Monday, 28 April 2008
Sunday Shock...
Had a phone call from my friend Karen's Dad Brian yesterday. To tell me that Karen had, had a heart attack and had been rushed to St Thomas's Hospital, where they had inserted 3 stents. It was such a shock. Rang a couple of our mutual friends to let them know. Just hoping that her recovery is a speedy one.. Karen we love you and are wishing you well...
Thursday, 24 April 2008
My friend Jayne and her Mum popped up to see us yesterday and see the new babies. While she was here we were sitting in the little paddock and I had my hands spread out behind me. Along came Lil and I didn't move my hand quick enough, and she trod on my fingers. I think the ring finger is definitely broken. Stuck it straight in the water bucket, but couldn't get my wedding ring off. Well by this morning the finger looked like a thick pork sausage and boy does it hurt. Its very bruised and I can't straighten it. So went into town to the jewellers, who cut the ring off for me, I can't describe the relief. Left my ring there to be repaired, but need to go back in 10 days when the swellings gone down so he can re size it. Tash and Brandon also called up yesterday afternoon to see the babies, managed to get some good pictures..
Ben's off school today because of the teachers strike, so he's been doing homework all day. Harry's friend Caulder is over here for the day as well. Will be taking him home shortly.
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Hospital With Harry..
Went to the hospital with Harry this morning for his follow up appointment. He had more x-rays taken, the Consultant wants to see him again in five weeks. The bone still looks like its floating and has not started to join up yet. He wants Harry to keep the brace and the sling on constantly. The sling is taking all the weight of the arm and the brace is keeping his back straight. We can't even get a t-shirt on him yet! Harry still has a massive yellow bruise on his shoulder. So he can't return to school yet because he can't hold a pen correctly to write and he must try and keep his arm still.. Harry was quite happy about that, means he can spend some time with the new babies. So I'll ring the school tomorrow and explain the situation. Also rang and left a message for his Scout leader explaining that Harry won't be at Scouts for the foreseeable future.
Monday, 21 April 2008
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Another New Arrival....
We got up to a new filly foal this morning. Please see Hericus blog for details, had to have the vet out this evening, foal not feeding as it should. Long night ahead...
Thursday, 17 April 2008
New Arrival.....
Had our first foal of the season this evening... Please see Hericus Blog for all the details, pictures and video... Link in my side bar....
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Well it was back to the hospital again this morning to the fracture clinic. Saw the consultant who advised us that it could take up to three months for Harry's bone to heal fully. They have put him in a brace to keep his back straight, this also pulls the bones back into the right position. He has also been fitted with an adjustable sling, that fastens over his opposite shoulder but gives full support to his arm. We have to go back next week so that they can re x-ray the brake and adjust the brace. He has to wear both constantly, unless he has a shower.
Ben came home from school with a letter of apology from the boy at school who caused Harry's injury. I really haven't got my head round it all yet, and am undecided whether to take the matter further.
Water board also came back today, we have definitely cured the water leak that we had, all been tested and all OK now. Which is another weight of my mind. Also managed to get some more fencing up this afternoon. Big Mick has been a really big help.
Ben came home from school with a letter of apology from the boy at school who caused Harry's injury. I really haven't got my head round it all yet, and am undecided whether to take the matter further.
Water board also came back today, we have definitely cured the water leak that we had, all been tested and all OK now. Which is another weight of my mind. Also managed to get some more fencing up this afternoon. Big Mick has been a really big help.
Monday, 14 April 2008
Hospital & Broken Bones..

Been really busy here since Thursday, digger went back this morning.. Managed to get everything done that we wanted.
Today we went to this hospital to see Mick's Neuro Surgeon, the upshot of it all is that they won't operate, in case they cause anymore damage. Got home got a few bits done that I wanted, and then out of the blue got a call from the school. Could I go and get Harry, he'd had an accident and they were quite concerned that he'd injured his shoulder. So off to the hospital again for the second time today. Harry had his x-ray and he's broken his collar bone. He is in so much pain that I really don't know what to do for him. Back to the hospital in the morning, to the fracture clinic and see the consultant. Got this image from the Internet, to give you some idea what he's done. But he's broken his right collar bone.

Thursday, 10 April 2008
Trench Is Dug!
The trench has now been finished being dug down the side of the kitchen.. Hopefully now the walls will begin to dry out. We did uncover an air brick under all the soil, no wonder there was damp getting in.. I can't remember if I'd previously said that the water board had been here last week and said that we had a massive water leak somewhere on our property. They said they would come back today to see if it was where we've been digging. Well they've been back today and they now think that its in the barn under the concrete, but its not has bad as they first thought. So what we are going to do is dig another hole, where we know there is a t-junction cap off the pipe that is leaking and run new piping down to the stables.. hopefully that will cure the problem.. The Water Board are coming back next week, to recheck that the leak has been cured..
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Water Water Everywhere!!!
Told you didn't I, start one job and it leads to another.. We've started the tench and you've guessed it we hit the water pipe. I now have a water feature outside the back door, which the cats are quite enjoying playing with at the moment... Its just one thing after another..
Builders yard here we come for a new bit of pipe and capping joints...
More Ground Work
Digger was delivered yesterday morning, muck heap has now been moved and turned. Its rotted down into a rich dark compost, which I will eventually use on the garden.. Trench is being started on today down the side of the kitchen, god knows what we are going to uncover now. Nothing seems to be straight forward here, we start one job and that leads to another 10... If I haven't written on this blog keep your eye on my other blog as the foals are imminent now.. The link is in the side bar.
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Busy Busy Busy
As you can see by the title we are very busy here at the moment.. The boys are still off school and Ben's girlfriend Katie is with us until Sunday. Then we have Mick's Mum & Dad coming up next Wednesday for a week. We have been trying to get all the new fencing sorted out, before our impending deliveries arrive (please see my other blog for updates on the Ponies). Also both car's were in the garage last week, the switch had gone on the fan, so engine was overheating and then the pipe from the petrol tank on the jeep split and was leaking petrol everywhere, thankfully both fixed now, but was lost without the jeep as its a good work horse around here, and let me tell you those fencing posts are not the lightest things to carry around. Thank god I have a 6ft 3in strapping son to help me.
Ordered more fencing posts yesterday, and they've just been delivered. At least the sun is shining at the moment.
Need to get on to the man with the lorry to move the static caravan, to its new position. really pleased with how all the ground work turned out. Fencing posts have already been placed in position ready for them to be whacked in with the digger. Still it seems we are finally getting there.
Nothing being done indoors at the moment, spending as much time outside while the weather is good.
Ordered more fencing posts yesterday, and they've just been delivered. At least the sun is shining at the moment.
Need to get on to the man with the lorry to move the static caravan, to its new position. really pleased with how all the ground work turned out. Fencing posts have already been placed in position ready for them to be whacked in with the digger. Still it seems we are finally getting there.
Nothing being done indoors at the moment, spending as much time outside while the weather is good.
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