Friday 31 July 2009

Gifts From Tabitha & Susanna

First off I must apologise for not posting the gift from Tabitha over at Tabitha Corsica sooner.
I did email Tabitha as soon as I received it but forgot to post it on my blog.
Tabitha very kindly sent me some Chenille and some tiny little Skull beads. Tabitha made a brilliant Candelabra on her blog with these beads. Go over and take a peek.
This morning I received another little parcel from Susanna over at Elamaa Koossa 1:12. It was so beautifully wrapped, inside the envelope was three little parcels. Inside the parcels Susanna had made me a lovely little display of Toadstools with the tiniest Snail, that has already taken up residence in Diagon Alley. There was also some Snake Skins, Sweets and Lollipops for "Honeydukes" and some really cool shaped Lichen.
Thank you both so much Ladies and as soon as I'm back making Miniatures, I'll be popping something in the post for you both..x

Thursday 30 July 2009

Naughty Knight.....

Did the title grab your attention?

I promised to show you mine and Mick's outfits for the Medieval Day..
Now I was looking at wearing one of the wonderful Medieval Dresses, befitting a Lady, but having thought long and hard, I decided that as we will be working around Horse's all day it could be a bit dangerous. Knowing my luck a Horse would tread on it and I'd go arse over tit! LOL Definitely not befitting a Lady..
So we are both going as Knights and have both got the same costume. I got them from Ebay from a lovely Lady called Amanda, if you click on her name it will take you over to her listings. We are both thrilled to bits with them. The material on the arms and head piece looks like chain mail. The Crowns came with the Outfits as well. We just need to get a couple of swords now and wear black trousers underneath with black boots.
Mick tried his on first and couldn't resist messing about in it, hence the title Naughty Knight. Mind you I love the bottom photograph I think the outfit really suits him.. I on the other hand look like a petrified Rabbit caught in the headlights...LOL

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Props For The Medieval Day..

Gosh two postings in one day...
We've just been up to the Riding School to drop Harry and some Raffle Prizes off and I remembered to take my camera.
The first photograph is of the shields that I've been cutting out for weeks, with their base coats, there's a big box of them as well, which you can't see.
The second photograph is of Ebony, she is the Horse that Harry rides and will be riding on the day. I only noticed while taking her photo that her white bit on her face looks like a shield. Donna said I'm seeing shields everywhere!..
The next photo is of the jump that we painted yesterday, the piece laying on the floor, fits across the middle, so that it can be made higher or lowered. Just need to paint the brick work in now. The next photo is of more shields with crossed swords, this is also another jump.
Then we have the stocks, the holes have been lined with pipe insulation, so that no one gets splinters in their necks. The last three photographs show the Guillotine, Harry agreed to model it for us. Well its one why to hold him down and cut his hair..LOL
Our Post Lady has been and mine and Mick's outfits have arrived.. I'll get modelling and show you later...

Medieval & Family Update..

The weather was appalling here yesterday, it tipped down all day. But we managed to get loads done at the Riding centre. We had such a laugh. Harry, Donna and I painted the jumps that John has built for the displays. We also put a different colour base coats on the shield's that I've been busy cutting out, ready for the children to paint them next week. We laid out loads of dust sheets on the floor of a stable and ended up working in there.
One of the other Mum's also named Debbie is a fabulous Artist and she is painting some full size Knights and other bits to go around the place. She also has a blog and a website.
John and Mick went to the local wood yard to pick up loads of wood that they'd donated and together they built a Portcullis to go over the entrance gate and a Guillotine. Both look brilliant. I think we are all just as excited as the kids.
Unfortunately, I didn't take my camera, but I'll try and remember next week.
Donna has managed to get some wonderful donated Raffle Prizes, one of which is a weekend break at a Hotel.
I'm also trying to sort out everything for Mick and Ben's joint birthday Party the following week! I definitely need my head tested..! LOL
Mick is going to be 40 on 21st August and Ben will be 18 on the 17th September, so they decided to have a joint Party on the 22nd August. Ben's friends are all going to camp out in the garden and little paddock. So hoping that we have good weather or I could end up with a mini Glastonbury. We also have friends and family coming up from London. Plus we also have some more Horse shows to do in between, Oh and did I mention I've got to finish the Kitchen. I've got so much to do and so little time left. I could do with one of those time turner's that Hermione used.. x

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Medieval Fun Day...

