Saturday 11 July 2009

Beware The Death Eater..

My friend Kat started this over on her blog. Then Nikki had a go, then Debie and Mary and not to fill left out, I've done it as well. Stuck my face in the Daily Prophet. To see the girls photo's just click on their names to be taken over to their blogs. To have a go yourself just go to this link Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince. We've just watched the documentry called Behind The Magic on ITV about the making of the film. I can't wait to go and see it, it looks amazing.

We've been to another Horse Show today, for the results please pop over to Hericus Blog.

When we got back today, I went out to get the post and there was a parcel from Kat in the post box. Look what she sent me. Lots of bits and pieces for Diagon Alley and my Witches Hat shop, when I finally get it built!!! I'm totally in Love with the Witches hat isn't it beautiful. This is the side view, at the front it has a lovely black beaded buckle. Thank you so much for your kindness Kat. I really appreciate it.. xxxx


  1. You look fab with all that swirly fog. Turns out there are more Death Eaters in the world that I initially Dumbledore would say, "These are dark times, Harry..."

  2. Ahhhhh I see you have joined the cause. The Dark Lord will be pleased. Or will he?........

    Ahhh and such lovely goodies from Kat. Blogland generosity is wonderful
    Debie xxxxxxx

  3. Glad you liked the bits and Bobs.Thought you deserved a little present :-).
    See Nikki is in the Prophet and said on her blog page that I think we are distant Witch Cousins. But now seeing yours we must all be Witch cousins ha ha ha! We do make a coven of good looking witches ha ha! :-D

  4. hahaha....debbie..
    you look very shocked..LOL..
    and what a lucy girl you are
    with such beautiful gifts
    hugs x marja

  5. Lol... good fun isnt it!
    Lovely gifts from Kat too!
