Thursday 9 July 2009


A very big welcome to another seven followers, they are:-
Tink who's blog is called Mini Tink, just go and have a look at the beautiful Wood Chalet, its wonderful.
Sheila who's blog is called Prim Dolly. Sheila sculpts the most amazing little Witches.
Pilar who's blog is called Las Minis de Pilar. Pilar's blog is filled with some fabulous miniatures.
Anama who's blog is called Anama Vesi, just take a look at the lovely little books and the office room box.
Karin now there's no blog coming up on her profile on blogger, but I think it's Karin Corbin who's blog is called Karin Corbin Miniatures. If I'm wrong I apologise. Karin makes the most wonderful miniature buildings..
Bobbi who's blog is called The Bead Goes On.. Bobbi makes beautiful beaded items and she's just got the cutest little Kitten.
And last but not least is Janne from Janne Fra Landet. Janne is very new to the blogging world and has only been posting over the last month, but already she's shared lots of Miniatures.
As always please go over and say Hi...

On the home front, first I'd like to apologise to everyone who pops in everyday for a daily dose of Tiny Treasures. Real life has sort of got in the way of my Miniatures at the moment. I just haven't had the time to work on anything and what with the Internet Saga, well need I say more?. I'm trying to keep up with everyone else's blogs, again when the Internet lets me, still waiting for the new Router! I have however, been adding new links over on Tiny Treasures Mini Links page, again when I've got a connection. There's lots of new links to blogs over there.
Still no movement with the other Ponies, which is now a saga all by itself, if something doesn't happen soon I think they will explode.
Ben is staying over at Lampeter University for a couple of days with his class, they are working on their Welsh Baccalaureate. Harry got his end of year report yesterday and we are really pleased with how he's progressing, he's settled down and there is a marked improvement on his grades. Well Done Harry, we are really proud of you and all the hard work you've put in this year. xxx
Our Friends are hopefully exchanging contracts to their new home on the 25Th July and will soon be living just five minutes down the road. We are having their Horse Peggy here until they get things sorted at the new place.
And that folks is just about it, off out now for some food shopping.. xxx


  1. Always nice to hear from you.
    Big hugs to you all and big congrats to Harry for his results.Might be a pin the idea to make the mares explode? just like two BIG ballons. Have a nice day Rosanna

  2. Thank you very much for the welcome, Debbie. I like your minis and your blog so much. See you, Pilar

  3. Hi Debbie, thanks so much for the wonderful welcome! That was so kind of you! I really love your blog and I'm looking forward to getting to know you better! Hope that you have a wonderful day!

  4. Yes it was me, I just had to fix a problem with the link. Thanks for catching that. I enjoy your blog and the comments you leave on mine.

  5. Hi Debbie, thanks so much again for the warm welcome today! If you would be so kind to stop over at my blog, I have something for you. Have a great rest of your evening.
