Went to the dentist yesterday for a check up, all ok.. Then went shopping, called into Wilkinson's and they had a sale on. We've been looking for a oak TV unit to match the rest of our furniture in the lounge. Well they had just what we wanted, so I brought it and an oak side table.... Couldn't resist at those bargain prices. Also went to pick up some floating oak shelves that I'd ordered, but they'd made a cock up and they were not there, so they will now be delivered free of charge on Wednesday. They can then go up in the alcove and I can put my books on there..
Hoping to get the new flooring this month, to level the floor, then we can get the lounge finally sorted. Because it was originally two rooms the tiled end is slightly lower the wood end, so we are getting a wood floor laid over the tiles to bring up the level. I do like the tiles, so easy to clean, but it looks so odd... Want the room to flow and it doesn't at the moment.
The JCB man hasn't turned up so still waiting for the ground work to be done at this rate, it will be next year. I really hate relying on people, if you say your going to be there, then be there.
Mick's got to go back to the hospital for another MRI as he should have had an injection before so that it highlights parts of the body and they didn't give it to him..
I also brought a new computer tower yesterday,as my lap top still ain't fixed and Ben was really getting the hump with me using his. Still trying to work out what it can do, but have realised that I can't import my bookmarks, have no idea why could be that the new computer is Vista and the other one was windows. Looks like I'll have to sit down the good old fashioned way, with a pen & paper and write them all down then retype them in...
Been having a right old laugh on MSN the last few nights with my friends Donna and her sister Sue. Hello girls, love you lots and I'll have a "B" please Bob.. Sorry you had to be on the joke to get that... Hello Martyn if your reading this...