Had a call from my friend Karen yesterday, to tell me that the person who had brought Jasmine one of her miniatures, decided after getting her to their house, that they wanted a smaller pony and could they come back & swap her for the smaller one. Karen agreed and Jasmine went back to Karen's, but she's been pining for all the other Ponies, cause I've got most of them here.... You know where this story is going don't you!
So today Mick, Harry & I have been over to Karen's to pick up Princess Jasmine & she is now merrily munching away with her friends and sister in my field. I need to take some pictures of her, then I'll post them. Ben's down in Carmarthen with his mates and is going to a party at another friends house tonight over in Llandysul. So its Mum's Taxi again......
Hazel, the lady who wanted the pumpkins has seen them on the blog and she likes them, so they will be going to live outside her Witchey House very soon.... I want to see some pictures Hazel...
I'm watching a fantastic Doll House on Ebay at the moment, want to put a bid on it, but want to know whereabouts in England it is before I do...Cause its pick up only...
Can you believe when I did a posting the other day, I spelt my hubby's name wrong!!! I am married to Mick not Mike.....(Short for Michael)!We've only been together for 20 years, I'm blaming the spell check, think it changed it, well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.....!
My Cousin Sheena, who's in Malaysia, emailed me and asked me to be her friend on Face book yesterday, so had to join to get her message and then blow me today my friend Donna who's only just got a land line and Internet connection, emailed me to be her friend as well!!! We've spent most of this afternoon playing about sending silly messages to each. She's also set up a Face book for her brother Richard and he was emailing me too.. Hello Cupcake Love You..... Really miss them...
Just had a text from Ben he wants picking up in Emlyn at 5.20pm, he's supposed to be going out again at 6pm...
Saturday, 29 September 2007
Friday, 28 September 2007
Finished Pumpkins

Well I've finally finished the miniatures I've been working on this week.

The Crate of Pumpkins look really good, think I'll make some for Diagon Alley.I Hope Hazel likes them, if she doesn't I'll stick them on Ebay or keep them myself! I stained the crate with an Oak coloured wax and used hay for the filling as our straw is too thick and it looked out of scale. I've also finished a Marmalade In The Making board been trying to find my miniature gingham for the jam jar and my Jack-O-Lantern.. Also made a platter of Tail On Prawns laying in a bed of cucumber & tomato slices. Here are the pictures.....
They are a bit dark cause I've only just taken
them and the camera was casting a shadow...


Managed to get most of the pointing done, under Harry's Bedroom window yesterday, will have to get back up there to do some more, but at least it's weather tight now.
Was looking through my Scrapbooks this morning haven't done any pages for ages. Still once the house is sorted will have more time... Got tons of stash squirreled away, which I'm always adding too, but don't tell anyone!
The Kids won't be pleased, they hate having their photo's taken, especially Ben, it must be the age thing...

Have put some pictures on here of a few of my completed pages, but I'm afraid my camera skills don't do them justice... The top picture is of
Ben and Harry, Christmas Eve 1997, bless them it was all brotherly Love then. The second picture is of my beautiful Mum on her Wedding Day. The third picture is Mike and Me taken December 2004, got a few more grey hairs now, and last but not least
is another page with Ben & Harry, this one was published in a Scrapbook Magazine, but for the life of me I can't remember which one...

My friend Sarah got me interested in Scrapbooking and she has now gone on to run Scrapbooking retreats, clubs and publish books on the subject. See the link on my blog.
Well I best get my backside into gear, horses to see to, washing to be done, miniatures to finish.....
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Sorry no blog yesterday, electric was off for hours, while Western Power did maintenance to the overhead cables.. Had to boil a saucepan on the hob for a cuppa! The girl Ponies managed to move the rails on the field and get out. They were all in the yard and the Stallions were going nuts in the stables. Moved them back and closed the yard gate...
Wrapped & posted all my Ebay items that I'd sold. Went to Carmarthen Farmers Market, to get Horse, Cat, Duck & Dog Food.
Today I'm going to do some pointing on the House, its cold but at least its not raining, got to get up on the back kitchen roof to re point under Harry's bedroom window, from when we had the new roof put on, so its old clothes and a thick sweatshirt for me and plenty of cups of hot Tea...
Wrapped & posted all my Ebay items that I'd sold. Went to Carmarthen Farmers Market, to get Horse, Cat, Duck & Dog Food.
Today I'm going to do some pointing on the House, its cold but at least its not raining, got to get up on the back kitchen roof to re point under Harry's bedroom window, from when we had the new roof put on, so its old clothes and a thick sweatshirt for me and plenty of cups of hot Tea...
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
What One Is Your Favourite?

