I've been remiss and not welcomed some new followers. I apologise for being so tardy.
They are:-
O-bet who's blog is called obetbears. Beautiful miniature Bears.
Lotti who's blog is called Was ist los in Wuselhausen. Lotti has some wonderful Witchy miniatures.
Miniaturemaid who unfortunately I can't found a blog for. If you have a blog please let me know and I'll add your link.
Moni, who's blog is called Mona's Miniaturen. Some wonderful miniatures on here, go and have a look at Hagrid's Hut and her Crooked House.
Luna who has two blogs Dollhouse & Miniature Association of Malaysia and Atelier Luna. Both blogs are filled with Miniatures.
Cheryl who's blog is called A Miniature Place. Thank you for giving me your link Cheryl.
Alex Pribnow who is a UK based artist/sculpter and had two blogs Malice In Underland and Leaque Of Eggstraordinary Beasts.
Mirel Korhonen who's blog is called Minimami, lots of lovely miniatures on here. Thank you Mirel for giving me your link.
Enchanticals link to her Etsy shop is also called Enchanticals. Lots of lovely Miniatures for sale.
Lotte who's blog is called Loten Nukkekotipaivakirja. Lotte makes the most wonderful little shoes and boots, amongst other things.
Kaleidoskopic Romance who's blog is called Kassandra's Miniature Blog .Kassandra is also having a miniature Birthday give away on her blog.
Troy Bettridge who's blog is called Tulsa Tiny Stuff. Troy has only been blogging this month, but it looks like his whole family are involved in Miniatures.
Puppenstubennostalgie who's blog is called PuNo's Minis 1:12. Some lovely little settings on here.
Eli en Karina, who's blog is called The Mouse Mansion. If you haven't been over to this blog, I recommend you do. The Mouse Mansion is incredible.
And last but not least Follettosem who's blog is called Qualcosa di Speciale.
As always please go over and say Hello....
Gosh Debbie, you started off like a Victorian Novelist there!
Some lovely blogs to follow and off to delve further into the Hagrids hut one.
Nikki xxx
LOL Nikki, just seen what I'd written and I've edited it..
Hi Debbie, thanks for the visit :)
Here is a link to my blog, in case you want to include it:
Ooh... an editor now too! Oh lol
Hello Debbi! I peep here often, you have a very nice blog, love your minis.
My blog:
Mirel I've added the link to your blog, thank you for getting in touch..x
Kaleidoskopic Romance I've already included your link in the post, if you take the curser over the name of each blog and click on it, it will take you to that blog. x
Hi Debbie, You will find me here http://aminiatureplace.blogspot.com/
Thanks for looking for me.
regards, Cheryl
Cheryl I've updated your link. Thank you for getting in touch..x
Thank you Debbie for your welcomed. The blog you found Il mondo magico di Fabiola is my old web site that is impossible to update. This is the link to my new web site: http://sites.google.com/site/miominimondo
and this is the link to my blog: http://fabiolamiominimondo.blogspot.com
Now I'll include your link in my blog.
Regards Fabiola
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