Well we were all up bright & breezy this morning. Went off to Swansea, to get the rest of the boys school uniform. Got their trousers at Tesco Extra, and their shoes from Clark's. Ben's are more of a boot then a shoe, but are really smart. We then went round to Sports World, where their having a huge sale of shoes & trainers. Got Harry a pair of Black Leather Reebok trainers for a tenner. Managed to find two pairs of trainers that Ben liked both black, one pair of Nike & one Reebok both for £22 bargain...
Ben really likes the No Fear Label t-shirts, the latest lot have got skulls all over them, so got him 3 t-shirts, pair of shorts and a hoodie as part of his birthday present, all in black of course, he won't wear any other colour. We also popped into the huge B & Q there to pick up a cabinet door for the new kitchen. We then had lunch in KFC, that's quite a treat as there are no takeaways like that near us, the closest McDonald's is about half an hour away in Carmarthen & the closest KFC is at Swansea which is approximately an hour away... Then we called into Makro's as I needed some dishwasher tablets & washing powder and then home...
Checked my EBay when we got in to see who's paid, will get their parcels off in the morning. Been working on miniatures tonight, having a go at Sushi...!
Popping over the Boot Sale Queens tomorrow as its Brandon's Birthday, must remember to take a bale of hay with me... Tash has loads of Rabbits...
Think I best be off to my bed now, didn't realise the time....
Friday, 31 August 2007
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Miniature Trunks

Was going to Swansea this morning but we slept in! The Alarm went off on Mick's phone and he turned it off, rolled over and it was goodnight all again, until I woke up with a start & asked him what the time was and if the alarm had gone off. I never heard the alarm at all, must have been totally out of it.
Finished off a few more miniature bits today. I also sorted out a box of Miniatures that I had previously made, not food, but miniature trunks. Am debating about making some more, was going to put the ones I've made on ebay, but just can't bear to part with two of them.
One is a Baby's chest, with nappies, blankets and a dinky yellow duck etc. The other is a Gentleman's chest, with his smoking jacket, hat and tiny leather slippers, blanket, Book & glasses.
Finished off a few more miniature bits today. I also sorted out a box of Miniatures that I had previously made, not food, but miniature trunks. Am debating about making some more, was going to put the ones I've made on ebay, but just can't bear to part with two of them.

Harry wants me to make a Pirates Chest, so am going to hunt through my bits to see what I've got, to make it. I also thought I'd make up a Wizard one for our Diagon alley scene. But again these take ages to make as I paint the trunks & crackle glaze them, then make the clothes, cushions, slippers etc, fill the trunk and then add all the little finishing touches. I used to sell these to a Dolls House Shop in Rochester and at the Fairs in Kent..
While I was having a sort out, Diane rang to say that the diesel tank on her car had split again and she'd broken down outside the doctors could I pick them up. Said Yes and shot down to get them, knew where they were just followed the diesel marks on the road, took her and Paul back to their place and stayed for a cuppa and catch up chat. Then back home.
Loads of my bits are ending on Ebay tonight and it all seems to be selling well, so keep your fingers crossed it all goes, got more school uniform to buy...
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
School Uniform
Well I know kids look nice & smart in school uniform, but my god the expense! At Ben & Harry's school they have to wear everything with the school emblem on, so its not a case of nipping to Tesco or Asda and buying a pack of tops for about a fiver. Oh no! I've just spent £160.00 on 7 t-shirts, 2 sweat shirts, 2 pairs of rugby socks, 1 pair of rugby shorts & 1 rugby top. Still got to get their trousers, new shoes & trainers & winter coats.. I don't mind having to pay the extra for the sweatshirts, but the t-shirts are a joke considering in the winter, the sweatshirt covers it & you can only see the collar. I really think that the shops hike up the prices cause they know you've got to have them. On top of that Harry is still growing at a rate of knots, so by spring next year I reckon I'll be buying another lot... Well not at them prices, I'll just buy the plain blue t-shirts.
Rang the Boot Sale Queen quick and she said they had a really nice time away over the weekend and found three boot sales and brought loads of bargains, good job you got that camper van Tash.... Apparently they came home loaded with bargains..
Rang the Boot Sale Queen quick and she said they had a really nice time away over the weekend and found three boot sales and brought loads of bargains, good job you got that camper van Tash.... Apparently they came home loaded with bargains..
Finished Miniature Fruit Salads

Well I managed to finish the Fruit Salad Miniatures at some ungodly hour last night, and I'm really pleased with how they've turned out. Will be putting them on Ebay, hopefully later on today.
I've got to take Harry into town today to get him some new school uniform, as he's moving up to big school its a totally new uniform. Also got some parcels to post. Will be taking Ben & Harry to Swansea this week to get their school shoes, more shops there to choose from although I normally get them both Clark's Shoes!
Well we are off out now so will update later..... Bye for now..
Monday, 27 August 2007
Miniature Fruit Salad...

