Now most of you know that I do quite a lot of home baking. One of my specialities is Butterfly Cakes, which I have to say, don't last very long in this house.
Well, I had the most wonderful surprise, when I got up this morning and checked my Facebook.
My dear friend
Kim, had tagged me in one of her photographs, so I went over to have a look.
What did I find?
Kim has reproduced my Butterfly Cakes, in Miniature.
Yes, those little Mini morsels are made from Polymer Clay. I think you'll agree with me, that
Kim has done a fantastic job. I think they are absolutely brilliant...
To see more of
Kim's fabulous creations, please pop over to her
blog. Or if you fancy one of
Kim's creations in your collection, please visit her
Etsy Shop, at least they are calorie free....