Friday, 28 May 2010
Beautiful Babies...
Just to let you know, lots of new pictures have been uploaded over on Hericus Blog, of the new babies..x
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Blue Blown..
Our friend Ed, who blows mine and Nikki's glass, has been having a tidy up in his workshop, and he came across these little Vases and a bowl that he blew sometime ago, as an experiment.
Now, it is a standing joke, between Mary & Ed and Mick and I, about all the stuff I've got.
So when Ed came across these, he told Mary to send them to me to add to the rest of the Stuff.
I rang to thank Ed the other day and asked would he be making any more?. The reply was unprintable..LOL Thank you Ed and if there's any
I've also put some more pictures, of the new arrivals over on Hericus Blog, if any of you are interested. xxx
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Its Been Like Waiting For A Bus...
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Nikki's Gifts... (Part Two)..
I've already made up a Story about the little Hat table. The Witch who owns the Hat, got too close to a Dragon who has badly singed it, so she has taken it to the Witch Hat Maker for some repairs. It was one of her favourites!..I will get this Hat shop built. LOL..
The next four photographs, show the table that Nikki made and some wonderful terracotta pots she brought. The pots are so fine and beautifully made. These will be used in the Witches Garden, that I intend to attach to the Witches Hat Shop.
The next photograph shows a crate of Pumpkins, a Pumpkin Bird House and a Cage. These were all made by Nikki. We have been having quite a few discussions about making cages for Eeylops Owl Emporium. I want to hang them from the ceiling. I love this one.
In the very last photograph, you can see that Nikki made me a Dragon Skull and some Dragon Skin for the Apothecary. If you click on the pictures they will pop up bigger.
Thank you so much Nikki, you are a very dear friend. xxxxx
On the home front I had to go and have another Blood Test yesterday. My least favourite activity. The Lady that takes the blood in the Doctor's, is brilliant, she knows how bad I am with needles and how difficult it is to get my blood. But she managed first time yesterday. I also saw the Doctor
I got quite upset while talking to the Doctor yesterday, so she wants to send me for some counselling. Which I've agreed too, but have no idea how long I'll have to wait.
I have to stop the Statins for two weeks now, and see if the swelling improves. If it's not them, then we go on to the next one on the list, its all a process of elimination....
*UPDATE* Just spoken with the Doctor, Blood test was OK, Kidneys are functioning as they should. They are increasing my Water Tablets to 120mg, for five days to see if the fluid starts to come off. Looks like I won't be straying very far from Home, over the next few days.....
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Nikki's Gifts... (Part One)
My Boys like to be there when I unwrap the box. Ben likens it to a Lucky Dip, you never what your going to find. It's all very exciting.
Now this was a big parcel, so I've split the post in to two lots.
This is the first part.
The First Picture shows some Scrolls, a teeny tiny basket, two pairs of very cute little glasses, a lovely Pot of Toadstools and two pots with saucers.
Second Picture two bags of Earth and Moss and a set of lovely hinges. The Hinges, I intend to use on the Witches Hat Shop. I will get round to building it, its all in the
Next we have some glass, I've already got a couple of ideas for these.
Then there are some Eggs, tiny Buttons, some printies and a couple of platters. I've been looking at the shape of them today and again I've got some ideas for them as well.
In the last Picture, Nikki has made me a Mandrake sack with a resident rat sticking his head out.
Wait till you see the rest of the contents of the parcel..
Nikki, will be listing some wonderful creations on Etsy this evening. For a sneak peek pop over to her blog and have a look.
Welcome... Over 470 now..