Been working on miniature fruit salads today. Made some pineapple rings & then baked them so I could chop them up, without losing the definition on the rings & it helps them look more realistic in the serving dish.. As luck would have it, I had already made some oranges & other fruits & they were in my stock box, along with my canes. The canes look great when there done, but boy do they take time to make. Its like making sticks of Rock, you start with a big lump and after much squeezing, pulling and banging on the tile you end up with a miniature cane. Once you start you can't put it down as the clay becomes cold and less malleable. Found some lovely glass dishes that Ed had hand blown for me & decided to use them.
The second picture is me putting all the little pieces out on the board, before I stick them down. I fiddle around with the bits for ages, before I satisfied they
look ok.
Well you can see for yourself in the pictures. Once they were stuck down, I've used a gloss varnish on the cut bits so they look wet & also used gloss varnish in the serving bowl which sticks them together & holds them in the dish. I was going to use some liquid Fimo, but couldn't find it. I'm working on a couple more & I'll upload some pic's when their finished. Will be putting them on Ebay this week....

Had an email from my cousin Rose today, she has recently moved and only just got her Internet access back. She said that she'd been up to see my Mum & Dad's headstone & it looks lovely, so that's a weight of my mind. The Stone Mason's did send me some pictures of it finished, but I'm glad someone has seen it, cause you can't really tell by pictures. Hi Rose if your reading this, hope your be very happy in your new home.
Also had a text from the Boot Sale Queen, saying that they were coming home today, they've been away to the Forest Of Dean, and that she'd been to a Boot Sale and got loads of bargains. Can't wait to hear what she's brought. She does love a bargain does our Tash....
Rang our other friends Helen & Ray tonight to see how the move is going, everything progressing nicely now, there has been a few hiccups along the way. Their really looking forward to moving, more space, with a huge garden for Alfie & the dogs and finally some off road parking, bliss....
Mick and Harry have been up the top field today in the jeep to take some wood up to build a field shelter for the ponies. You can bet your life when its built they won't go in there!
Ben's been catching up with the programmes he's recorded on sky and on & off his computer all day. He's now on the phone to Katie. She's just started her own blog & I've put her link on my blog, so I can read it. Hi Katie.. Katie is Ben's girlfriend & their forever on the phone. God knows what they got to talk about all night. If ever you try to ring here and the phones engaged in the evening, its not me chatting but Ben.. Just ring my mobile and I'll get him off the phone & ring you back....
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Miniature Cheese & Biscuits!!

Was eating some Cheese & Biscuits last night while watching the X Factor (Did you see the Scary Girl From Wales, I nearly peed myself laughing) & thought they'd look quite good in miniature. Thought I'd have a bash at making them this morning.
Made some little round & square biscuits, then gave them a dusting of artist pastel, they've come out ok. Then turned my attention to making some Brie, mixed up a very light cream mixture, then a creamy white skin.Your hands have to be spotless or else every little speck of dust gets into the clay. Best not to wear dark colours. I learnt that from experience. Stippled all over with a very hard bristle brush & finished with a coat of talcum powder. I'm really pleased with the results so far. Going to make some different cheeses like Cheddar, Stilton & Edam.
You can see in the picture the lovely Mahogany board that Angela sent me, it really sets of the cheese. Thank you Angela if your reading this.

