Happy Anniversary Mick.
We've been married Twenty Two years today. Time seems to have flown by, can't believe its gone so quickly..
Must admit, there are times when I could have strangled him and I'm sure the feeling is mutual. But we've weathered many a Storm together, got through some really bad times, supported each other and we are still smiling. So we must be doing something right. Not quite sure what, but something..
Happy Anniversary me Old Fruit..Luv ya. xxxx
I'd also like to wish our friends Natasha & Geoff a very Happy 12th Wedding Anniversary. Hope you have a wonderful day...
Happy Birthday to our other friend Ruth, who's birthday also falls today and a Big Happy 40th Birthday to Mick's sister Joanne, who is 40 tomorrow and was also a Bridesmaid at our Wedding.. Hope you all have great time at the Party tomorrow...xxxx
On the other Home front still having problems with my computer, the documents and 22,000 photographs have been transferred to an external hard drive. Told you I love taking photographs. Just waiting for Ben to finish his exams next week at University, then he will be able to take my poorly computer, over to his friends to give it a proper going over. They think something is corrupted on the Hard Drive. I have no idea what they are talking about, so will leave it to those that do...I'm totally lost without a fully functioning computer, just shows how we rely on all this technology, especially out here in the sticks.