Well my car is still in the garage, hoping to pick it up tomorrow. Colin our Builder called over on Friday, said that he would be back to finish the Kitchen off this week. He arrived yesterday to start the rendering and plastering, he was back today and will be back Friday to finish off. It's looking fantastic already. Hopefully, if it stops raining, the walls should be dried out enough next week, for me to get some paint on the walls.. Still some rendering to do outside, but need a few dry days! Can't believe the weather we are having here. Like a Monsoon. Where's the Summer gone.
Yesterday, spent ages getting Warrior bathed ready for the show today. (All Info over on Hericus blog). Ben's girlfriend Katie goes home on Sunday, she's been with us for three weeks. My Cousin Mandy and her friend Samantha, are coming to see us on Saturday and staying until Monday afternoon. Then as they go, Mick's Mum & Dad should have arrived and are staying for 10 days. Then my friend Tanya, Ayden & Kiera should be coming up for a few days.
We are still waiting for the Hay to be cut, but again being held up by the weather, need a least 3 good days, for the cutting, turning and to Bale.