Today I had a lovely email from Susanna in Helsinki, Finland saying that she's just found my blog and had really enjoyed reading back over it and really liked "Honeydukes", and wanted to know where I got the shop units from. So for Susanna and anyone else who's interested the units came from Matlock Miniatures.
Susanna also has a blog called Elamaa Koossa 1:12, as always go over and say Hi, its a lovely blog and today there are printable chocolate boxes on there... Mmmmmmm CHOC O LATE....
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Happy New Year...
To all our family, friends old & new. "HAPPY NEW YEAR". May the New Year bring Peace & Happiness to everyone...
I've spoken to Ben this evening, who's in Scotland celebrating the New Year with his girlfriend Katie & her family. They were all going to a street party this evening, but apparently it's been so cold, they are all staying in instead. We are just having a quiet evening in, it's bitterly cold here as well.
So what ever your all doing this evening have fun and keep warm... "Happy New Year" xxxxx
I've spoken to Ben this evening, who's in Scotland celebrating the New Year with his girlfriend Katie & her family. They were all going to a street party this evening, but apparently it's been so cold, they are all staying in instead. We are just having a quiet evening in, it's bitterly cold here as well.
So what ever your all doing this evening have fun and keep warm... "Happy New Year" xxxxx
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Fluffy Bricks Miniature Penfriends
Hi everyone (waving), sorry not been here for a couple of days but been pretty busy here, as we have Mick's parents staying with us and I've got a bit side tracked.
Just seen this and thought I'd share with you, I've been reading a blog called Fluffy Bricks, well they've set up a web site called Fluffy Bricks Miniature Penfriends, for all us Miniaturists who want to chat.. I've joined.. Go over and check it out..
Just seen this and thought I'd share with you, I've been reading a blog called Fluffy Bricks, well they've set up a web site called Fluffy Bricks Miniature Penfriends, for all us Miniaturists who want to chat.. I've joined.. Go over and check it out..
Friday, 26 December 2008
Some Pictures From Christmas Day...
The Next Picture, is Harry trying out his new No Fear Hoodie. Then it's Ben ripping all his presents open.
Ben took the next two pictures, one of the laid table (I couldn't find my table cloth so had to make do with the runner) and the other of me making the Prawn Cocktails...
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Look What Father Christmas Brought Me...
I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas Day, we certainly are...
Mick's parents are coming up tomorrow, until the New Year, looking forward to seeing them.. Then on the 27th Ben is going to visit Katie in Scotland and see the New Year in..
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Merry Christmas Everybody..

To all our Family, Friends old and new. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year.
I'm off to my bed now, otherwise Father Christmas won't come.. And we can't be having that... Update on the lettuce, I got one....
Goodnight & God Bless, may your Christmas Day be filled with Happiness and a full stocking.....
Santa Is On His Way...
If any of you that would like to track Santa, delivering his presents around the world tonight. You can on the official Norad Site. There's even web cam on there for the little ones or the big ones come to that. Here's the Link:- Official Norad Tracks Santa.
Christmas Eve...
Mick and I went shopping at Tesco's in Cardigan last night at around 8.30pm. Just wanted to get some Cream, Fruit and Salad stuff. Well I ended up laughing hysterically, walking round, it was like there was a food shortage. There was no vegetable's or fruit left on the shelves, literally only Potatoes and some red onion's left. We then moved onto the Cheese, not a cheese board left in sight. I just wanted a small tub of cream cream to go with the smoked salmon, nothing! By this time I've got the giggles. We then gone to the Salad aisle, not a leaf in sight not even a mouldy one. Now I'm really laughing. But what had me in hysteric's was the pickle aisle. Nothing on the shelves, absolutely nothing left. I spoke to one of the assistant's and she said that their deliveries hadn't arrived they were expecting a delivery at Midnight and another one at Midday today, which as she said is too late..
I've been listening to the Radio this morning, and they've said that the Town Centres are packed, lots of the store's are starting there Sales today. Thought there was a recession on..
I've got to go into Newcastle Emlyn today, to pick up Mick's presciption for his dressings, and pick up our poorly cat Angel from the vets. Maybe I'll be able to get a lettuce and some Cranberry sauce!... I'll update you later.... LOL...
I've been listening to the Radio this morning, and they've said that the Town Centres are packed, lots of the store's are starting there Sales today. Thought there was a recession on..