Got loads more ideas for other items but it takes so long to make everything, hours slip by in a daze. Much to the dismay of the rest of the family.
I tried making a Harvest loaf at 11pm last night, not the best time in the world to concentrate but as a first attempt it turned out ok, even made a little mouse to go on it. The clay was too firm, need to make it much softer next time, so it merges together, this one looks to stiff, pleased with the little Micky though!
Had another lovely email this morning, from a lady called Carol, who has recently brought some of my miniatures, saying how pleased she is with them, its so nice to hear from the people who appreciate the hard work that goes into them. Another Friend gained in the World Of Miniatures. Hi Carol if your reading this.
Harry went for his riding lesson this afternoon and is now riding on his own without a lead rein. Its amazing how quickly he's picked it up and even Nicky says that he has the right posture in the saddle, like he was born to it. It will be lovely when he is confident enough to go out on a hack. I can just see him galloping over the fields.
We moved Min, Athena & Chi Chi in with the other girls yesterday and they seem to have settled down ok now, was a bit worried at first incase Athena got hurt, but Min soon put everyone in their place, she's a very protective Mum.
I don't know whether you the people reading this know, that you can leave comments on my blog. All you have to do is register your email address. It would be great to hear what you think.... There a comment button at the end of each blog. Saturday, 25 August 2007
Making More Miniatures

Well I've spent the last couple of days making miniatures to sell on EBay. Started off making some Pumpkins, Carrots & Spuds, then went on to make some Swedes, Mushrooms etc, to put on my miniature Vegetable boards. Also filled a little basket to see how that turned out.
Every board I do is different no two are ever the same.

I had been bidding on some miniature glass fronted boxes for my Diagon Alley scene, but missed out on them.(The scene, was made by Vic Newey & includes Eyelops Owl Emporium, The Apothecary & Flourish & Blotts. It was made for my 40th Birthday). The lady Angela who made them, emailed me with a second chance offer, which I gratefully accepted. She also makes lovely chopping boards, so emailed her back & asked if she could make me some. Its so hard to get hold of the wood I need up here, whereas before when we lived in Kent, it was a quick trip to the local Craft Superstore. She agreed to make some for me, then I had an email to say her poor husband Jeff had disturbed a Wasps nest and had been badly stung & that he resembled the Elephant man and had spent ages at the hospital, it had put her behind with her orders. Emailed back saying no problem, I was happy to wait. Then got another email to say that she was sending me the boards free of charge, as she felt guilty for being behind with her orders. What a lovely, kind thing for her to do. I've always said that the people you meet in this hobby are wonderful. I will definitely be doing business with her again.
Have put some pictures on of my Mini;s in the making, these are all made by hand, I don't use any moulds, except for a veiner to put the detail on the cabbage leaves.It takes hours of work for a very small return, but its something that I enjoy.
I learned to make miniatures by trail & error, after I couldn't get the bits I wanted for my own House, then it grew from there. I now have numerous Dolls Houses, Room Boxes, Shops & Vignettes. I used to do the Dolls House Fairs in the South East, and met some lovely people, but
there is nothing like that here. So if any of the Dolls House Fair Organizers are reading this, could you do a fair in South West Wales please?

Thursday, 23 August 2007
What A Week...

I haven't stopped laughing since Friday afternoon. My Friend Tanya & her two children Ayden & Kiera have been staying with us. Tanya is the most funniest person & seems to be able to make a joke out of anything.
Its been lovely to catch up and do things that we don't normally do, like go to the boot sale & the beach. I felt quite deflated when they left this morning.
Have put a couple of pictures of Harry's room on here, so you can see how it turned out.

I've also taken some more pictures of 
the kitchen. The sink is in & the taps have been connected, the hood over the cooker is up just needs the chimney bit fixing on now. Still loads to do but getting there.

Spoke to Diane this morning, Sheamus is going on Sunday, which is a relief, but I'm gutted we've lost so much money on him.
Put another load of miniatures on EBay yesterday, as it was cheap listing day.
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Telephone Line
My friend Diane rang me this morning on my mobile to tell me that our home phone is out of order again. We can ring out & use the broadband but no one can ring in. We been having trouble for days with crossed lines & we can hear other people's conversations, but they can't hear us. Apparently its a fault at the exchange and not us. We've only just had all the cables from the telegraph pole to the house replaced, cause they were rotting away. All calls have now been automatically redirected to my mobile at no extra cost to me or the caller. Rang the fault line this afternoon and they are coming out tomorrow to fix it again!!!
Popped to Carmarthen this afternoon as we needed another cupboard for the kitchen, managed to get the carcase but not the door, so will have to have a trip to Swansea. The Kitchen is getting there, will try & take some pictures tomorrow.
Really looking forward to tomorrow, my friend is coming to stay, it will be lovely to catch up. Best I have a quick wipe round with the hoover...
Popped to Carmarthen this afternoon as we needed another cupboard for the kitchen, managed to get the carcase but not the door, so will have to have a trip to Swansea. The Kitchen is getting there, will try & take some pictures tomorrow.
Really looking forward to tomorrow, my friend is coming to stay, it will be lovely to catch up. Best I have a quick wipe round with the hoover...
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
Busy Day!

