I'm hoping that I will get some answers today, to this ongoing saga of all this water retention.
As I said before, I started off on 2mg of a water tablet and I'm now on 80mg.Which is not doing my Kidneys any favours and it means regular Blood Tests, my least favourite thing. I am so totally fed up with it and I really need to get back into shape as I can't get any of my clothes on. I'm living in Track Suit bottoms.
Mick has threatened to leave me at the Hospital, if they can't give us any answers. So if you don't hear from me, you know he has carried out his treat..LOL
We are still awaiting the arrival of this years Foals. The expectant Mum's are fit to burst and it could be any time now, so we are on full Foal alert. What's the betting, it will all happen while we are at the Hospital today. We also have a Sick Pony at the moment, who is getting round the clock care. I called the Vet out last week, as I was really worried that we were going to lose her. She's currently being dosed with antibiotics and a supplement to help with her appetite, as she'd gone right off her food. Which has to be given by Syringe. I'm pleased to say that she ate three large buckets of freshly picked Grass yesterday. Yes, I went and picked it for her. Her blood tests showed that she had, had an infection but she is now getting over it. Hopefully, she has now turned the corner. So has you can imagine, I'm keeping everything crossed, which is a good thing on these water tablets...LOL
Best of luck at the hospital today Debbie! I hope the full Foal alert holds off till your return.
Good luck Debbie I hope you get some answers
I will be here tomorrow or later when you post again about the results
well I hope they have an answer for you today that is as quick & easy to fix as your ponies recent ailment and that you will soon be fit and well and running about the field with your new foals :o)
muchluvs x
well I hope they have an answer for you today that is as quick & easy to fix as your ponies recent ailment and that you will soon be fit and well and running about the field with your new foals :o)
muchluvs x
Hope all goes well today for you and the new mommies!
good luck Debbie, I hope everything will be OK
I'll cross everything for you too Debbie!
Good luck and best wishes for today. By the time I comment you will probably already have left for hospital. Mic, don't leave her there! We would miss her. I hope everything goes well with the ponies.
The very best of luck Debbie-and hugs too.Carolx
I'll wait with all your friends and family. Best wishes and warm hugs to you from all of us. Rosanna
All the best, Debbie, for you, the foal and the expectant equine mothers :) I hope there are some answers for you today.
Lots of love to you today... hoping you come home too.
Let us all know asap how you get on.
Nikki xxx
Hope you fell better and get some answers, it all sounds very uncomfortable.
hopre everything goes well for you today...with hospital, pony & foaling & you end up with some answers & results.
hugs Karin
Good luck today Debbie. Will be thinking of you and hoping you get some answers to sort it out once and for all.
Julia xxx
Best of luck Debs and fingers crossed you will get some answers.
Lorra Luffies
Debie xxxxx
Creo que no tenemos que decirle que todos quedamos pendientes de sus resultados, y le mandamos toda nuestra mejor energĂa junto con un gran abrazo.
I believe that we do not have to say to him that we all stay earrings of his results, and we order him all our better energy together with a great embrace.
Wow so much going on Debbie. i hope you will find your much needed answers. Also I will hope the foals can hold off a day or 2. I will watch for your news about your health. Hugs my friend. Kim Oh and I so glad to hear baby pony is feeling better and eating :)
sending loads and loads of luck your way today Debbie- hope that you get some answers and that your sick pony continues to improve ♥
Keeping my fingers crossed that you come home from the hospital with answers. I know how frustrating that can be!
Hope the babies wait till you come home and glad to hear the ill one is doing better :)
Oh Debbie, I hope they figure something out for you! I've had to take fluid tablets all my life, found they work best at night but a bit of a nuisance having to get up a few times, but I feel great in the morning. So exciting about your pony's. Great to hear your sick pony is on the mend.
Debbie I have tried five times to leave a post re your health.Keep getting an error message bX-6rScyo
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