Sunday 12 July 2009

Bella Sinclair Award..

I've been given this award by Bobbi over at The Bead Goes On.
This award was designed by Ces for her friend Bella. Please visit Ces's Blog to read the story behind this award.
To view Bella's blog please click on her name.

Ces wrote:- I designed this award to celebrate art in the blogs and to honour the value of friendship, sisterhood, sharing and caring. It is to be awarded to the gifted , accomplished, eloquent and talented blogger, whose friendship and influence inspire us to do our best. That I named it after Bella Sinclair is because she epitomises all of these things.

So in the Spirit of why this award was given I pass this on to:-

Dear Rosanna at La Sanza Di Giuggiol, for her artistry in Needlework and her friendship.
Mercedes at Liberty Biberty, another dear friend who makes the most wonderful miniatures. As Mercedes says Just doing what I can with what I have.
Sabiha at Sabs Mini Interiors another friend made in the blogging world who makes beautiful miniatures.
Nikki at Witch & Wizard Miniatures, who again is a dear friend, who is very talented and creative
and I love our very long telephone conversations, where we bounce ideas off of each other and keep up with each others family news.
Debie at Piskies & Poppets another friend made through our love of Miniatures. Debie sculpts the most wonderful characters.
Casey at Casey's Minis, for her friendship and wonderful blog, that keeps lots of us amused every day, with the antics of her little Witch "Tessie" and for sharing all her wonderful ideas and tutorials with us.
Christine over at DandelionFair Dollhouse, who is amazingly talented and sculpts the most tiniest wooden animals and Flower girls..
Mary at Miz Mary's Minis, who again is a very talented Miniaturist and her posts about the Magical World always bring a smile to my face.
Katie over at Katie's Clay Corner, another friend made via the blogging world. Katie seems to be able to make something out of nothing and I really enjoy reading her blog. She is also a very talented miniaturist.
Marsha at Sassy Mini Dolls, another great friend who by the way loves PINK and makes the most wonderful Sassy Dolls.
Tabitha at Tabitha Corsica, yet another friend made through the wonderful world of the blogosphere. Tabitha always has something wonderful to share.
Jodi over at Creager studies who I first met over at CDHM. Jodi and her husband are true Artisan's. I love reading her blog and drooling over their wonderful sculpts.

Ladies please accept this award, read the story behind it and pass it on.


  1. Thank you dearest, I shall very gladly accept it.I have little time now but Ill pass it over as soon as I can. Big hugs to you all

  2. Bless you Debbie. Coming to blog land was one of the best things I have ever done. Thank you so much.
    Mini and Large Hugs
    Debie xxxxxxx

  3. Thank you, Debbie. I have just come back from Ces' and Bella's blogs. What a special friendship they have. I am honored to be among those to whom you have passed this award. I am new here and sometimes get put off the whole thing because of various computer "glitches" and the obligations of work and home. But I find that some of my best friends are my virtual ones. And I've always found that miniature people are the nicest folks around.


  4. Thank you so very much, Debbie. i am truly honored to receive such a beautiful award. I will be posting it on my blog soon. Hugs Marsha

  5. Dear Debbie, thank you bunches for this lovely award. I love the feelings behind it. Between family and personal obligations I don't get to blog or work on minis as much as I'd like to, so it's a real great honor that you thought of me.



  6. Debbie you really do earn a lot of awards as you are a friend to so many. I have awarded you another one on my blog as I feel you are very deserving of it.

  7. Thank you Debbie, it is an honour to be accepting this award from you. Party preparations are well underway here (doing what I can with what I have! LOL!)but I'll try to pass the award on when it's all over!

  8. Wow,thank you Debbie for this beautiful award,friendship meens a lot for me,and I'm honored to be your friend!!!

    Big X, Sabiha

  9. Thank you so much Debbie!

  10. Dear Debbie, this award is waiting for you at my blog! i'll be glad if you would accept it!