Was sorting out some more of my stash yesterday and came across a bag of Liquorice Allsorts, that I'd made ages ago. I used to give them to new members of my old Dolls House Club as a welcome gift... My favourite one's are the black liquorice with the white fondant inside! Whats your favourite?

I was working on some Christmas biscuits last night, the biscuits had already been cooked and I was trying to get the icing on without making to much mess.. I did some Christmas trees in Green, Stars in Yellow and Red Boots. Tried them out on one of the baking sheets that I got from America. Look really good. They are so dinky, they'd make lovely little decorations to hang on a miniature Christmas tree, will have to make some more in different colours, and try and find my beading needles, to make the hole and get some thread through to hang them up!!!!

I'm off now to muck out the Horses, then I'm going to pop over and see my friend Di, as she's going into hospital next week, for major surgery on her back....
Monday, 24 September 2007
Parcels & Post

Been wrapping & packing parcels this morning ready to take to the Post Office today.
Postie arrived about 11.45am this morning and I had a parcel from America. I was like a kid in a Candy shop when I opened it. I'd ordered some lovely little stainless steel tins, cookie sheets, bread tins and mixing bowls. They are fantastic quality and I'm really pleased with them. I'd also ordered some lovely miniature jars with a pop off plastic lid, they look like the old sweet jars, which came the other day. I've got some ideas floating round what I want to do with them all.
Need to sort out some miniature tables, I can feel a baking day table coming on, with lots of lovely bread and cakes.. Yum...

