Some more followers have joined the throng this week. A big Welcome to you all, they are:-
Penni Frampton who's blog is called Modern Dolls House. Penni has some lovely modern minatures in her Dolls House and has just designed a beautiful bed.
Rosamargarita who's blog is called La Tapatia. Lots and Lots of miniatures on here.
Carol Ann who's blog is called Un-Wound. Carol makes reinterpreted dolls and does misc crafty things.
Carolyn who's blog is called The Patchwork Ark. Carolyn makes Miniature Artist Bears and Dolls. Last but not least is "Rainbow Rose" Connie Faulconer, who has two blogs:- Rainbow Rose Photography and Tattin"N" Craftin" RainbowRose.
As always please go over and say Hello...
Muchas fracias or la bienvenida y presentación Debbie! un placer leerte
Thank you for the mention, that's very kind of you Px
Thank you Debbie :o)
Hi Debbie i see you looked at my blog thankyou, am now folowing yours too. Look forward to lots of visists and chats, also i live in Broadstairs, Kent, whereabouts in Kent did you live , chat son Chrissey
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