Well the boys went back to school after their holiday this morning. And my roofers are here!!!!
They rang last week to apologise, as they'd been struck down with this nasty virus that's going around. Which I have to say is still lingering in this house. Can't wait to see the veranda roof done, at the moment it is an awful green colour cement board. Its already being ripped off as I'm typing this, to be replaced by slates. It will really finish the house off nicely outside, will take some pictures later. I've still got a major amount of pointing to do, so will really have to crack on with that.
The plaster in the utility room is drying out nicely, so will get a miss coat of paint on that this week then a proper coat and hopefully the units can start going in at the weekend. Would really like it finished before Christmas.
Oh and I meant to say the Kitten is a girl and the boys have named her Tabitha cause she runs around with her back up like a Witchy cat...
Off now to muck out the horses and take some pictures of the roof........
Lord and Lady Clapham.
1 day ago
Hi Debbie!!!
Oh I'm soooo excited..just got back from a shopping trip with my Mum...and there waiting for me was my DARLING LIL PUMPKINS!!
I'm over the moon with them..they're so life~like!!
Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou!
I will take a picture of them for you outside my cottage..there isn't actually a step built yet so I'll have to improvise!!..lol
Thanks Again..
From Hazel...(A very Happy Customer)..xxxx
P.S...Your house is beautiful!!
I'm so glad you like them and can't wait to see the pictures.
So nice to get feedback from my customers. Give Evan a kiss for me..
Love Deb x
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