Tuesday 12 October 2010

Little Shot...

Now did you read recently, over on Tallulah-Belle's blog about the ambiguous affair, that had taken place in the Nursery?..
There had been some illicit cross pollination going on in the middle of the night, between Polly Poppy and Maurice Mushroom.
And here my friends is the result. Please let me introduce you to Millie the hybrid off-spring of the dubious dalliance.
Jayne & I are hoping that she hasn't inherited her Mother's promiscuous tendencies.
Although I have to say, she quite enjoyed posing for the camera and puckering up those luscious lips.
I think I'm going to have to keep my eyes on this one..


  1. She's fabalous, keep a close eye on her though! :0)
    Have you seen the sky tonight? It's orange again, very pretty.
    Julia xx

  2. Just lost a comment, so if you already have one, delete this one. :o))

    She's delightful and a real treasure! She has a wonderful new home and owner and I am sure she will be happy! I hope though that she hasn't inherited her parents naughty and saucy shenanigans! lol

    Whatever next missy!

    Michelle xxxx

    P.S I am in the middle of emailing you as I write!

  3. I love this floozy Debbie, I had a parcel from the lovely Jayne too today, with 2 new floozies to show off he he, will show pics real soon, busy week with lots of school events so its slowing me down. Kate xxx

  4. Millie looks charming! but yes, I think she needs a keeper :)

  5. So funny ! she is a coquette!

  6. make sure she knows what time her curfew is going to be and put her on the pill!

    she's beautiful

    Marisa :)

  7. Pretty little "creature" and so lucky to have so nice home! :)

  8. I love her Debs shes just another one of my favorite creations from Jayne to add to long list.

    Lorra Luffies

    Debie xxxxxxx

  9. ¡Está perfecta! No la dejes salir a la discoteca, la veo con caracte fácil:)
    Me encanta.
    Besos Clara

  10. Love the dots, she looks promiscuous to me tho hee hee. Fab flower!

    Victoria ♥

  11. Too funny! I love her! Look at those lips.... I'd be keeping my eye on her, too, ya know:)

  12. You should keep both eyes on her - I wouldn't trust her a single moment. But she's worth a little trouble, she's gorgeous. Congratulaitons that you got this lovely plant.


  13. She is wonderful!Though be carefull my floozie misbehaves ha ha ha!

  14. well isn't she the little poser :-)

    I love these comments...some of them have me cracking up.

    Keep your eyes on her Debbie ....you might end up with more than you bargained for :-)

    Thanks everyone for you lovely comments on my work...Millie is a definite favorite of mine but I know she is in good hands.

  15. she's wonderful! The polka dots are fab!!

  16. OMG! What a great cross!!!! Must pop over to Jayne soon to check out her lab :)

  17. LOL, Oh I love it, this little floozy as well as the story of how she came to be.