A very big welcome to some more followers. They are:-
Alisson who I can't find any information on. Alisson if you do have a blog please leave a comment and I'll add your link.
Louise who's blog is called Petite Wonders 28, go and have a look at the Witch she's just sculpted. She also has an Etsy shop.
Cheshire who's blog is called Mini Cenografia.
Chipironini who's blog is called Petitissim. Some lovely miniature sculpts on her blog.
Martyn who's a friend of mine, he's Welsh and Loves his Rugby and he does write a blog. Hi Martyn x
After Dark Miniatures who's blog of the same name is filled with beautifully made Food and other miniatures and there is also an Etsy Shop.
Elis who again I can't find any information for.
Flor who's blog is called Flor & FF, its filled with beautiful miniatures.
Lori who's blog is called Lo Lo.
Mari who's blog is called Le Petit Monde Merveilleux De Marie. For those of you that like Shabby Chic you'll love this blog.
Hummingbird Miniatures who has a blog of the same name and has only been blogging for a month. Beautiful miniature food and Jewellery.
Naomi who doesn't have a blog at the moment, but loves reading miniature blogs.
Valeriote Design who's blog is called Melissa Valeriote's Fantastical World Of Holidays, its a great blog filled to overflowing with Folk Art.
Kalmankujan Tiina who's blog called Kalmankuja. This is a Haunted/Witchy House.
Last but not least is Colleen who's blog is called A Dollmaking Journey.
As always please go over and say Hi..
Also just to let you all know that I've been adding lots more links over on Tiny Treasures Mini Links page. There are now hundreds of Mini Blog Links over there. If you have any links that you'd like to share, please leave a comment or email me the link via my profile page..
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Feather Boa...
While I was in Town this week, I popped into the "Bargain Box". They have an assortment of stuff in there from Hair accessories, Cleaning materials, Toys, Gifts and Crafts. Plus its all really cheap in there and I love a bargain.
Over in the corner on the Craft rack, I spied these, packets of Marabou Boa in five lovely colours, White, Black, Lilac, Pink and Green. Each packet contains 2 meters of Boa.
I have some plain Witch and Wizard Hats that I've brought from Kat, and thought this would look brilliant on them. So I brou
I haven't stuck any of this on the Hats yet, but in the last two pictures, I've j
I think this would also look great, on a Minia
I'll be back later once I've got some decent pictures of the gifts Nikki sent me...
Friday, 21 May 2010
Confection In Black & Lilac...
I left a comment asking Janice could see kindly show us some close ups of the Dresses, which she very kindly did and gave the links to the sellers.
Well I went over to Ebay to have a look and the seller ickle_co, had a couple of dresses for sale.
Now I have to say that this confection in Black and Lilac really caught my eye and was called "Wicked". I could just imagine a Witch getting dressed up in this, to go off to the Halloween Ball.
Well I put in a bid and I won it.
I'm really looking forward to getting it in the post now.
Talking of Post, I had the most wonderful parcel arrive today from Nikki. It is my belated Birthday Present. I'm just trying to get some decent pictures to show you, what the little Witch sent me. I'll hopefully be back later to show you what was inside. xxxx
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Happy Anniversary....

It's mine and Mick's 21st Wedding Anniversary Today.
Doesn't time fly when your having Fun..
We met while I was in Hospital, having an operation on my arm and he was visiting his friend, who was on the same ward. It was obviously meant to be...
Happy Anniversary Mick, I Love You.. xxxxx

I'd also like to wish our Friends Natasha (The Boot Sale Queen) & Geoff, a very Happy 11th Wedding Anniversary. Have a lovely day xxxx

Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Just Some Pictures..
Monday, 17 May 2010
Crap End To A Crap Week..
I was so excited earlier on this evening, one of the Mares was running milk, so we knew that a Foal was imminent. Nikki, was on the phone telling me all about today and how much she'd enjoyed KDF and I was telling her that we knew a Foal was going to be born tonight.
Unfortunately, much to the Mare's and my distress the Foal was dead. We tried to revive it, but it was still born.
As you can imagine what with having, to have Muffy put to sleep this week, this has really knocked me for six tonight. As Debie said, we have obviously hit the Good Luck Fairy with the Shitty Stick.
We have two Mares left to Foal, but I can't even get excited about it now. Until they are here safe and sound. So much for me having no stress. So you can see why its a crap end to a crap week for me.
Unfortunately, much to the Mare's and my distress the Foal was dead. We tried to revive it, but it was still born.
As you can imagine what with having, to have Muffy put to sleep this week, this has really knocked me for six tonight. As Debie said, we have obviously hit the Good Luck Fairy with the Shitty Stick.
We have two Mares left to Foal, but I can't even get excited about it now. Until they are here safe and sound. So much for me having no stress. So you can see why its a crap end to a crap week for me.
Saturday, 15 May 2010
The Little Witch Say's Thank You..

Nikki actually treated herself today. But I won't let on to what she's brought, I'll let her have the pleasure of telling you that herself.

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