Monday, 2 August 2010

AIM Magazine & Congratulations Ben...

The new issue of the A.I.M, on line magazine is out. Its a bumper issue and is absolutely packed with features.
I've not really had a chance to read through it all yet, but there are some really lovely articles and how to's in there this month. Congratulations to all the team that put the magazine together, its a brilliant magazine.

As you all know Debie, from Piskies & Poppets and her lovely family are spending a week with us in Wales. They did all arrive safely, on Saturday, after a mega seven hour trip! Lets just say Debie, won't be using the Sat Nav again to go home.
Yesterday, we all went to the Beach and Debie's little chap thoroughly enjoyed himself, launching himself straight into the water. Debie's eldest Daughter Courtney, got soaked running in fully clothed to get him! Lets just say there was plenty of hysterical laughter.
After we'd all had Dinner yesterday and I was baking. Debie sat at the table, and showed me how she sculpts a head!. She's one, very clever lady. Hopefully, we will both get five minutes this week to sit down and play with the clay.
They've all gone out today. Hopefully they will find their way back here, without the use of the Sat Nav..LOL
In other news on the home front. I'm pleased to report that Ben passed his driving test this morning. We are so pleased for him. Well done and Congratulations Ben. He's gone out with his Dad, to fill up the petrol tank and check the air in his Tyres! He's also going on the Pass Plus course later this month, which when completed lowers his insurance, because let me tell you it costs a fortune, to insure them in there own right. We had some laughable quotes, of nearly £3,000 and that's not fully comprehensive, just third party, fire and theft. Still, I've shopped around and saved a small fortune.
Be back later in the week, with an update...xxxx


Tabitha Corsica said...

Glad to here they arrived safe and sound. Sometimes there is nothing like a good, old fashioned paper map or someone's carefully dictated directions...

The cost of insuring a teenage boy to drive once he has a permanent license is astronomical here also. Even with the Driver's Ed, good grades and Honor Society, our first quote was over $2,000 to add him to our current policy. Shopping around got it down to $1600. Until they are 25, insurance will continue to be high for males though, frankly, I think teenage girls are worse drivers....

Enjoy your week with your guests. I'd love a week with another mini friend :-(

The Old Maid said...

Glad to read you have a good time together!
Congrats to Ben! The insurance for young drivers is expensive here too.
Enjoy your time with the guests.:)

Kathi said...

Congratulations on being chosen the AIM blog of the month Debbie! You certainly deserve your time in the spotlight!
Hope you and the other Debie :D have some time with clay this week. Sure sounds like fun!
I would be running into the water just like her son, clothes and all! LOL

Dragonstar said...

Congratulations Ben! I was going to rant about insurance in Ireland - but it seems to be the same everywhere!

shannonc60 said...

Yay for Ben! And sounds like you guys had a fun day, despite the mammoth drive!

Witchkrafting with Kat said...

Glad you are all having such fun :-) Congratulations to Ben xx

Tallulah Belle said...

Congrats Ben...a huge step in to the big wild world.

Like Tabs said, insurance here for teens is astronomical too. It was stupid high for me because they didn't count all the time I'd been driving in England grr.

Congrats on your part in the mag
as well Debbie.

The little one looks like he is having a wonderful I am sure you all are.

Unknown said...

Bienvenida a mi joven blog, gracias por hacerte seguidora de el. Espero que te gusten mis trabajos.
Me alegro que hayas pasado un dia en la playa con los niños. Enhorabuena a tu hijo por el carnet de conducir. Besos Clara

DollMum said...

Well done Ben, and thanks for the tip about pass plus. Although it isn't for another 4 years, I'll need to use this for my daughter when she passes her test.

I'm glad Debie and family arrived safely and are having a good time with you. Seeing friends is always good, whatever the weather, and making things together is always great fun. Happy Holidays.

onbeingaminimum said...

Have a great week with lots of mini chats.
Insuring dependent kids first time is a nightmare. I have three insured on one car 17,19 and 21....the car was cheaper!

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