Nothing to show you today with Honeydukes! Needed to catch up with Housework & Washing, the Bin was overflowing again!
Here's some Mini Links for you, don't want you having withdrawal symptoms.
This is a link on how to make a Miniature Book, very good pictures, even if you can't understand the Lingo, you can follow Fantasyl Mini's.
Here's a link on how to make miniature candles from My Small Obsession.
This is a link to a Dutch site that has loads of Miniature Links Minaturen.
Last but not least is a link on how to sculpt a miniature hand Miniland. I did have a go at this the other night and it looked like something out of a horror film..
Lord and Lady Clapham.
13 hours ago
Love your blog! I discovered you over at Kim's blog, It's a Miniature Life. I'm adding you to my blog links and hope you'll check out mine, Mini Leaps and Bounds, Thanks.
Hello Jody,
I'm already reading your blog, but had forgotten to put a link in my side bar.
Mini Hugs
Hi Debbie! Thank you for adding my website link, My Small Obsession.
Mini Regards...
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