Today we are going up to the riding centre to paint some jumps that John has built in the shape of Castles and to build some more props for the Medieval Fun Day.
I've ordered mine and Mick's outfits, which hopefully will be here by the end of the week. I'll post pictures when we get them.
The local shops are helping out as well by donating gifts for Prizes and putting posters up in their windows and the local wood yard is donating wood for the props.
Next week I'm up there again with all the shields I've made ready for the children to paint them...

Saturday 25 July 2009

We Have A Visitor..

We have a visitor of the four legged kind.
This is Peggy Sue, she belongs to our friends who are moving to Wales shortly.
Peggy was born with a large birthmark on her left hand side and no one wanted her, except for our friend Frank. She can be ridden as the birthmark, does not affect her at all. She arrived yesterday and has already made herself quite at home, and seems to be totally intrigued with our little ones.
She's 16 years old is a lovely gentle lady.


I'd like to say a big Welcome to some more followers they are:-
Hanh who unfortunately I can't find a blog for, but is following lots of Mini Blogs.
Stephanie Kilgast, who I first met over on CDHM. Stephanie creates the most wonderful Food Miniatures, her blog is called PetitPlat and she also has an Etsy Shop of the same name.
Crea8 of Tiny Crafts, this blog is filled to the brim with "How To's", and loads of links to other sites of interest.
Le Bohrer who's blog is called Bonecas De Marion, she also has a Flickr album filled with wonderful miniatures.
Kayjay who again I can't find a blog for, but is following a few Mini Blogs.
And last but not least is Ascension who's blog is called Mis Miniaturas. This blog is filled with Mini's. Just have a look at the wonderful Christening Set, it's beautiful.

Tuesday 21 July 2009

****Nikki Update****

Hi its Debbie again.
Just to let everyone know that Nikki is now back indoors with Michael after spending most of the afternoon and evening in A & E.. Michael is feeling better now, but will be going back to hospital for more tests next week, as he is suffering chest pains and the Consultant thinks that he may have Angina.
Nikki and Michael thank everyone for their concern and best wishes. As you can understand Nikki may not be around for a few days....

Nikki Sends Her Apologies.

Nikki has asked me to apologise on her behalf, that she won't be listing anything on her Etsy today and she wanted you all to know that she's sorry for letting everyone down.
Unfortunately, Nikki's husband Michael is not very well. Nikki rang me on the way to the Hospital to let me know and asked me to write this post on her blog for her.
I'm sure you can all understand that her priority at the moment is her family.
If I hear any further news, I will update both blogs later.
Hoping all is well Nikki, sending you all our Love...xx

Monday 20 July 2009

Welcome To Diagon Alley - Professor Snape

Can you cast your minds back to when I went to Miniaturia with Nikki?
And I said that I had commissioned a Doll from Judith Laird at Crumpled & Rumpled, but wouldn't say what it was?
Well Ladies and Gents I'd like to introduce you to Professor Severus Snape who is now busy browsing in Diagon Alley.
If you click on the photo's they will pop up bigger.

Sunday 19 July 2009

I'm Still Here...