Had a letter to say that Western Power are doing maintenance on the power cables on Wednesday this week and that our Electricity will be off for approx 4 hours while the work is carried out. So if you can't get hold of me via Email or home phone you know why...
Spoke to the Boot Sale Queen this morning, she's been bargain hunting again. They went to Newquay on Saturday and a shop was closing for refurbishment. She managed to get 4 pairs of school trousers at a £1.00 a pair and truck loads of other bits. She said she came out loaded up with stuff and only spent £16.00.. I'm going shopping with her one day, cause she always finds a bargain.
Sunday, 23 September 2007
Sunday Update.....
Well we managed to move the ponies around ok today, without any mishaps. Kia is now in the stable next to Cravat, there was quite a lot of squealing when we first put him in, but once they'd had a sniff of each other they settled down.
Moved the girls out of the top field into the home paddock. Little Athena, really made me laugh, she went bombing around the field, jumping and kicking and then came over for a cuddle. She's so cute you just want to squeeze her. Tiger Lily also wanted cuddles, she has such a beautiful face, big eyes and huge eyelashes. I remember seeing her when she was new born, over at Karen's and it was love at first sight, and she definitely hasn't lost the cute factor.....
My friend Christine rang this morning and she is going to pop up for a couple of days in October to see us. The last time I saw Chris was at my Dad's funeral..She's going to come up by train & we will pick her up at the station in Carmarthen.. Really looking forward to it.. Hi Chris if your reading this. Also spoke to Richard & his sister Donna today and caught up with all the news. At long last Donna is getting a home phone & a Internet connection. About bloody time.....She's only ever had a mobile phone....
Also had an email from Hazel today, the lady who wanted the pumpkins.
Hazel's seen them on the blog and there just what she wanted, but agrees that the crate could do with darkening down. Just got to find the wood stain now. Hi Hazel ...
Ben's been doing homework today, in between chatting to Katie on the phone, watching a film & being on the computer. Harry's been doing the usual Sunday routine when he's not Riding, get up stay in PJ's all day, watch films,have dinner, shower and put on clean PJ's, watch another film. Alright for some....
Feel really tired today, so might try & have an early night, got packing & posting to do tomorrow for my Ebay customers....
Moved the girls out of the top field into the home paddock. Little Athena, really made me laugh, she went bombing around the field, jumping and kicking and then came over for a cuddle. She's so cute you just want to squeeze her. Tiger Lily also wanted cuddles, she has such a beautiful face, big eyes and huge eyelashes. I remember seeing her when she was new born, over at Karen's and it was love at first sight, and she definitely hasn't lost the cute factor.....
My friend Christine rang this morning and she is going to pop up for a couple of days in October to see us. The last time I saw Chris was at my Dad's funeral..She's going to come up by train & we will pick her up at the station in Carmarthen.. Really looking forward to it.. Hi Chris if your reading this. Also spoke to Richard & his sister Donna today and caught up with all the news. At long last Donna is getting a home phone & a Internet connection. About bloody time.....She's only ever had a mobile phone....
Also had an email from Hazel today, the lady who wanted the pumpkins.
Hazel's seen them on the blog and there just what she wanted, but agrees that the crate could do with darkening down. Just got to find the wood stain now. Hi Hazel ...
Ben's been doing homework today, in between chatting to Katie on the phone, watching a film & being on the computer. Harry's been doing the usual Sunday routine when he's not Riding, get up stay in PJ's all day, watch films,have dinner, shower and put on clean PJ's, watch another film. Alright for some....
Feel really tired today, so might try & have an early night, got packing & posting to do tomorrow for my Ebay customers....
Managed to get a bit more done to my Jack-O-Lantern last night, but he's not finished yet.
Did you see X-Factor, I was laughing so much, especially at Sharon when she walked into the door. What makes me laugh are the people, that think they can really sing and they most certainly can't. You would have thought their friends or family would have told them. I get so embarrassed for them, so much so it makes me cringe. That poor 17 year old girl last night, who's Dad had made the dress for her, well need I say anymore, she couldn't sing cause she was out of breath.The family reminded me of the Golightleys!! Didn't her Family realise what she looked like Poor Kid... I felt really sorry for her.
I'm off to move some ponies about now and get dinner started, will update later.....
Did you see X-Factor, I was laughing so much, especially at Sharon when she walked into the door. What makes me laugh are the people, that think they can really sing and they most certainly can't. You would have thought their friends or family would have told them. I get so embarrassed for them, so much so it makes me cringe. That poor 17 year old girl last night, who's Dad had made the dress for her, well need I say anymore, she couldn't sing cause she was out of breath.The family reminded me of the Golightleys!! Didn't her Family realise what she looked like Poor Kid... I felt really sorry for her.
I'm off to move some ponies about now and get dinner started, will update later.....
Saturday, 22 September 2007
Well I never got any pointing done on the house, as its been raining on & off today. Did however manage to sort Mick's workshop out and unload his tools from my Horse trailer & get rid of a load of rubbish... Unloaded one box & the Micky's had been in it & made a nest out of a garden kneeling pad, bloody things..
As you can see from the pictures the little pumpkins turned out ok, I just piled them in the crate, to see what they looked like. Need to get either some straw or hay from the barn & cut it up, so the pumpkins nestle in it.
I don't know yet whether to stain the crate darker or leave it plain, think maybe a darker colour would show the pumpkins off better, but will have to see what Hazel wants to do...

Also found some knife's in my stash the other day, which I want to use on this board & a big spoon, with a dollop of pumpkin on it.... I'll upload some more pictures, once its completed.
Miniature Pumpkins...

One of my customers emailed me yesterday and asked if I could make her a crate of Pumpkins, with straw sticking out of the sides of the crate. I thought you might like to see the process, so got Mick to photograph as I was working on them....
First I mix the colour, since Fimo's colour range has changed the orange is too bright, so need to tone it down a bit.
To a Pumpkin colour. I'm lucky that I still have some old style Fimo, in other colours in my stash. The Fimo soft is very easy to knead but it doesn't hold its shape, like the old Fimo classic.

