Monday 11 October 2010

Nikki's Miniatures...

A couple of weeks ago, Nikki made some great little Skele Bottles and a few other bits.
I loved the Skele Bottle, even Ben wanted one. It reminded us of Jack The Pumpkin King, from Nightmare Before Christmas, which is one of Ben's favourite films.
So I sat very patiently at the PC, as Nikki listed all her little creations, in her Etsy Shop. If you've ever tried to win anything when Nikki's listing, you've got to be extremely quick on the buttons, or else poof its gone.
I really thought that I'd missed out on the Skele Bottle, as it didn't show to start with. But when I came to pay the invoice, there it was. I also managed to get a Candle Bottle, a Pumpkin Jar and a set of Nikki's candles. Nikki also kindly popped one of her Brooms in the parcel for me to finish. Thanks Nikki... xxx
I've got loads more Miniatures to show you, but need to take some photographs...


Anonymous said...

oooooooooo nice!!!! i missed out on that auction but i managed to snag 4 of Nikki's things this time....had to set my alarm and stagger out of bed at 6.30am due to the time zones but it was soooooo worth it...what fun refreshing that etsy page!!!! :P i'm so excited to get my things :D Linda x

Julia and Hywel said...

I had lots of 'poof and they were gone' moments! I'm sure microsoft are starting to fear Nikki's listing nights, the networks must go crazy with everybody hitting enter at the same time lol. I did manage to get a candle bottle though and Nikki kindly sent a broom. I also managed to get 2 things this time :0)Your skele bottle is terrific :)
Julia xxx

Michelle said...

Nikki's work is also amazing and extremely well crafted! I am so glad that you managed to buy the pieces that you wanted. I wanted and bought a skele bottle myself and I secretly wanted one with its mouth more open (some where more closed) and low and behold I received one I wanted!! Nikki must have read my mind! lol

I agree that you do have to move at warp speed to be able to acquire any of her work. Don't ask me how, but I managed to be the first buyer for all her multiples.

I think as Nikki's fan based increases her work will be ever harder to acquire, but hopefully by then I might have completed my own projects! lol :o))

I look forward to seeing more of your mini's!

I hope to reply to your email later today too!

Michelle xxxxx

Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

I love her pumpkin guys! It's the pitts being on a budget, LOL

You got some wonderful goodies, Debbie!


BiWuBär said...

You sure must have lucky fingers - or fast ones? Anyway, congratulations on your wonderful items. I was able to grab me a skele bottle, too - it's adorable. It's great to have something so gorgeous for the project's foreground, maybe the own minis in the background are outlighted by its glory (lol).


Tabitha Corsica said...

I really like the skele-bottle but my all time favorites are the drippy candles with faces. You did very well acquiring your things, Deb. My fingers are not so nimble, apparently, as I was not very successful this time around. There will always be a demand for Nikki's work because it is exquisitely made and always something new.

Crafts From The Stash said...

They are all great Debs but the skelebottle is my fave.

Lorra Luffies

Debie xxxxxxxx

nikkinikkinikki72 said...

Blushing here!

Did you notice i listed pumpkin pot with a face C twice.
Contacted the lady and making another.
See what panicking does to me, lol.

Debbie said...

I did notice Nikki. I'm sure the Lady won't

nikkinikkinikki72 said...

Not heard back from the lady yet. Hope she will be ok about this.

PAKY said...

So nice miniatures! I like all! Nikki is a great miniaturist! greetings

Whittaker's Miniatures said...

I love all Nikkis goodies! Well done on bagging so many. I get so frustrated, I dont know how to be any quicker, I refresh every second like a loony and still dont get to them before others even with Emilys new speedy PC!!!! oh well its not meant to be! Have fun housing all your goodies Debbie, Kate xxx

onbeingaminimum said...

Gosh you do have to be so quick! But it is great fun

Lisa said...

Hi Debbie,

I love the skele bottle, Nikki is very talented! I fancy having a dabble on etsy myself... maybe one day!
I'm not the best follower, but you have been so kind to me, I promise to be better :)
Mini Hugs, Lisa x

Unknown said...

Una compra excelente. Enhorabuena por tu rapidez con el pc.
Besos Clara

Witchkrafting with Kat said...

Cool creations from Nikki, I never win anything my button finger is too slow ha ha! I have a wonderful cooker Nikki made many moons ago and it's still my favourite miniature.

May said...

Enhorabuena por tu destreza para conseguir tanta maravilla.
Besitos, May

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