Friday 22 October 2010

Welcome Over 600...

A very big Welcome to some more followers. I think another 15 have joined in the last week!
They are:-
Pity who's blog is called Las Minis De Pity. Lots of miniatures on there.
Kate who's blog is called Life, Love & The Creation Of A Dream. Kate has recently got married. Congratulations Kate. She has just got a huge Dolls House to renovate.
Deb Kelly who's blog is called Picnicgal's Place. Craft and Book blog.
Andrea who's blog is called Cre8tive Cre8tions.
Vanessa Barcellos who I can't find any information on. Vanessa if you have a blog could you let me know please, so I can share your link.
Ingesfairyland who again I can find no information on.
Misol Sara who's blog is called Mi Pequeno Mundo. This blog is filled with minis.
Maddie who's blog is called Lines In The Sand. Arts, crafts and Dolls House miniatures.
Karin Corbin who's blog Karin Corbin Miniatures, I've been following for a long time. Fantastic blog, filled with fabulous miniatures and photography. Karin, also has another blog called Scale Model Making In Seattle.
Beatriz Fernandez who's blog is called Miniaturas De Beatriz Fernandez. A lovely blog with some beautiful miniatures.
Ericka VanHorn who's blog is called EV Miniatures. Ericka is very well known for her wonderful Magical miniatures. She has only recently joined the blogosphere, but if you'd like to see more of her fabulous work, she also has a web site.
HelenLovesCashmere who I know lives on the Isle Of Anglesey as she left a lovely comment on my blog. Her blog is called Tabitha's House Of Trinkets. Helen has only just started blogging, but just go and have a peek at her mini Kitchen.
Pennydowne who's blog is called Kismet Clay Designs. Some fabulous sculpts on there and just take a look at the Goblets.
Paul Smith who again I can't find any information on, but who is following lots of Mini blogs.
Last but not least is S who's blog is called Geek In Wolves Clothing.

As always please go over and say hi...

On the home front a lot of you know that I was in Hospital yesterday for a test. Thankfully, it all went OK and I got the all clear. Spent most of the afternoon in bed fast asleep. But feel much better today. Which was quite a relief. Just next weeks, double Angiogram, to get through now and hopefully get some answers. Thank you to everyone, that sent me good luck messages on my Facebook and for the emails.
Debie and her Poppets are coming to stay from tomorrow until Wednesday. Debie said she needs to see her hand and toe model, (ME) so that she can finish her toe collector. Have you seen how gross her Toes are? I've told her, if she keeps on she can sleep in the Stables. Her answer to that was Nay, Nay.LOL..
Its Harry's Birthday on Sunday and he can't wait to see Megan. Ben's coming home tomorrow from University for Harry's Birthday and to see Courtney. So I can imagine the House will be filled with raging hormones.
Hopefully, while Debie is here, she can help me sort out a give away, which we were going to do while she was here before..


  1. The Poppets are coming...the Poppets are coming! What fun!

    I am not entirely sure I could handle a couple of teenage couples for the weekend. You all are braver than I....

  2. Congratulations, Kim, such a lot of followers, but no wonder, you make great miniatures.
    Love, Susanne

  3. Congrats on for reaching the 600 mark! so glad things went well yesterday. Enjoy your visit.

    Victoria ♥

  4. Ooooh So many followers! It is understandable you have a great blog. Congratulations!!! :-)

    I agree with Susan... I am not sure I am teenage ready any more. The music along might kill me. LOL

  5. Congratulations on 600 followers!!! That's so awesome! Good luck with this weekend~ you brave mum, you!

  6. I'm glad your test went well Debbie. It sounds like you quite a full house this weekend. Enjoy your company :)

    Oh and pleaseeeee no more close up photos of those toes! That one with the greenish nail grosses me out. I'm glad I haven't eaten yet lol .

  7. Huge thanks for the mention Debbie - it is very much appreciated! Wishing you a lovely weekend. I can see mine is going to involve 'devouring' more of the 'eye candy' in this fabulous blogland! Hugs! x

  8. wow!! i was so happy when I passed must be ecstatic!

  9. me alegra que las pruebas que se realizo salieran satisfactorias es una alegría para todos, los dedos son geniales muy adecuados para las fiestas que se aproximan para darlos como dulces en el truco o trato, jajajaja.
    un abrazo

    I am glad that the tests performed satisfactory leave is a joy for all the fingers are very suitable for great upcoming holiday to give them like candy in the trick or treaters, hahahaha.
    a hug

  10. Felicidades por el resultado médico. Ahora en el cumpleaños habrá toda la alegría.
    Un número tan grande de seguidores es por estar a gusto en tu blog:)
    Besos Clara

  11. Me alegro mucho que las pruebas hayan salido bien.
    Cuidate mucho cuando te hagan la angiografía.
    felicidades por tus 600 sseguidores.
    Rspecto al fin de semana, disfruta de ver a tus hijos y amigos ceerca de ti, aunque la casa te la dejen patas para arriba.
    Besitos, May

  12. Congrats on 600! Those fingers are really creepy!

  13. Congratulazioni il tuo blog merita tanti followers, e tu sei molto brava e simpatica :oD!