Got up early this morning. Went down & mucked the ponies out, then back indoors to do the boys bedrooms and loads of washing (it breeds in that laundry bin). Was just stripping the beds when Rachel & Scarlet turned up, so had a quick cuppa and catch up with them, then they had to go.
Went over the boot sale queens this afternoon and we popped to the cheap shop near her place. Managed to get two plain King Size quilt covers & pillow cases for £10.00 bargain... They've got loads more stuff coming in this week, including quilts. Ben needs a new quilt for his bed, the one he's got has gone completely flat, I think its cause he wraps himself in it like a Mummy..

The photos are of Ben's Double room. Ben wanted a Dragon on his wall, so looked at some designs on the internet & books. He then picked one out which I drew out and then projected it on to the wall, outlined it then painted it free hand. It looks quite effective and Ben's pleased with it. Then at the other end of the room he has his desk, with his tv & Computer on.
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
New Items For Ebay.

Well I finally finished the Vegetable boards around 11.45pm last night & I've put them straight on EBay, this morning. These are the finished
articles. All the boards I make are totally individual, no two are ever the same.

I'm working on some smaller bits at the moment & hopefully they will be on later this week.
Been waiting for Screwfix to deliver today, but they haven't been yet. Ben came down to Town with me today to post some parcels, while Harry stayed here with his Dad.
Spoke to our friend Helen today, who we used to live next door to, to find out how their move is going. Hopefully it should all be settled by the end of this month. Good Luck in your New Home...

The other news is looks like I'm going to lose some major money on Sheamus! Got no rider to bring him back into work, and he does need work, so will have to take what I can get for him, could really use the money at the moment, still got loads to do on the house.It really sticks in my throat, as the girl that was going to do it has let us down, but there's nothing I can do about it. Just wish she'd said at the start when I wanted him to go.

Monday, 13 August 2007
Catch Up
Sorry been off line for the last couple of days been engrossed in making miniatures! So far made cabbages, peas in the pod (fiddly little blighters), mushrooms, runner beans. I've also made some little boards containing potatoes being peeled and all the peelings with a small vegetable knife & a few other bits.
Harry had his riding lesson yesterday & his friend Tom came back to ours & stayed the night and all day today, not that I've seen much of them only when they were fed or thirsty. Been watching DVDs & playing on the PlayStation. I told them they needed to go out & get some fresh air & Harry's reply was "its OK Mum we've opened the window".
Ben's been doing his own thing either watching TV or in his room on the computer, listening to music or on the phone. Hi Katie if your reading this.
Off now to go finish up these miniatures & hopefully get them listed on EBay tomorrow...
Harry had his riding lesson yesterday & his friend Tom came back to ours & stayed the night and all day today, not that I've seen much of them only when they were fed or thirsty. Been watching DVDs & playing on the PlayStation. I told them they needed to go out & get some fresh air & Harry's reply was "its OK Mum we've opened the window".
Ben's been doing his own thing either watching TV or in his room on the computer, listening to music or on the phone. Hi Katie if your reading this.
Off now to go finish up these miniatures & hopefully get them listed on EBay tomorrow...
Friday, 10 August 2007
Mini Cabbages

Thursday we went to Cardigan so that I could get some shopping at Tesco (Wish they had an Asda up here) & took Ben to get his piercings. Rather him then me, he's been on at me for ages to let him have them done & I agreed as long as he took care & cleaned them thoroughly. I paid for them for him as part of his Birthday present. He had one through the top of his ear and another just under his lip.. He took these pictures with his web cam. In the bottom picture he's pushing the stud out with his tongue from inside his lip, its not swelling. It will take approx 4 to 6 weeks for them to heal... I checked the place out before I let him have them done & wanted to see all the equipment & make sure everything was clean and sterile, don't want him getting an infection.

