Wednesday 27 October 2010

Birthday And A Little Mouse...

Debie and her family, have been staying with us since Saturday. Ben also came home from Uni at the weekend, to help celebrate Harry's 15th Birthday and to see Courtney. Harry had a really good Birthday and got some lovely presents and quite a bit of money, and he had Megan here, so he was very happy. We had a really good few days together and Debie entertained us all last night on the Karaoke, lets just say a few Tia Maria's helped with Dutch courage..LOL Debie, left this afternoon and has rung to say she reached home safely.
Now to the little Mouse. I've been meaning to show you all this, for a while. As you know from my previous posts, I've purchased some lovely Owls from Julie.
Well, while looking in her Etsy Shop, I came across this wonderful little Mouse and I have to say fell in Love with him, straight away.
I've told Julie, her photographs just don't do her work justice. When I unwrapped this little one, it was one of those OMG moments. It is so tiny and so exquisite. I photographed him next to one of Nikki's, Pumpkin Bottles, so you could get some idea of just how tiny he is. I Love him...
Now I may not be around again for a few days, as I am going into Hospital tomorrow for a double Angiogram. We are hoping, that they will find out, what is causing all the water retention and swelling. I may be able to come home tomorrow, but depending on what they find, may have to stay in.
So if I'm not around, I hope you all have a Haunting Halloween... xxxx

Friday 22 October 2010

Welcome Over 600...

A very big Welcome to some more followers. I think another 15 have joined in the last week!
They are:-
Pity who's blog is called Las Minis De Pity. Lots of miniatures on there.
Kate who's blog is called Life, Love & The Creation Of A Dream. Kate has recently got married. Congratulations Kate. She has just got a huge Dolls House to renovate.
Deb Kelly who's blog is called Picnicgal's Place. Craft and Book blog.
Andrea who's blog is called Cre8tive Cre8tions.
Vanessa Barcellos who I can't find any information on. Vanessa if you have a blog could you let me know please, so I can share your link.
Ingesfairyland who again I can find no information on.
Misol Sara who's blog is called Mi Pequeno Mundo. This blog is filled with minis.
Maddie who's blog is called Lines In The Sand. Arts, crafts and Dolls House miniatures.
Karin Corbin who's blog Karin Corbin Miniatures, I've been following for a long time. Fantastic blog, filled with fabulous miniatures and photography. Karin, also has another blog called Scale Model Making In Seattle.
Beatriz Fernandez who's blog is called Miniaturas De Beatriz Fernandez. A lovely blog with some beautiful miniatures.
Ericka VanHorn who's blog is called EV Miniatures. Ericka is very well known for her wonderful Magical miniatures. She has only recently joined the blogosphere, but if you'd like to see more of her fabulous work, she also has a web site.
HelenLovesCashmere who I know lives on the Isle Of Anglesey as she left a lovely comment on my blog. Her blog is called Tabitha's House Of Trinkets. Helen has only just started blogging, but just go and have a peek at her mini Kitchen.
Pennydowne who's blog is called Kismet Clay Designs. Some fabulous sculpts on there and just take a look at the Goblets.
Paul Smith who again I can't find any information on, but who is following lots of Mini blogs.
Last but not least is S who's blog is called Geek In Wolves Clothing.

As always please go over and say hi...

On the home front a lot of you know that I was in Hospital yesterday for a test. Thankfully, it all went OK and I got the all clear. Spent most of the afternoon in bed fast asleep. But feel much better today. Which was quite a relief. Just next weeks, double Angiogram, to get through now and hopefully get some answers. Thank you to everyone, that sent me good luck messages on my Facebook and for the emails.
Debie and her Poppets are coming to stay from tomorrow until Wednesday. Debie said she needs to see her hand and toe model, (ME) so that she can finish her toe collector. Have you seen how gross her Toes are? I've told her, if she keeps on she can sleep in the Stables. Her answer to that was Nay, Nay.LOL..
Its Harry's Birthday on Sunday and he can't wait to see Megan. Ben's coming home tomorrow from University for Harry's Birthday and to see Courtney. So I can imagine the House will be filled with raging hormones.
Hopefully, while Debie is here, she can help me sort out a give away, which we were going to do while she was here before..

Wednesday 20 October 2010

More Baby Dragons...

Here's another three Baby Dragon's to show you. I thought I'd already shared these three with you, on a previous post, but looking back I haven't.
They were all made by the very talented Tracie Howard who's web site is called Feythcrafts. Tracie also has an Etsy Shop of the same name.
These little Dragons are quite addictive, a bit like Kat's Hat's. I noticed in Tracie's shop, that she has a Magic Book keyring. I'm sure I can remember one of our Mini Friends buying one of these and taking the ring part off, as it makes a lovely miniature book.
(It was Janice that did that to the Key ring)

Sunday 17 October 2010

Steampunk Witch Hats....

As you all know by now, I have a bit of an obsession with Kat's, Witch Hats. I Love all the ones I have in my collection, but Kat's, Steampunk ones are currently my favourites. I already have a couple, but when I say these on Kat's blog, a few weeks ago, they called my name. So I emailed Kat, and asked her if I could buy them and as you can see she let me.
They are fabulous.
Kat, has some wonderful hats in her Etsy shop at the moment. I'm especially drawn to the Steampunk Witches Cat Hat, that's a beautiful confection of Orange and Brown.
But then again, she has another Lime Green Steampunk Hat, in her Ebay listings..
Oh Dear I must resist....