Thanks to those of you that have emailed to make sure I'm OK. I am, Thank you for your concern, just been really busy as normal.
For the last couple of days I've been working on our real life Kitchen. I've been up the ladder painting beams and walls. Quite a major feat let me tell you. Our Kitchen was originally an outbuilding which is now attached to the house and is approximately 24ft long by 14ft wide and 15ft in height. If you read back in my blog, your know all the problems we had with damp, having to have all the new plaster knocked off, re-rendering, re-plastering, digging a trench right round the kitchen to stop the moisture getting in. Well it finally looks like we've solved all the problems, so I took it upon myself to give the whole Kitchen a flipping good scrub to get the mold off the walls and started repainting yesterday and finally finished it this afternoon. I'll take some more pictures to show you tomorrow, blinking batteries ran out on the Camera!
Just got to put up the other lot of lights on the beams, get the pictures up and then maybe I might spend a bit more time in there.. Well I think the Men in my life wish I would..LOL


Monday 13 July 2009

Thank You Jodi...- I'm A Witch...

A really big Thank You to Dear Jodi over at Creager Studio's.
Jodi said she'd make me into a Witch if I sent her a couple of pictures. So I did and this is the result. When I opened the email's I could not stop laughing. Aren't they brilliant.
I'm going to have to do a scrapbook page for my album of these.
I emailed Jodi to thank her and said I think I must have been a Witch in a previous life as the outfits seem to suit me... LOL..

What one's your favourite?


OK so lots of you have asked on the comments which is my favourite well I do really like a few.
I like the second one from the bottom it looks aged and I love the fur collar and then the First, Second and Fourth from the top.
Thanks again Jodi the boys said in the top ones, it looks like I'm wearing Professor McGonagall's Hat.. LOL..

Sunday 12 July 2009

Bella Sinclair Award..

I've been given this award by Bobbi over at The Bead Goes On.
This award was designed by Ces for her friend Bella. Please visit Ces's Blog to read the story behind this award.
To view Bella's blog please click on her name.

Ces wrote:- I designed this award to celebrate art in the blogs and to honour the value of friendship, sisterhood, sharing and caring. It is to be awarded to the gifted , accomplished, eloquent and talented blogger, whose friendship and influence inspire us to do our best. That I named it after Bella Sinclair is because she epitomises all of these things.

So in the Spirit of why this award was given I pass this on to:-

Dear Rosanna at La Sanza Di Giuggiol, for her artistry in Needlework and her friendship.
Mercedes at Liberty Biberty, another dear friend who makes the most wonderful miniatures. As Mercedes says Just doing what I can with what I have.
Sabiha at Sabs Mini Interiors another friend made in the blogging world who makes beautiful miniatures.
Nikki at Witch & Wizard Miniatures, who again is a dear friend, who is very talented and creative
and I love our very long telephone conversations, where we bounce ideas off of each other and keep up with each others family news.
Debie at Piskies & Poppets another friend made through our love of Miniatures. Debie sculpts the most wonderful characters.
Casey at Casey's Minis, for her friendship and wonderful blog, that keeps lots of us amused every day, with the antics of her little Witch "Tessie" and for sharing all her wonderful ideas and tutorials with us.
Christine over at DandelionFair Dollhouse, who is amazingly talented and sculpts the most tiniest wooden animals and Flower girls..
Mary at Miz Mary's Minis, who again is a very talented Miniaturist and her posts about the Magical World always bring a smile to my face.
Katie over at Katie's Clay Corner, another friend made via the blogging world. Katie seems to be able to make something out of nothing and I really enjoy reading her blog. She is also a very talented miniaturist.
Marsha at Sassy Mini Dolls, another great friend who by the way loves PINK and makes the most wonderful Sassy Dolls.
Tabitha at Tabitha Corsica, yet another friend made through the wonderful world of the blogosphere. Tabitha always has something wonderful to share.
Jodi over at Creager studies who I first met over at CDHM. Jodi and her husband are true Artisan's. I love reading her blog and drooling over their wonderful sculpts.

Ladies please accept this award, read the story behind it and pass it on.

Saturday 11 July 2009

Beware The Death Eater..

