Saturday 4 December 2010

Annie Lennox - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

Totally Love the Video that goes with this song. Reminds me of an old Book illustration brought to life..


Robin said...

THANK YOU! FANTASTIC! I love Annie Lennox anyway! Made my evening!!

Anonymous said...

omg!!! i love it!!! definately on the Christmas pressie list :D she has such command and prescence...thanks Debbie :D Linda x

rosanna said...

Love Annie and I love the videothank you for sharing. Hugs Rosanna

Pubdoll said...

Fabulous video, and I agree with you, it really does look like illustrations from a book! I love Annie Lennox and loved the Eurythmics
in the eighties, and whata coincidence, earlier today I used the lyrics from one of their songs as a headline for my post :-)
Thank you so much for sharing!

Sans! said...

Debbie! *screeching . You have struck gold , my dear! This is now my all time favourite christmas video and Christmas carol. I am not a fan of christmas songs until this one. Fabulous choice!

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