Once the colour is mixed together, I begin to break off enough of the mixture to make little balls. I roll them and leave them for about 10 minutes to cool down, otherwise when you start to work they loss the shape... 

A good tip if your Fimo is to soft is to put it in the fridge for 10 minutes, or if your hands are to hot, wash them in really cold water. They both work for me...And never wear anything Fluffy near Fimo, it attracts fibers & once their in the clay... Yuk!
Next I use a ball ended tool to make an indent in the top of the clay, for the stalk. I then take a cocktail stick, and gently impress lines into the Pumpkins all the way round.
If your making pumpkins remember, no two are the same, they haven't got to be perfect. Once I'm happy with the look and shape of the Pumpkin, I gently turn it over and make a tiny impression on the bottom & use the different colour clay to show where the flower would have been. If you are making these to stick down on something, then you need not bother, as nobody will see it. Then I add the stalk, using a ball ended tool I make the impression on the top of the clay bigger, and insert a roll of stalk coloured clay. 

Once the cane has been inserted, I use a very small ball ended tool to draw down the stalk into the groves of the pumpkin, then very, very gently twist the stalk and pull at the same time. Any excess stalk can be trimmed away, with a single sided blade, but watch your fingers they are sharp.
Once their finished, you can go over the grooves if they've lost any shape, but gently does it.

Then pop them in the oven, I bake mine directly on the tile, for the recommended time, remove from the oven, let them cool and arrange.
I'll take some more pictures later, I'm off to sort the horses out, and hopefully do some pointing on the outside of the house, before the weather sets in..... Multi-talented Women that I Am.....
Friday, 21 September 2007
Crafty Blog Counter & New Links
Just added a crafty blog counter to my blog. If you click on it, it will take you over to the Crafty Blog site, its where UK crafters list their blog pages and you can read them.
Also added a link on my sites & blogs I visit for Angela Downton, who makes the most wonderful miniature furniture, this link will take you straight to her Auctions on Ebay.
And last but not least have added a link direct to my own Ebay listings.
Also added a link on my sites & blogs I visit for Angela Downton, who makes the most wonderful miniature furniture, this link will take you straight to her Auctions on Ebay.
And last but not least have added a link direct to my own Ebay listings.
Hit Counter!!

Well I'm really chuffed, I've had over one thousand hits on this blog... Amazing that people are reading my ramblings, Hi Everyone....
Spent nearly all day yesterday sorting out miniatures and doing some more listings on Ebay or Greedbay as it should be known.

Had two really lovely emails today from Comfrey (Judy) & Pinkhazel (hazel). Judy's one was to tell me that her parcel had arrived safe & sound in Canada and she gave me a link to her online photo album. Which I promptly went & had a look at, she has made the most wonderful, crooked house from the Nursery Rhyme There was a Crooked Man. She's also made a Witch's House, just loved the cobweb in the corner. There are some really talented people out there. Hazel's email was to ask if I could make her a crate of pumpkins, she thinks mine are the best she's seen so far. Judy & Hazel are both really good customers of mine, and keep coming back for more, so I must be doing something right. I just love receiving their emails. Hi Ladies if your reading this......

The weather is horrible here today, raining, apparently North Wales are in for heavy rains and there could be flooding, lets keep our fingers crossed that it doesn't.
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Cousin Micky & Bev

Had a lovely conversation with my cousin Micky & Bev today. Mick and Bev are who I got little Warrior from. They sent me some pictures today of his Mum & Dad & their other ponies. They also sent me some pictures of a horse Mick brought for jumping. What a beautiful horse he is and doing really well.
Bev has decided to concentrate on the show jumping with Alison and she's not going to be showing her Miniature Shetlands anymore.
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Our Bear....