My friend Kat started this over on her blog. Then Nikki had a go, then Debie and Mary and not to fill left out, I've done it as well. Stuck my face in the Daily Prophet. To see the girls photo's just click on their names to be taken over to their blogs. To have a go yourself just go to this link Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince. We've just watched the documentry called Behind The Magic on ITV about the making of the film. I can't wait to go and see it, it looks amazing.

We've been to another Horse Show today, for the results please pop over to Hericus Blog.

When we got back today, I went out to get the post and there was a parcel from Kat in the post box. Look what she sent me. Lots of bits and pieces for Diagon Alley and my Witches Hat shop, when I finally get it built!!! I'm totally in Love with the Witches hat isn't it beautiful. This is the side view, at the front it has a lovely black beaded buckle. Thank you so much for your kindness Kat. I really appreciate it.. xxxx

Thursday 9 July 2009


A very big welcome to another seven followers, they are:-
Tink who's blog is called Mini Tink, just go and have a look at the beautiful Wood Chalet, its wonderful.
Sheila who's blog is called Prim Dolly. Sheila sculpts the most amazing little Witches.
Pilar who's blog is called Las Minis de Pilar. Pilar's blog is filled with some fabulous miniatures.
Anama who's blog is called Anama Vesi, just take a look at the lovely little books and the office room box.
Karin now there's no blog coming up on her profile on blogger, but I think it's Karin Corbin who's blog is called Karin Corbin Miniatures. If I'm wrong I apologise. Karin makes the most wonderful miniature buildings..
Bobbi who's blog is called The Bead Goes On.. Bobbi makes beautiful beaded items and she's just got the cutest little Kitten.
And last but not least is Janne from Janne Fra Landet. Janne is very new to the blogging world and has only been posting over the last month, but already she's shared lots of Miniatures.
As always please go over and say Hi...

On the home front, first I'd like to apologise to everyone who pops in everyday for a daily dose of Tiny Treasures. Real life has sort of got in the way of my Miniatures at the moment. I just haven't had the time to work on anything and what with the Internet Saga, well need I say more?. I'm trying to keep up with everyone else's blogs, again when the Internet lets me, still waiting for the new Router! I have however, been adding new links over on Tiny Treasures Mini Links page, again when I've got a connection. There's lots of new links to blogs over there.
Still no movement with the other Ponies, which is now a saga all by itself, if something doesn't happen soon I think they will explode.
Ben is staying over at Lampeter University for a couple of days with his class, they are working on their Welsh Baccalaureate. Harry got his end of year report yesterday and we are really pleased with how he's progressing, he's settled down and there is a marked improvement on his grades. Well Done Harry, we are really proud of you and all the hard work you've put in this year. xxx
Our Friends are hopefully exchanging contracts to their new home on the 25Th July and will soon be living just five minutes down the road. We are having their Horse Peggy here until they get things sorted at the new place.
And that folks is just about it, off out now for some food shopping.. xxx

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Wonderful Surprise

I had a wonderful surprise in the post all the way from New Zealand. Mercedes from Liberty Biberty, sent me a Surprise package. Nestled inside was a couple of little gift bags, sealed with the most tiniest Liberty Biberty stickers. (How did you make those Mercedes?)
Mercedes had included a card with Surprise written across the envelope and when I opened it she'd written. "Dear Debbie, here's something to play with while you're waiting for the foals to arrive. Although they'll probably all have been born by the time you get this! Have Fun! Mercedes"...
On opening the first little bag I found some tiny little bird houses, these will be going into Eeylops Owl Emporium once I start getting it sorted. Then I opened the other little bag and inside are some wonderful little canisters with Potion Labels. I'm thrilled to bits with them. I've already popped them on the shelves in the Apothecary, don't they look great. There was also a two tiny wooden boats, I'm saving these for either my Dolls House or my Mum's Dolls House when I finally get them indoors and unpacked.
Thank you so much Mercedes, your wonderful surprise really brightened my day...xxxx