Do you remember the photo's that I took in July, of the Slate bank with the wild flower mix that I'd thrown on there. Well I've been out there again this morning, taking some more pictures. There's still more plants coming up. Hopefully, the bank should be covered next year, after the seeds have dropped. I'm really pleased that so many different plants have come up.
Thursday, 28 August 2008
More Flowers...
Do you remember the photo's that I took in July, of the Slate bank with the wild flower mix that I'd thrown on there. Well I've been out there again this morning, taking some more pictures. There's still more plants coming up. Hopefully, the bank should be covered next year, after the seeds have dropped. I'm really pleased that so many different plants have come up.
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Bank Holiday Weekend..
Had visitors over the weekend. Sarah, Terry & the boys were in Wales visiting family and came to see us on Friday. I hardly recognised Elliott, he looks so different from the last time I saw him. Mind you it was nearly 3 years ago. The boys enjoyed meeting the ponies and I'm sure Sarah took loads of pictures. I feel a Scrapbook page coming on Sarah!. They stayed for the day and had tea with us, before returning to their camp site. Was lovely to see them all. Ben managed to get some photo's on his new camera. Tanya & the Kids also arrived on Friday afternoon for a long weekend and went home yesterday. She has the capability to make me cry with laughter, especially with her impression of the Sugar Plum Fairy prancing round the lounge in her PJ's. We certainly had a scream this weekend...
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Ben's Exam Results...
Took Ben to the School this morning to pick up his Exam results. I was a complete bag of nerves, unlike Ben who seemed totally calm. Ben was in the Higher Tiers for all subjects, except Welsh. Results are as follows:-
- Information & Communication Tech. A
- Physics A
- Religious Studies A
- English B
- English Literature B
- Mathematics B
- Art & Design B
- Biology B
- Chemistry B
- Religious Studies Short Course B
- Business Studies C
- Welsh E
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Anticipation.. Tomorrow Ben gets his GCSE Exam results. He's in the higher tiers so can't get anything less then a "C" or else its a fail. The only subject in the lower tier is Welsh, which all the kids here have to learn. He seems totally non fazed, but Me the Mum, well my guts are churning. When I was at School, the results used to be sent direct to you at home, but now the Kids can go in and pick up the results direct from the school. Once he gets the results, we will know if he can stay on at school in the 6th Form. He's already picked out 5 subjects, for his A levels! It's also Mick's Birthday tomorrow, so I am hoping its going to be a double Celebration. I'm keeping everything crossed, that he's passed...
Harry had his 2nd Riding lesson today, at the new school and he's doing really well, and really enjoying himself. He's got another two lessons booked in for next week, so most make sure I take the Camera.
Also spoke to Tash this evening all the kitten's have now gone off to their new homes. Have uploaded some more video of them, that I took yesterday.
Harry had his 2nd Riding lesson today, at the new school and he's doing really well, and really enjoying himself. He's got another two lessons booked in for next week, so most make sure I take the Camera.
Also spoke to Tash this evening all the kitten's have now gone off to their new homes. Have uploaded some more video of them, that I took yesterday.
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Tasha's Kitty Katz..
Went over to see Tash & the kids today.. Well really went over to say Goodbye to the kittens. Their all off to their new homes this week. Think Tash will quite upset to see them go. Luckily, their all going in two's. The Pale Cream one and the dark Fawn are the first pair, then the two Grey Tabbies, then last but not least is the black one and the dark Tabby. Took loads of pictures and some video. Wish we could have had a couple, but we've already got Seven. Did think about smuggling a couple out in my jacket...
Thursday, 14 August 2008
More Visitors....
Mick's parents went home yesterday, after being with us for ten days. Only to find when they arrived home, that some little thieving s**t, had stolen the ornamental urn from their front garden.
Kath had brought it to put the Lily in I'd given her, from a cutting off my plant. The thing was really heavy, and big Mick had, had to move it in a wheel barrow. One of their neighbours, came up to tell them that she had found it broken in pieces down the road. Obviously, who ever nicked it, had tried to roll it, and it being so heavy lost control on the slope and it had smashed. Little comfort to Kath & Mick, but at least the thief hasn't got it.
Spoke to Tanya yesterday, she is coming up on Friday for a long weekend, she needs some stress relief. She was in such a flap last night. She has a really stressful job anyway, but on top of that has been doing a course at work and needed to have an essay in today. Tanya had written the essay, but was going over it last night, only to find that the essay was supposed to be 2500 words and not 2000 as she first thought. So you can imagine she was in quite a flap..
I've added a couple of pictures of the inside of one of my shops, this one is the gift shop. I was really surprised when I unwrapped it, that nothing had been broken. Thank goodness for bubble wrap... Will take some more photo's of the other shops and post them shortly...
Tuesday, 5 August 2008

My Cousin Mandy & her friend Sam came up on Saturday for a long weekend. It was lovely to catch up with them. Sam loves cats but is a bit weary of dogs, well by the time they went home on Monday morning, Sam had been well and truly Merlined. As you can see by the pictures, Mandy was trying to get a photo with Merlin, but he was more interested in what she had in her hand.
Katie, Ben's girlfriend also went home on Sunday, she's been with us for 3 weeks. I have to say it was a pleasure, didn't really know that she was here.
Mick's parents also arrived on Monday morning, they are staying with us for a fortnight.
Friday, 1 August 2008
Colin finished the plastering this morning in the kitchen. Another job to tick of the list. Just got to wait for it to dry out before I can paint it, then we are on the homeward run. Really looking forward to it being finished. Miss having my Kitchen in full working order...
Merlin & Jasper stuck their heads over the Stable door to have a look. Bless him Jasper can just about see over the door, unlike Merlin who fills it.
Also picked up my car yesterday from the garage, my purse ended up over £300.00 lighter. Lets hope nothing else crops up...
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