Wow..Five Hundred Followers and Counting on my Google Followers Gadget.
That doesn't include, all my lovely followers over on Facebook, that are following me, on my Networked Blog gadget.
I still can't believe, that there are so many of you, dropping in to listen to my ramblings.
Before I welcome our "New friends", I'd just like to say "Thank You", to all the "Old Friends", that have stuck with me since the very beginning. I am so glad to be part of, the ever growing Miniature Community, in the Blogosphere. Thank you all, for the wonderful comments and support that you've always given me. I need you all to know, just how much that has meant to me, especially when I was seriously ill last year and for your continuing support on my long Road to recovery.
I have a note book full of ideas, that hopefully, when the swelling goes down in my hands, I will get started on!...
Anyway with out further ado, please Welcome:-
Heather who has
three blogs. Heather has been blogging about her miniatures, over on her blog called
Diary Of A Dollhouse.
Patty from over on
Mini Babies Blog. Who makes the most wonderful Mini Babies and has only just started blogging. Patty is doing a class with Rik Pierce at the end of July, to build "The Crooked House". Lucky Lady.
Caroline, who unfortunately I can't find any information on. Caroline if you have a blog, please let me know, so that I can share your link.
Martimez who has three
blogs, here's a link to one of them
17pillanat, and joins us from Hungary.
Deb from over at
Deb's Minis. Deb is very well known in the Mini World. Deb is not feeling too well at the moment, so I hope you will all join me in wishing her well. xxx
Jain who was a follower, over on her old blog, but had a few problems with it and has just started her new blog
The Giddy Kipper. Jain makes the most wonderful Miniature character's. See the previous post on this page, for more information and pictures on Jain's Work.
Last but not least is Angela. Angela is currently building a 1:24th Scale Gypsy Caravan over on her blog
A Trifle Small. Also have a look at her Astoria Trio, especially if you like Gothic.
As always please go over and say Hi...xxx
I'd also like to let everyone know, that Julie from over on
Bellabelle's Blog, has added a
"For Sale" page on her blog. Here's what Julie had to say:-
I have now got my For Sale page up and running.
I will be updating it regularly with all kinds of characters from witches and ghosts to sweet toddlers and mucky servants !
Check back to see what's new.
I will still be running my Ebay auctions and
Etsy store as usual.
For Sale page is just another way to buy for those that like a buy it now price, or just prefer to buy direct from the seller without the wait for a commission piece .
Wishing every success with the new
"For Sale" page Julie...xxxx
I'd also like to "Congratulate" Emily,
Kate's Daughter on her wonderful Fashion Exhibition. Good Luck at University Emily and Courtney,
Debie's Daughter, on her Honour's Degree, good Luck with the job search. Very well done to the both of you. I wish you both every success and may all your Dreams come true.
Kate &
Debie you must be so proud of your beautiful Girls and rightly so...xxxx
Now that I have passed this big milestone on my blog, I feel its time to have another "Give Away". Once I've decided what & when, I'll let you all know how. xxxx
I did have to laugh yesterday, when Ben showed us around the little room, off the Art room, that they use for the Photography class and I spied a poster on the wall. If you look at the very bottom photograph, you'll see why. He gets everywhere doesn't he.....