Thursday 14 October 2010


In all the excitement of showing you my new miniatures. I've been late in welcoming some new followers. They are:-
Mares, who I can't find any links for.
Kitty who's blog is called Minis By Kitty. Kitty's blog is filled with beautiful miniatures.
GWCC who's blog is called The Greater Westmoreland Creative Collective. This blog is a collective of creative people sharing all their crafts including miniatures.
Julia, has contacted me since posting yesterday and shared her link to her blog which is called Studio Lilia. Just go and have a look at her sculpts. I'm loving the Candy Gremlin. Thank you for getting in touch Julia.
gshoney another mystery guest, who there's no information on.
Dr Williett's Workshop who's blog is of the same name. More gaming miniatures on here.
Langetuin, who again I can't find any information on.
lataina, who's another one with no information.
Janas Minibucher who's blog is also of the same name. Go and have a look at the most beautiful, miniature pop up books.
Susy who's blog is called Susycottage. A beautiful blog filled with vintage treasures.
Cornelias Morsa who again has a blog of the same name. Lots of minis on here.
For those of you that I've mentioned, that I can't find a link for, if you have one please let me know and I'll add it.
As always please go over and say Hi...

Also to let everyone know, that lots more Mini Links, have been added over on the Tiny Treasures Mini Links Page.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the warm welcome!I'm a lover of everything miniature and am totally entranced by your tiny creations. I have a blog but its really nothing more than a couple of pictures of my little sculpts.

