Saturday 16 October 2010

Owl Post...

Well as I said in my earlier post today. I was expecting a parcel from Julie and it's arrived. Now Julie told me, to make sure the Doors and Windows were shut , when I opened the book.
Good job they were, as the Owls flew out, straight over to Eeylops Owl Emporium, to the kindly shop keeper (who was made by my friend Debie) who was waiting outside for them. She must have already been informed of their arrival.
As you can see, they've certainly made themselves right at home.
The little Owl on the Wand is so cute. Everything has been beautifully made.
Now don't forget, Julie will be listing some of her Owl creations on Etsy this evening at approximately 7.30PM GMT. But like I said this morning, be quick as I think they are going to fly out of the shop...


  1. I just think they're beautiful!! And they look so good with your shop keeper:)

  2. Ooh those are very cool~! Fantastic! I'm sure your shopkeeper is thrilled!

    Chris Verstraete
    Searching for a Starry Night

  3. They look so lovely. I will try tonight to get something, but I don't know if I will be lucky, we'll see. I love your Eeylops Owl Emporium :0)
    Julia xxx

  4. They are really lovely Debbie....I laughed at them flying off :-)

  5. Arnt they wonderful, beautifully made and so original . I think they are so perfect for alot of our projects so Julia is going to be a busy bunny! KAte xxx

  6. They are lovely, shes very clever.

    Lorra Luffies

    Debie xxx

  7. I couldn't resist.....have already been there!

  8. Love 'em!!
    Julie's certainly in my favourites list!!

  9. Hi Debs, soo glad they arrived safely. Your photos are lovely ,I always wonder what happens to my minis.Guess what I am making next week......twitr too wooooooo hee hee lolx Julz

  10. Oh WOW what a gorgeous collection!

  11. Me encantan, es todo precioso.
    Besitos, May

  12. oh how wonderful they look! they fit right in too

