Remember I told you about Ed, the man that makes all my glass for me.
Well just over a week ago I sent Ed, the table that I'm going to use in the Apothecary and asked him if he could make all the Laboratory equipment for me to fit on the table.
Well the parcel arrived this morning and I'm totally blown away.(Excuse the Pun, as all Ed's glass is hand blown!). Ed makes Laboratory Equipment in the real world, so he scaled the glass down, exclusively for me. Hopefully, if everything works out, I will be selling this Miniature Laboratory equipment, in the not so distant future. Ed also sent me a drawing, to show me how it all fits together and labelled everything. He even made me a little holder for the test tubes and a retort stand for the retort.
Ed made me a Bell jar, Filter Flask, Filter Funnel, Carboy, Airlock, Storage Jar, Coil, Beaker, Test Tubes, Retort, Measuring Cylinder, Conical Flask and a Boiling Flask.
The Beaker and Measuring Cylinder even have the graduation lines on them. And just look at the Coil it's orgasmic. Can't wait to get it all set up on the table. I'll post some more photo's later.
Thank you so much Ed. Sending big hugs & kisses. xxxx