Saturday 6 November 2010

Under The Weather....

Just to let everyone know that I'm still alive and kicking but feeling pretty miserable and under the weather at the moment.
As quite a few of you already know, after I had the Angiogram's on the 28th October, I was in quite a lot of pain in my arm and ended up being taken into Hospital on Sunday. They put me on a drip and put my arm up in the air. They thought that I'd had a bleed in the arm that had got into my muscles, causing compartment syndrome. Well what ever it is, its the Pain from Hell. I came home late on Tuesday, dosed up with Morphine and enough Painkillers to down an Elephant. It's still bad but it is easing.
Thank you to everyone that has sent Get Well Wishes, emails, cards, and telephoned. I'm finding it too painful to sit on the Computer for long, and seem to have got up this morning with a temperature, so might not be around for a few more days... Hopefully catch up with you all soon.. xxx


Whittaker's Miniatures said...

Dear Debbie about time something started going right for you healthwise eh! Rest up and feel much better soon, we are all thinking of you and sending our love and hugs, Kate and Family xxxxxxx

Catherine / Mooghiscath said...

Bon rétablissement .

Marfolhuz miniatures said...

Dear Debbie,
I hope you feel better soon!
Best wishes,

Dark Squirrel Victoria said...

Get Well Soon Debbie

(((Lots of Hugs)))


Anonymous said...

it can only get better :) Linda x

rosanna said...

Debbie dearest, I'm happy to read that at least you are at home. Get well soon but take your time, Lots of hugs Rosanna

Sandra Morris said...

So sorry to hear you're feeling so rough.
You need lots of rest and TLC from everyone around you.
Hope you feel much, much better soon.

Take care

Misty's Creations said...

How awful, I'm so sorry you were sick. Glad they are making you better. Take it easy, with love,

Katie said...

Oh Honey! I sure hope they get this fixed for you soon! Hang in there! Big Hugs!

joy said...

Sending loads of get well wishes to you xxxxxxx

miniacollection said...

Get well soon!

Eva said...

I am so sorry to read this dear Debbie. Take your time ann take care.
Hope you feel better soon.
A big big hug and besos :)

Cheryl @ Bingle Bears said...


Susanne said...

Hope you will get well soon, Debbie!
Love, Susanne

Caseymini said...

Debbie, Here's hoping that they get to the bottom of the trouble and you feel better soon!

Hugs and love,

Kathi said...

Awwww. Bless your sweet heart. So sorry to hear you are still having so much pain. Hope the fever subsides and you are able to rest today. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Catherine said...


I am so sorry to hear it. I hope you will be feeling better very soon.
Catherine XXX

BiWuBär said...

Ohhh, that's real bad news... I hope you're feeling better every day! Get well soon!


Fiver said...

I'm so sorry to hear about this Debbie. Why does bad shit happen to good people? I hope you're feeling better real soon. Lots of Hugs

The Old Maid said...

Dear Debbie so sorry to hear you are not well still. Pray for your health to get better and better.

KC-Design said...

Debbie, I am so sorry to read that you feel bad.
I hope you will feel better very soon,
big hugs,

DollMum said...

Get better soon Debbie. I wish the medical folk get your health back on a good track very soon.
Love DollMum

Lataina said...

Get well soon!! =)

onbeingaminimum said...

Take care and wishing you a speedy recovery.

dreamkeeperfae said...

hope that they find out soon what is going on, so you can get feeling better again, lot's of love and hugs, Andrea

linsminis said...

Oh Debbie.....I hope you are beginning to feel better....hugs..Linda

Anonymous said...

Ah Debbie, I sure hope things start to go better for you soon.It has been a rough ride. But on a better note it is fantastic to see that you have over 600 followers. WOW. Get well soon love.

Ana Anselmo said...

I hope you get well very, very soon!!!!
Lots of hugs

Witchkrafting with Kat said...

Get well soon Debbie, we all miss you in Blog land and facebook. Big hugs from me and Pickle the dog xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Cottage Kitty Miniatures by Julie Lawton said...

Oh Debbie all I can say is I hope you start feeling better soon and they get you sorted out asap! sending lots of love,best wishes and hugs, hoping everyone takes care of you, lol Julie p.s we MISS you lots:(

Glenda said...

Lots of love and good wishes, dear lady!!
xxx Glenda

Cia of Briarwood Studio said...

Pamper yourself, you deserve it. Hope the pain continues to get better from here on out.


Jain Squires said...

Hi Debbie, I have not been reading blogs much lately, but have just being catching up. So sorry to hear you have been having such a bad time healthwise. Hope you are feeling a whole lot better by now. Love Jain xx

Crafts From The Stash said...

Hope you feel better Debs xxxxx

oooooooooooooober luffies

Debie xxxxxxxxxxx

Mags Cassidy said...

Sending positive thoughts and well wishes your way, #Debbie.
We all miss you when you are not around!

My Wee Life said...

Oh I hope you are feeling better soon - take care and don't do too much at all.

KK said...

Just to say I really hope you feel better soon Debbie - sending lots of love you way!
Must just also say huge thanks for following my blog, I am so honoured!
Mini hugs, Helen! :) x

Karin F. said...

speedy recovery!!!!!
hugs Karin

Sans! said...

Debbie, I have popped over here to catch up on all the posts that I have missed while I was away . I have read them all now :):).

In some ways, I am glad this post was made about 1 week ago and that things must have improved since . This made me even more appreciative of the fact that you came and left such a sweet comment on my last post. Thank you!

I am always eager to hear that health wise you are doing better, so do always keep us posted.

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