This is Merlin our Newfie, he's a great big softy who slobbers a lot.
He will be 3 in March. We went to see him when he was just over a week old! Tiny Little bundle of fluff, but boy has he grown. His pedigree name is Mileoak Devilliers.
You can visit his kennel at www.mileoak.com .
He gets extremely excited when he meets anybody new, so I warn people when they come never to wear decent clothing, else their be covered in slobber by the time they leave... Once you've been in the house for 1/2 hour he will leave you alone. He just thinks its someone new to play with. As you can see from the photo of him & my cousin Mandy, he loves to give you big wet kisses.
Ben seemed to have enjoyed his Birthday yesterday.
The Boot Sale Queen & Family brought him a No Fear T-Shirt and a Ted Baker gift set, he was really pleased & he even gave Tash a quick peck on the cheek to say Thank You. I hope you know how honoured you are Tash, cause I don't even get a kiss from him....
Been doing some more listings on Ebay today and had a delivery from America this morning of some lovely little tins that I'd ordered and some miniature stainless steel mixing bowls. Already have ideas for them!!! So that will be something different to put on Ebay. Managed to find some tables that I had in a stock box and will be doing some dressed tables shortly.
We've just had a phone call from Mick's Dad, to say that Mick's Grandmother passed away at 2.10 this afternoon. Mick's Mum, Sister, Aunt & Cousin were with her. We had been expecting this news, but it's still a shock when it happens, Mick is quite shook up....
The Boot Sale Queen & Family brought him a No Fear T-Shirt and a Ted Baker gift set, he was really pleased & he even gave Tash a quick peck on the cheek to say Thank You. I hope you know how honoured you are Tash, cause I don't even get a kiss from him....
Been doing some more listings on Ebay today and had a delivery from America this morning of some lovely little tins that I'd ordered and some miniature stainless steel mixing bowls. Already have ideas for them!!! So that will be something different to put on Ebay. Managed to find some tables that I had in a stock box and will be doing some dressed tables shortly.
We've just had a phone call from Mick's Dad, to say that Mick's Grandmother passed away at 2.10 this afternoon. Mick's Mum, Sister, Aunt & Cousin were with her. We had been expecting this news, but it's still a shock when it happens, Mick is quite shook up....
Monday, 17 September 2007
Happy 16TH Birthday Ben
Well we were all up at the crack of dawn this morning!!!
Ben was really pleased with the presents that Katie sent him, and immediately put the new stud labret in. Katie brought him some other bits for his piercing's and a really nice necklace with a Mother of Pearl claw hanging from the chain which is engraved.
We had already paid for his piercings and brought him some new clothes that he wanted. This morning he had some other bits, plus a new executive leather chair for his desk. He got money from his Nan & Grandad, Aunt Joanne & Cousin Mandy. I know that he has another pressie coming from The Boot Sale Queen & Family...
He wants one of my Chicken casseroles for his dinner tonight with loads of mash, so I'm off to get that ready.
Happy 16th Birthday Ben, may all your dreams come true, Love You.....
Ben was really pleased with the presents that Katie sent him, and immediately put the new stud labret in. Katie brought him some other bits for his piercing's and a really nice necklace with a Mother of Pearl claw hanging from the chain which is engraved.
We had already paid for his piercings and brought him some new clothes that he wanted. This morning he had some other bits, plus a new executive leather chair for his desk. He got money from his Nan & Grandad, Aunt Joanne & Cousin Mandy. I know that he has another pressie coming from The Boot Sale Queen & Family...
He wants one of my Chicken casseroles for his dinner tonight with loads of mash, so I'm off to get that ready.
Happy 16th Birthday Ben, may all your dreams come true, Love You.....
Sunday, 16 September 2007
New Listings On Ebay..
Spent most of today on & off Ben's computer, my laptop still isn't fixed, checking my auctions on Ebay. Listed some more bits today.
Its Ben's 16th Birthday tomorrow & I need to wrap his pressie's for the morning! Will wait till he's tucked up in bed tonight.
Nothing much else to report today.
Might start on some new miniatures later, but feeling a bit tired after our big fat roast dinner, so might just read to the boys.
Its Ben's 16th Birthday tomorrow & I need to wrap his pressie's for the morning! Will wait till he's tucked up in bed tonight.
Nothing much else to report today.
Might start on some new miniatures later, but feeling a bit tired after our big fat roast dinner, so might just read to the boys.
Saturday, 15 September 2007
More Miniature China......

