When I took Mick to have his dressing changed on Friday, the Nurse was worried that the scab on Mick's thumb was a bit too granulated. So told him to soak it in water tonight and tomorrow morning, to soften it. Well he had the offending article in soak for about 1/2 hour this evening. Its softened up a lot and I managed to give it a good clean, before I redressed it.
Lord and Lady Clapham.
1 day ago
Ouch!!! Dont like to look. Must be so painful. Ouch again!!!
Desejo que Mike fique totalmente recuperado do acidente e que vocês tenham um Feliz Natal e um Ano Novo cheio de muita Paz,Saúde e muitas alegrias.
Debby... Its looks so painful I hope for him that it goos verry soon better .
Yikes, it hurts to look at it. Hope it gets better soon.
Morgan Mandel
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