid on both sets and won them both. I'm over the moon with them, as its taken years to find them.
The only thing missing now is the House, that Avon did to display the collection. But I think this was only available in the States. (The top two photographs, I found on Ebay in one of the discussion groups). If you click on the pictures, they should pop up bigger. The little sets are 1:24th Scale and I do have a little 1:24th Cottage, that they would look lovely in, or I may have a go at building a little House, to hang on the wall, like the Avon House was supposed to...

Linda,has just contacted me about these sets, after seeing this post. Avon did them in Australia as well, but are totally different to ours. She kindly gave me a link to the Australian Ebay link, where you can also see the Family, that they did and the sets that were available there. Linda has just taken a picture of the House she built for her sets of Resin Furniture. Its 2am in Australia and Linda, can't sleep as its too Hot, its 3pm here and freezing. I've asked her to send some of the Sunshine over here. Thank you so much for the picture and the links Linda, but I really think you should be in Bed now...LOL


Anonymous said...

cute...i have these too but some are a bit different...they made a family too...on aus ebay right now if you havent got them...i've seen the house over here on ebay too but i made one myself for my detailed them :D Linda x

Debbie said...

Linda, I'd love to see your sets. I've heard the American sets were slightly different to the ones in the UK..x

The Old Maid said...

The sets look so pretty. Hope you will find a good house for them one day Debbie:)

CA Verstraete said...

I liked those sets too and will use them in a few of my houses. I have the den, porch and bedroom I think. I have to look. The den has a nice couch and chair.

Jollie said...

These sets are very beautiful Debbie! Good for you that you have won them on eBay! :)


Dark Squirrel Victoria said...

Nice collection Debbie. I think it would be fun to build a wall hanging house for your collection.

Victoria ♥

Unknown said...

So sweet and so tiny...gongrtas with your newpurchasesfor your
collection Debbie!

Ara said...

These are such fun sets! I didn't even know they existed! I should ask my Aunt about them because she used to sell Avon for years! I wonderful if she has any clients that collected them all! Thanks for sharing, Ara

Alison Shibata said...

Precious sets, Debbie! Would love to see your entire collection in the setting you choose :)

Sans! said...

Avon pieces are collectors items aren't they? I can imagine how thrilled you must have been to have won both.

Lena said...

Are any of you ready to sell your Avon house and sets? Or do you know where some are for sale? I have some kits but need others and the houses. Lena Campbell

Lady Jane said...

My friend bought some sets on eBay and they are wonderful. Pictures don't do them justice. She bought a house to put them in. Cute as a button.

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