I've got to go into Newcastle Emlyn today, to pick up Mick's presciption for his dressings, and pick up our poorly cat Angel from the vets. Maybe I'll be able to get a lettuce and some Cranberry sauce!... I'll update you later.... LOL...
Monday, 22 December 2008
The Offending Article...
When I took Mick to have his dressing changed on Friday, the Nurse was worried that the scab on Mick's thumb was a bit too granulated. So told him to soak it in water tonight and tomorrow morning, to soften it. Well he had the offending article in soak for about 1/2 hour this evening. Its softened up a lot and I managed to give it a good clean, before I redressed it.
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Tiny Treasures Mini Links...
Just to let everyone know, that over the last couple of days, I've added at least another 40 links over on the Tiny Treasures Mini Link Blog. I've found some amazing blogs and Artist site's. Hope you enjoy..
On a sad note, I received a Christmas card from Peggy, remember this is the lady who's collection I now own, telling me that her Husband Ernie had sadly passed away in November.
On a Happy note, I'd like to welcome another three followers, Hello & Welcome...
1. Marian who's blog is called MundoMarian.
2. Bogna who's blog is called I Love That Doll.
3. Ana Rosa who has three blogs La Miniaturas de Ana , Mi Tienda De Novias & Mis Bordados En Punto De Cruz..
Ana's first two blogs are all about miniatures and the third is about cross stitch..
On a sad note, I received a Christmas card from Peggy, remember this is the lady who's collection I now own, telling me that her Husband Ernie had sadly passed away in November.
On a Happy note, I'd like to welcome another three followers, Hello & Welcome...
1. Marian who's blog is called MundoMarian.
2. Bogna who's blog is called I Love That Doll.
3. Ana Rosa who has three blogs La Miniaturas de Ana , Mi Tienda De Novias & Mis Bordados En Punto De Cruz..
Ana's first two blogs are all about miniatures and the third is about cross stitch..
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Miniature Trunks..

Thought I'd show you these Miniature Trunks I made a couple of years ago. I used to sell these at the Fairs. These two I really liked and kept. No two were ever the same. The little Yellow one contains a Christening Gown, Rattle, little Gold Teddy, a dinky duck and other bits and pieces for baby. The Green one is a Gentleman's Chest, containing his smoking jacket, hat and little leather slippers, with his glasses and a well worn book. If you click on the pictures, they will come up bigger, so that you can see the detail.
Harry wants me to make a Pirate's chest and a Wizard one. Another project for the new year. Want to get "Honeydukes" finished first. I also want to make a Witches Hat Shop..
I went shopping today at Carmarthen, who ever said there was a recession on? The roads in were packed with cars, so I just went to Morrison's did some food shopping and came home. No way was I sitting in traffic then trying to find a parking space. Thank goodness all my presents are done and wrapped...
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Last Lot...
These are the last lot of items that I have to show you from The Stork's Nest. Height Charts, Cushions and bib's, which are all cross stitched. These were also purchased from Catherine French at The Linen Cupboard. I hope you've enjoyed looking at all the tiny treasures..
I Wonder...
Now I'm just being noisy here!
I just wondered how many of you that follow this blog, also read my other blog Hericus Miniature Shetlands?
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
More Items In The Storks Nest..
More Goodies...
Monday, 15 December 2008
Just For Kim..
The Stork's Nest..
When I used to attend the Dolls house Club in Dartford, I met a lovely lady called Peggy. Just after my Mum died in 2001, Peggy decided that her whole Dolls house Collection, was getting to much for her and her Husband, as they were both getting on in years and it was taking up too much room in their small flat. She approached me, and asked me whether I would like to buy the collection as a whole, she knew that I would love it and take care of it. My Dad decided that he would buy it for me. Part of this vast collection was a small room box, called The Stork's Nest. In her younger years Peggy, made the most beautiful knitting pattern's and crochet. Some of her designs were published in the magazines for collector's available in the UK.
The little shop was filled with lots of her creations, even the shop keeper wears a dress made by Peggy. I had a unit made by Ron another member of our group, so that I could hang all the little outfits up, it also contains drawer's. I've been gradually adding to it over the last few years. My favourite pieces, that I've brought, were made by Catherine French of The Linen Cupboard.
The Pictures from the top show a Shawl that Peggy made, a little outfit from Catherine French, the Bib's were made by me, the shop made by Peggy's Husband and the unit made by Ron..
I'll take some more pictures of all the other lovely bits over the next few day's to show you.
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