I've received another blog award from Brujita at
Brujitaminis. Thank you very much.
That now means I have to pass this one on to another 15 people. So with the one I received yesterday from Lenira at
Minimundomania, thats 30 people. Good job I read lots of blogs.
So here goes, I would like to forward this award on to:-
Christine at
Candid Canine, who's blog is always interesting.
Dragonstar at
Dragon Days for sharing her photographs and for her love of Dragons..
Gaye at
Creating Dollshouse Miniatures, for finding all those video's to share with us.
Rosanna at
La Stanza di giuggiol, for all her wonderful creations.
Stephanie at
PetitPlat, who's creations always make my mouth water.
Susanna at
Ellamaa Koossa 1:12, lovely Mini's on there.
Patricia at
Fairies Fair, for her wonderful sculpts.
Vane for her blog
Valeria at
Brincando de Boneca.
Daisy at
Loja De Artesana Colonial 1/12.
Dollhead at
Dollhead blog for always having some great Dolls to show us.
Marja at
Marja's Wondere Wereld Van Minatuur.
Cookie at
Cookie's World Of Historic Dolls Houses & Miniatures.
Katie at
Katies Clay Corner, for her entertaining blog.
Minna at
Minna's Doll World.
Donna at
Never Enough Time.
Jayne at
Cup Cake Fantasy for sharing all her creations.
Laura at
Laura's Miniatures.
Kathy at
Kathy's Funny Farm.
Casey at
Casey's Minis for always sharing her hints & tips.
Sandra at
Tales Of A Toymaker, for such an entertaining blog.
Vicky at
NJD Miniatures.
Nikki at
Witch & Wizard Miniatures for her friendship and great miniatures.
Kat at
Kat The Hat's Blog, for her wonderful Miniature hats.
Tonyina at
Can Tonyina Minis.
Fluffy Bricks at
Fluffy Bricks.
Jody at
Mini Leaps & Bounds.
Marsha at
Sassy Mini Dolls for all her wonderful Sassy Dolls & did I tell you she loves Pink..
Marlies at
Marlies and Minies.
Doreen at
Doreen's Projects.
Not all of these blogs are Mini related but I think they deserve the award.
To those of you that have received the award please post it on your blog and pass on to 15 others who you want to receive it. If you haven't got 15 to pass it on to, just pass it on to who you want.