And all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse, cause I found him decapitated on the kitchen floor this morning at 7am... Early Christmas pressie from one of the cats...
Its all go in this house today, washing on, washing drying, meats are cooking in the ovens just trying to make sure there won't be a lot to do tomorrow, other then muck out the horses and cook dinner...
Its really miserable weather here today, the heavens opened early this morning and it hasn't stop raining since..
Ben's girlfriend Katie is ok, hospital have advised her if she has another nose bleed like last night , she will have to have it cauterized. So glad she's ok, had us all worried there for awhile.
Anyway not a lot to say other then Happy Christmas to everyone that is reading this, hope you have a wonderful time and may the New Year bring you Peace and Happiness... xxxx
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