Wednesday 27 October 2010

Birthday And A Little Mouse...

Debie and her family, have been staying with us since Saturday. Ben also came home from Uni at the weekend, to help celebrate Harry's 15th Birthday and to see Courtney. Harry had a really good Birthday and got some lovely presents and quite a bit of money, and he had Megan here, so he was very happy. We had a really good few days together and Debie entertained us all last night on the Karaoke, lets just say a few Tia Maria's helped with Dutch courage..LOL Debie, left this afternoon and has rung to say she reached home safely.
Now to the little Mouse. I've been meaning to show you all this, for a while. As you know from my previous posts, I've purchased some lovely Owls from Julie.
Well, while looking in her Etsy Shop, I came across this wonderful little Mouse and I have to say fell in Love with him, straight away.
I've told Julie, her photographs just don't do her work justice. When I unwrapped this little one, it was one of those OMG moments. It is so tiny and so exquisite. I photographed him next to one of Nikki's, Pumpkin Bottles, so you could get some idea of just how tiny he is. I Love him...
Now I may not be around again for a few days, as I am going into Hospital tomorrow for a double Angiogram. We are hoping, that they will find out, what is causing all the water retention and swelling. I may be able to come home tomorrow, but depending on what they find, may have to stay in.
So if I'm not around, I hope you all have a Haunting Halloween... xxxx


  1. Hi Debby, the mouse is almost as cute as Harry! Happy Birthday Harry!!!

  2. Thank you to you and your your lovely family once again Debbie for your hospitality and luffyness. I usually dont do singing LOL. It was nice seeing Harry so happy.

    Having seen that little mouse in the flesh I can honestly say that pics dont do it justice, its exquisite.

    Off for a cuppa T now (no Tia Maria for a least a couple of days LMAO).

    Lorra Luffies

    Debie xxxxxxxxxx

  3. The little mouse is gorgeous Debbie :)
    Good luck for tomorrow, I hope all goes well and they find out what is causing all the water retention.
    Julia xx

  4. Happy Birthday Harry! :o)

    I love the mouse, she's/he's sooo sweet!

    Lots of good luck for tomorrow and lets hope hope once and for all they get to the bottom of your swellings etc!

    Hugs of good luck!
    Michelle xxx

  5. The mouse is certainly adorable. I hope all goes well for you at the hospital and that they find the problem. Happy Birthday to Harry!

  6. Happy Birthday Harry! (My oldest will be 15 in 2 months...they grow up so quick, don't they!)

    I have seen these mice, and love them, too! They'd be perfect in Marshmallow Manor!!

    Good luck with everything tomorrow! I'll be thinking about ya! Hugs!

  7. Happy Birthday Harry! And keep my fingers for the results Debbie!

  8. Good luck für the hospital and everything. The mouse is simply adorable.

  9. Happy Birthday to Harry x
    So is she any good at singing? or will it be a case of earplugs next time? LOL
    I really hope they find a fixable reason for your 'Pilsburyness', and hope too that they find the answer sooner rather than later! I was in hospital last Halloween and felt twice as bad for missing out on the halloween fun. Will keep my fingers crossed for you x

  10. Hope all goes well for you Debbie,

  11. The mouse is totally adorable! So glad you've had a wonderful few days.
    I hope everything goes well with your hospital stay. Please keep us informed.
    We always have a full PA setup at my house so come do karaoke anytime. You can't get out of it. I make everyone sing! :~)

  12. Happy birthday, Harry!

    Julie's mouse is wonderful - the detail is superb!

    And good luck with the medicos, Debbie, fingers crossed!! :))

  13. Happy Birthday to Harry. His cake looks delicious.

    Good luck for your hospital visit. I hope they get you sorted really quickly xxx

  14. That mouse is just too cute and Happy Birthday to Harry!

    you take care of yourself ok... I'm crossing my fingers for you!


  15. Good luck at the hospital Debbie ♥ Happy Birthday to Harry also!! Julie's mouse is so sweet- I think I have to go check out her shop again now :)

  16. I hope your hospital visit goes smoothly Debbie and that they find out what the problem is and are able to treat you successfully.

    Happy Birthday Harry (don't children grow up too fast!)

    The mouse is delightful.

    Best wishes