I had a present from my Friend Wendie over at Wendies Mini World. Wendie, makes some wonderful miniatures, if you haven't seen her work, then I suggest you go and take a peek.
A little while ago, I sent Wendie some bits and pieces for her Skool Of Majick.
She sent me these Pumpkins and a Candle Peep, for the metal Halloween House, but I think I may use them elsewhere.
Wendie's faces, always seem to have a little bit of mischief in them. Can you see what I mean?
Thank you Wendiekins. I Luvs them. xxxxx

Saturday 16 October 2010

Owl Post...

Well as I said in my earlier post today. I was expecting a parcel from Julie and it's arrived. Now Julie told me, to make sure the Doors and Windows were shut , when I opened the book.
Good job they were, as the Owls flew out, straight over to Eeylops Owl Emporium, to the kindly shop keeper (who was made by my friend Debie) who was waiting outside for them. She must have already been informed of their arrival.
As you can see, they've certainly made themselves right at home.
The little Owl on the Wand is so cute. Everything has been beautifully made.
Now don't forget, Julie will be listing some of her Owl creations on Etsy this evening at approximately 7.30PM GMT. But like I said this morning, be quick as I think they are going to fly out of the shop...

A Whole Lot Of Owls

I did a blog post about my friend Julie, at the beginning of October and shared her work with you all.
Well Julie has been very busy, making a whole lot of Owls. Which she will be listing in her Etsy Shop, this evening at approximately 7.30pm.
I'm sure they will be flying out of her shop, this evening.

I'm actually waiting for a parcel from Julie, for Eeylops Owl Emporium. If it arrives today, I'll take some pictures and share them.

Thursday 14 October 2010


In all the excitement of showing you my new miniatures. I've been late in welcoming some new followers. They are:-
Mares, who I can't find any links for.
Kitty who's blog is called Minis By Kitty. Kitty's blog is filled with beautiful miniatures.
GWCC who's blog is called The Greater Westmoreland Creative Collective. This blog is a collective of creative people sharing all their crafts including miniatures.
Julia, has contacted me since posting yesterday and shared her link to her blog which is called Studio Lilia. Just go and have a look at her sculpts. I'm loving the Candy Gremlin. Thank you for getting in touch Julia.
gshoney another mystery guest, who there's no information on.
Dr Williett's Workshop who's blog is of the same name. More gaming miniatures on here.
Langetuin, who again I can't find any information on.
lataina, who's another one with no information.
Janas Minibucher who's blog is also of the same name. Go and have a look at the most beautiful, miniature pop up books.
Susy who's blog is called Susycottage. A beautiful blog filled with vintage treasures.
Cornelias Morsa who again has a blog of the same name. Lots of minis on here.
For those of you that I've mentioned, that I can't find a link for, if you have one please let me know and I'll add it.
As always please go over and say Hi...

Also to let everyone know, that lots more Mini Links, have been added over on the Tiny Treasures Mini Links Page.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

The Toll House...

About ten days ago, I was having a browse through Ebay, and I came across the Toll House Kit from the Dolls House Emporium. Well actually it was Miniaturia Weekend and I was feeling pretty sorry for myself, as I couldn't go.
Now DHE, don't make this kit any more. I know because I'd looked at the retreats, and this one is no longer available.
It was on a buy it now, for a really good price, so I brought it.
As you can see I opened the box and I've had a dry run at putting it together. I can however confirm, after speaking to Michelle, that the Roof is a bit of a bugger to put together. Michelle has turned her Toll House, into a Witches Cottage and it looks fantastic. Glenda, has also got this kit and has also had a dry run at putting hers together, she's even managed the roof..
I did want to turn this into my Witches Hat Shop, but I honestly don't think it's going to be big enough. It's Kat's fault, she keeps making all those beautiful hats and I keep buying them. Well a Witch, can never have enough Hats, or even Brooms, come to that.
I have got another idea, which also involves a Witch and Dragons, but I'm still not one hundred percent. Ben saw a picture of this on my Facebook and said and I quote " its a tower. therefore alchemist workshop, they always had a tower. Gives you an excuse to do whatever you like then and have mounted animals on the wall and you could get some huge cogs and make it look like a chandelier or whatever". Well I'm still not sure, so I've left it in front of the Log Burner in the Lounge, so that I can look at it and hopefully I will have a Eureka moment.
Now if it was yours what would you make it into?....

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Nursery Rhymes Miniaturised

Can you remember back to a blog post, I did in August?. About a Nursery Rhyme book that Mick and I had as children.
Well my friend Doreen, in Canada read that post and emailed me for some photographs of the illustrations, which I gladly sent her.
Doreen, being the very clever lady that she is, miniaturised the illustrations and made a miniature book. Well she actually made me two, one for me and one for Mick.
Thank you so much Doreen, they will be treasured..

Little Shot...

Now did you read recently, over on Tallulah-Belle's blog about the ambiguous affair, that had taken place in the Nursery?..
There had been some illicit cross pollination going on in the middle of the night, between Polly Poppy and Maurice Mushroom.
And here my friends is the result. Please let me introduce you to Millie the hybrid off-spring of the dubious dalliance.
Jayne & I are hoping that she hasn't inherited her Mother's promiscuous tendencies.
Although I have to say, she quite enjoyed posing for the camera and puckering up those luscious lips.
I think I'm going to have to keep my eyes on this one..