Sunday 17 October 2010

Steampunk Witch Hats....

As you all know by now, I have a bit of an obsession with Kat's, Witch Hats. I Love all the ones I have in my collection, but Kat's, Steampunk ones are currently my favourites. I already have a couple, but when I say these on Kat's blog, a few weeks ago, they called my name. So I emailed Kat, and asked her if I could buy them and as you can see she let me.
They are fabulous.
Kat, has some wonderful hats in her Etsy shop at the moment. I'm especially drawn to the Steampunk Witches Cat Hat, that's a beautiful confection of Orange and Brown.
But then again, she has another Lime Green Steampunk Hat, in her Ebay listings..
Oh Dear I must resist....


  1. aha! so that's what happened to the orange one...had my eye on it but then it was gone!

  2. Those hats are so great! Can you believe that I'd never heard of "steampunk" until just this week? I must live in a cave. Anyway, I love those hats!

  3. I wanted the orange one too :-( but its gone to the lovliest of whens that hat shop coming together Debbie!! lol Kate xx

  4. They are lovely hats, pefect on your book stack... so when do we see the actual hat shop?? LOL
    Julia xxx

  5. They are beautiful! Love those tiny little pumpkins on the orange one:)

  6. They are really lovely acquisitions Debbie.

  7. realmente es la mejor artesana de sombreros para bruja, admiro su imaginación, pero usted debe resistirse o pronto tendrá todos y los demás no podrán comprarlos, jajaja.
    un abrazo

    really is the best hat to witch craft, I admire your imagination, but you must resist or will soon have all and others can not buy them, hahaha.
    a hug

  8. Sono veramente spettacolari :o)!

  9. Kat's hats are fab!! I like them all, but the steampunk ones are just so more-ish!!

  10. They are wonderful!I love the detailed work Kat puts into them. lol x julz

  11. Love how you mix steampunk with old are a master of tiny semi spooky!, and cool stuff! xoxox Christel

  12. Im with you there, I love everything steampunk and those hats are the bomb!