Well I did start doing some more listings of some more Miniature Bone China, this morning on Ebay, but the bloody batteries ran out on the camera, so their now on charge!
Been trying to tidy up downstairs, it looks terrible, there's so many boxes all over the place, from the garage and the kitchen, that its totally getting on my nerves... Started ripping out the Utility room today, and taking the old painted tiles of the wall, more bloody mess!!!! But I've got to keep thinking what the end result will look like.

Ben's gone off with his friends to Carmarthen, so won't see him until around 7pm tonight. Harry's still in his PJ's watching a film in their sitting room, he was totally disgusted with me, when I turned the hoover on and all I got was "Mum, do you have too, I'm trying to watch a film", I couldn't possibly put on this blog what I said back to him....
Friday, 14 September 2007
Miniature Bone China.....
We popped to Carmarthen today to get some Birthday cards, my stash had run out. Called into see Tash on the way back to drop off her Mum's Birthday Card. "Happy Birthday Jackie"...
Have been sorting out a load of Miniatures that I've got stored in the garage, from when I used to do the Dolls House Fairs in the South East and decided loads of its got to go. Its dead money out there, plus its taking up the whole of the garage space. So I've started listing some English Bone China Miniatures on Ebay this evening. Have started them below the trade price, so someones going to get a few bargains. The China I've started to list is by Robert Mack. He & his wife Joyce used to work for Royal Doulton. They only do a couple of shows a year now, one being Miniaturia. Their stuff is absolutely beautiful and very well made. Let's hope it sells well...
My EBay ID is tinytreasure1.

Harry had Scouts last night for the first time since the beginning of the Summer holidays and he seems to have enjoyed going back.
Ben's out this evening, he's gone to his friend Steve's birthday bash, he was staying the night, but has now decided that as he wants to go out with his mates tomorrow, that he will come home for a proper nights sleep. So have got to pick him up around 11pm. Ben's girlfriend Katie has had her tongue pierced and she's having to eat ice to reduce the swelling.. Yuk! She's coming down to stay with us just after Christmas and will be here for the New Year, I think their both really excited about it. Can't wait to meet the Bonny Lass......
Spoke to Tanya in the week and she has given up smoking again & gone on a diet at the same time, talk about stress herself out... She had me in fits when she told me what she'd had for lunch, she said you know that Bird Seed Crap, she meant Sunflower seeds!.....
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Out & About
Popped out today wanted to get a surprise present for Ben for his 16th Birthday on Monday. Managed to get what I wanted, can't say what it is incase he reads my blog. Can't believe he's grown up so quickly & boy has he grown, we think he must be 6ft 3ins now!!!!
Called in to see the Boot Sale Queen on the way home, little Brandon was fast asleep, but Tyler was all excited to see Mick. Geoff's been working on his garden wall with this special stuff that looks like bricks but isn't, it looks really good... Tash gave me a couple of pic's of Brandon & Ben, that her Mum took when we went round for his birthday. One of them is really lovely, Brandon is all snuggled up in Ben's arms looking at the camera, while Ben is looking at him. It will make a great Scrapbook page, "Best Buddies", comes to mind. Have asked Tash if she can email me the picture, that way I can attach it to my blog.
Ben took his phone to school today, as he was going straight out with his mates after school, normally he leaves it indoors and he sent a text or rang Katie to see how see got on today having her tongue pierced and got caught by one of the teachers, who then confiscated it. So we had to go to the school tonight to get it back...
Had another lovely email from a lady who has brought some miniatures from me via Ebay, saying how pleased she was with them. Its great to get feedback from my customers.
Brought a couple of sticks of sealing wax today, want to have a go at making some miniature scrolls, going to make the seal imprints from Fimo. Might have a go this evening...... I think I have some Vellum somewhere, if I do I'll take some pictures.
Called in to see the Boot Sale Queen on the way home, little Brandon was fast asleep, but Tyler was all excited to see Mick. Geoff's been working on his garden wall with this special stuff that looks like bricks but isn't, it looks really good... Tash gave me a couple of pic's of Brandon & Ben, that her Mum took when we went round for his birthday. One of them is really lovely, Brandon is all snuggled up in Ben's arms looking at the camera, while Ben is looking at him. It will make a great Scrapbook page, "Best Buddies", comes to mind. Have asked Tash if she can email me the picture, that way I can attach it to my blog.
Ben took his phone to school today, as he was going straight out with his mates after school, normally he leaves it indoors and he sent a text or rang Katie to see how see got on today having her tongue pierced and got caught by one of the teachers, who then confiscated it. So we had to go to the school tonight to get it back...
Had another lovely email from a lady who has brought some miniatures from me via Ebay, saying how pleased she was with them. Its great to get feedback from my customers.
Brought a couple of sticks of sealing wax today, want to have a go at making some miniature scrolls, going to make the seal imprints from Fimo. Might have a go this evening...... I think I have some Vellum somewhere, if I do I'll take some pictures.
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Vic Newey's website address should read www.vicnewey.co.uk, I'd left out a "e"....... Sorry if you were trying to link there via my blog.....
Miniature Diagon Alley