This morning Derek the plumber came to move the gas pipe for us. So the cooker is now in and back further against the wall & its working.. And guess what the first thing we cooked in it?
Miniature Cabbages, that I've been working on today. Want to do some of my miniature Vegetable boards & try them out on Ebay. Sold some more items today & I've got repeat bidders coming back for more. So I must be doing something right.
Spent last night going through some boxes from the garage as I was looking for some of my cutters & what did I come across MICE, they have been in the boxes & eaten loads of my miniature food, just left the plates licked clean & some crumbs. Lucky for me my expensive stuff from the fairs was double wrapped and sealed, so they didn't get their grubby little paws on them... Had to chuck out loads of stuff though cause it was covered with mouse wee & pooh & stank to high heaven. The bin men must have loved me today.
Wednesday, 8 August 2007
Another Rosette!
Was up early this morning & on the road by 7am. Did the Nevern show today with Cravat. We were in the ring at 9.30am with the Standard's today, no Miniature Classes. I didn't cock up today & felt more in control of what I was doing! Got 4th again, but pleased with that considering what I was up against. Got back about 12.30 & gave Cravat a nice bowl of food & lots of kisses for being such a good boy.....
Just had a lovely email from a lady called Judy who lives in Canada and who has brought some miniatures from me via Ebay. She was really pleased with them & has asked if I could make some bits for a Mouldy Old Kitchen, that she's making. Emailed her back & said I'd have a go. I'm so used to making everything pristine, but it sounds like fun. I've had a flash of ideas, just have to put them down on paper so I don't forget.
Just had a lovely email from a lady called Judy who lives in Canada and who has brought some miniatures from me via Ebay. She was really pleased with them & has asked if I could make some bits for a Mouldy Old Kitchen, that she's making. Emailed her back & said I'd have a go. I'm so used to making everything pristine, but it sounds like fun. I've had a flash of ideas, just have to put them down on paper so I don't forget.
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Catch Up...
Sunday Harry went to a Paintball Party at Cenarth for his friend Calder, then they all went back to Calders for a Barbecue. We went to pick him & his other friend Toby up at 8pm and ended up bringing Calder back to ours to stay the night. Popped in to see Sadie, when we dropped Toby off and got totally covered in kisses by their Huskies. (Sorry Mick you can't have one).
Monday spent the day doing washing and listing some more miniatures on Ebay. Wall cabinets started to go up in the kitchen & the extractor fan is on the wall. Derek the plumber rang and he is coming sometime this week to move the gas point over for the cooker.
Diane rang last night and said she has a problem with Sheamus, first off Sophie's mum doesn't want her riding him and I don't blame her & secondly Sheamus has been kicking the hell out of Diane's youngsters. So looks like he's coming back here again!
Rang Karen this morning to see if she still wanted him on loan, but due to unforeseen circumstances she can't take him either.
Today I've bathed Cravat and got him shining for tomorrow. Its an early start in the morning, I've got to leave here no later then 7am. Ken brought me up a fresh caught lobster and I'm off to eat it now.!!
Monday spent the day doing washing and listing some more miniatures on Ebay. Wall cabinets started to go up in the kitchen & the extractor fan is on the wall. Derek the plumber rang and he is coming sometime this week to move the gas point over for the cooker.
Diane rang last night and said she has a problem with Sheamus, first off Sophie's mum doesn't want her riding him and I don't blame her & secondly Sheamus has been kicking the hell out of Diane's youngsters. So looks like he's coming back here again!
Rang Karen this morning to see if she still wanted him on loan, but due to unforeseen circumstances she can't take him either.
Today I've bathed Cravat and got him shining for tomorrow. Its an early start in the morning, I've got to leave here no later then 7am. Ken brought me up a fresh caught lobster and I'm off to eat it now.!!
Saturday, 4 August 2007
Shower Room & Kitchen
Spoke to our friend Val last night to see how her Mum Peggy was. She's recently come out of hospital. Val said that she's doing ok and currently staying with her sister Pauline. Hope your soon be fit & well again Peggy.
Our Kitchen is coming along and most of the base units are in now. Got to get the plumber back as the gas pipe needs moving about 2 inches so we can push the new cooker right back against the wall.
Still loads of painting to do, but the beams look so much better painted in the ivory colour instead of the black.
Once all cupboards are up on the wall & the doors are on the base units, I'll start emptying out the old units on the other side of the kitchen & we can finally take them out.
We are going to move them down to the workshop for storage. Waste not, want not.

Then we will start on the back kitchen, which you can just see through the open stable door. The ceiling in that room needs to be replastered & that can't be done till the units are out.
I've also included some pictures of the downstairs shower room, so you can see how it turned out. This room was totally gutted. I've kept to the same tiles on the walls & floor as the upstairs bathroom. So much easier to clean, but I have to say the Tiler wasn't impressed when he had to cut them. We had to hire in an industrial cutter as they are porcelain and a normal tile cutter can't get through them. I love the shower room now, where as before it was like a dirty, dank, smelly cave, plus the boiler was housed over the sink. It was an accident waiting to happen. Every time you bent over to clean your teeth, you had to watch you didn't knock yourself out as you straightened up.

