Thursday, 26 June 2008
Panic Stations....
Yesterday, packed Harry's case and got everything ready for his early morning start, to Parc Asterix, France. Sandwiches made late last night and put in the fridge ready. Went to bed pretty early, woke up at about 1.30am checked the time and rolled over. Woke up again and checked the time again, still too early, so went back to sleep. Woke up again and panic stations the bloody alarm hadn't gone off and it was 3.30am. Harry had to be at the school at 3.45am for the coach to leave at 4am sharp. Now any one that knows me, knows that I'm not a morning person. Rushed straight into Harry's room, and got him out of bed, thank god all his clothes were ready. He quickly got dressed, rushed downstairs, grabbed the sandwiches from the fridge, grabbed his case and bag and got him to the school at 3.50am. Thank goodness I woke up when I did. Anyway went back to bed only to be woken at 6.30am, with a phone call from Harry, asking where his wallet was. Thankfully, I'd packed it last night in his rucksack, so told him where it was. Panic over...
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Welsh Game Fair
Mick & the Boys brought me a lovely Jug, covered with pictures of Border Collies. I had the bargain of the day, with a waistcoat for a £1.00. Also picked up a couple of things for Birthday pressies. Got a load of Sea Food to bring home for tea. If you ever get the chance to go, to this fair, its a great day out and I'd recommend it.
Sunday, Harry & I had a laugh on the Karaoke, he's learning a song for his music class at school. Caught up with some housework and Rachel popped in for a coffee.
Monday, was Ben's last exam and his last day at school, until he goes back in September for 6th Form. He's only got to go in on the 21st August for his exam results. He's off to see Katie soon, think their both counting down the days. Popped over to see my friend Di as well, helped her get her horses back into their field, after they'd managed to get the gate of its hinges....
Thursday, 12 June 2008
The Back Field ... A Secret Place..
Hope you like the slide show below. I took these photo's today, down in the back field. People who visit, don't realise that beyond the grass, is a secret place waiting to be discovered. I love going down there, having a walk around our very own woods. Its nice to just sit down there, hidden away listening to the birds singing. Eventually, we are going to have the overgrown stuff cleared, another job on the list. I'd like to put a seat or seats down there as well. I keep saying that if we had a Pig, that would root around down there and turn the earth and eat the brambles. But the only problem with that is, could I eventually bring myself to send the pig to slaughter and then eat it.
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Wild Flowers...
If you remember, when we had all the ground work done in the little paddock. I seeded it with wild flowers. Well lots have come up and started bloom. Took these pictures this evening, looks like the Bees like them.
Also took a couple of pictures of a beautiful rose that has come out in the garden. I have no idea what variety it is, but it smells wonderful.
We've been having some beautiful weather here, so have been spending as much time outside as possible. Been laying the path around the kitchen, for the last couple of days. I look like a proper builder, ripped jeans and t-shirt covered in cement dust. I'm definitely not a girly girl. Run out of cement today, so took a trip down the builders merchants again, to order 2 ton of sand and another 10 bags of cement. It should be here tomorrow. Hopefully get the path and steps finished this week. We are due some rain tomorrow, hope it misses us. Once that's complete, the wall will be rendered. Also need to start the re pointing on the house, which I didn't finish last year.
Got the new cat beds today, which I brought on Ebay, hopefully the cats will start to use them. I normally find them, all cuddled up together in a fruit box!
Colin our builder rang us last week, to say sorry that he hadn't been to us, to finish the Kitchen, but he's got shingles.
Boy's are both looking forward to the weekend as its the Welsh Game Fair and we always take them. Harry's not impressed that he won't be able to do the climbing wall this year, because of his collar bone. But its a brilliant day out for all the family.
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Wheels On The Van...
Mark, the farmer that we brought the Caravan from called down to see us today, with a wheel for the Static Caravan. When we brought it, it only had one wheel on which we knew about and he lent us one of his, off another van when it was delivered so that we could move it into position. So now that we are ready for the van to be moved again he came down with a wheel to try on the van. Luckily, it fits so just need to clear out the van and get the man with his lorry to move it into its new position away from the house. Mind you its got to be cleared out, before he lifts it. God knows where I'm going to put everything! Just hoping that he can get it in the main drive ok. Tried ringing him today, but he's out on a job, so will give him a tinkle tonight.
The wall outside the kitchen has finally been built. It will be rendered and some coping stones put on top. Still got to build the steps in, up to the patio. Also waiting for our builder Colin to come and finish the kitchen, then I can get that straight. Went down to the local builders merchant yesterday, to get some cement and skim for the kitchen walls. Be really glad when its finished as the dust is getting me down.
Ben's been into school this morning, for one of his English exam's. Picked him up at 11.30am, after the exam was over, he said it went ok. Harry's come in tonight and he has had the results of one of his exams, he got a "B" in Music. He also wants to go to the Liberty Stadium on Friday with the school to watch the Rugby.
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