I've taken some piccie's of my 1/12th scale Diagon Alley. It was made by Vic Newey ( http://www.vicnewy.co.uk/ ), I've just been & had a look at his web site and it looks like his prices have risen since we brought this nearly 4 years ago for my 40th Birthday. 

Its really special to me as I used some money that my parents had left me & money that other friends & family gave me as birthday gifts. So every time I look at it, it brings back special memories. I had Vic make it to resemble Diagon Alley, as we are huge Harry Potter fans and I wanted something different to his usual street scene. 

As you look at the scene from the front I have an Apothecary to the right hand side and to the left, Eeylops Owl Emporium, at the back of the scene is Flourish & Blotts.
Downstairs in the Apothecary is one large room with a big Inglenook fireplace & upstairs another large room with steps leading up to a set of doors. The doors open to view the street below or for launching your broomstick!

This upstairs room will be used as the Wizards workshop where he makes new concoctions and magic potions for downstairs.
In Eeylops, in the downstairs room, their will be all different owls and owl related bits for sale, upstairs there is a big room with a loft room over, haven't quite decided what to do in here yet. But I'm sure the boy's will think of something.

Then right at the back we have Flourish & Blotts which has a sliding back to the window, so you can put the books in.
I've already got quite a few bits & pieces, but their all packed away somewhere in one of the many boxes we have stored.
Monday, 10 September 2007
Miniature Rum Babar

Was working on some new Miniatures last night. Do you remember Rum Babar's, I can remember my Dad liking them, they used to sell them at the old Wimpey Bar. It was like a Doughnut soaked in sugar & Rum, topped off with cream, chocolate sauce & nuts .I've tried to upload some pictures, but had a message to say that Blogger have a problem at the moment and are in the process of trying to fix it. So will try & post them later.

I've also noticed that on some of my older posts that some of my pictures are missing and all its showing is a little red cross in a square, if you click on it the picture can still be seen. God knows whats happened there!
Had an email the other day from a lady asking me to join CDHM on their main site, its a place where miniature artists from all over the world log in for a chat, catch up and showcase their work. I spent ages the other day just reading through loads of the forums. The talent out there is absolutely amazing. There's a link on this blog if you want to take a look. Just go to the main page of CDHM and click on the forums.
Ponies are all doing great, brought Cravat in to the stable today, he's so lovely and turned Kia out again as he seems a lot better now. He was off like a shot to see the girls! Lets hope he behaves himself.
The Boot Sale Queen rang me this morning, she'd been booting yesterday and had come home with another load of bargains... she gets withdrawal symptoms if she doesn't go, she likes her weekly fix!!
Going to start ripping out the old units in the back kitchen/utility room today, I wonder what disasters are behind them, we've already found a very dodgy looking electric wire with three block joins in it.. It's a wonder we haven't been electrocuted, or worse had an electrical fire, talk about bodge job!
Thought I'd try again to upload the pic's and it worked, sorry their a bit dark, but they were taken about 11.30pm last night.....
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