Friday, 3 August 2007

Was up early this morning. Went into Emlyn to get our fruit & vegetables from the market. Posted some parcels at the post office & then into Carmarthen Farmers to get a sack of Rabbit food, Cat food & some shavings for the stables.
Came home to start getting the hay in. We finally finished about 4pm & we are all totally shattered. I think we will all be having an early night tonight. Moved approximately 350 bales & stacked them in the barn. Its stuffed to the rafters. We were so lucky, literally as we finished it started to rain.
I've listed some more miniatures on Ebay this evening & have already had emails about them, so hopefully this lot will sell as well as the last lot.

Thursday, 2 August 2007
Making Hay!
Mark came to turn the Hay again this morning and said they would be baling this afternoon. Went out quick to post some parcels & get some shopping. Decided we'd eat early as once we start bringing in the Hay the time flies.
Spent a couple of hours this afternoon reading the new Harry Potter to Mick & the boys, while we were waiting for Mark to turn up.
Mark & Tony then arrived and Tony put the Hay into lines and Mark followed him to Bale. We then followed in the Jeep with the trailer hitched up to start bringing the Hay in. Its a mammoth job & I'm not too sure whether its all going to go in the barn!
The boys enjoy riding in the trailer & loading it but not lifting the bales as they are really heavy. I don't know what we'd do without Ben helping, hes so strong & can lift the bales that I can't. We started to put the hay in the barn tonight and did two loads. God knows how long its going to take us tomorrow to get the rest in, but get it in we must as the weather is about to turn again and we can't afford for it to get wet. By the time we've finished I'll have muscles like Arnie! So much for me resting my back....
Spent a couple of hours this afternoon reading the new Harry Potter to Mick & the boys, while we were waiting for Mark to turn up.
Mark & Tony then arrived and Tony put the Hay into lines and Mark followed him to Bale. We then followed in the Jeep with the trailer hitched up to start bringing the Hay in. Its a mammoth job & I'm not too sure whether its all going to go in the barn!
The boys enjoy riding in the trailer & loading it but not lifting the bales as they are really heavy. I don't know what we'd do without Ben helping, hes so strong & can lift the bales that I can't. We started to put the hay in the barn tonight and did two loads. God knows how long its going to take us tomorrow to get the rest in, but get it in we must as the weather is about to turn again and we can't afford for it to get wet. By the time we've finished I'll have muscles like Arnie! So much for me resting my back....
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Cardigan Show Today.

Got to the show about 11am after checking on Diane's foals for her. We pulled into the show ground and Mick noticed smoke coming from the engine of the Jeep! Looks like we have a leak in the radiator, rang our friend Jayne who I knew was coming and asked her to pop in a garage and get us some rad-sill. Which she did cause I was getting worried that we wouldn't be able to get home! Thanks Jayne you were a life saver.
Diane was first up out of my friends and she won her class, well done Di.
Lisa, Karen's Daughter was in quite a few classes, but she'd already gained 2ND place in one, before we got there. Well done Lisa, you looked amazing in your Welsh Tartan. (Is Buffy having Cravat's Baby?) Only joking Lisa. Lisa was a Gem today and helped me get Cravat ready for the show ring.
Tash (The Boot Sale Queen) turned up with Lewis & Tyler, and she met us at the trailer. Jayne turned up just before we were to show and it was lovely for me to have the support of my friends there today. Thanks Girls, it meant a lot to me.
It was then my turn for the show ring and I went in with Karen, Lisa's Mum.
I totally cocked up in one bit and followed Karen round when I should have waited, but there you go we all learn by our mistakes. Apologised to the Judge when she called us out and explained it was my very first time in the ring & she was OK and told me not to worry. Cravat was a total little Gentleman & I'm so proud of him. He got lots of kisses when we got home. So your all waiting to know was we placed? Yes we got 4Th place & our very first Rosette. Karen won 1st the class and then went on to win the Championship, many congratulations Karen. See you at Nevern next week
! Lets hope I don't cock up there.....

And yes my Pony has got his tonka out in this picture, but after all he is a Stallion.....
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